Chroma's Terraria Shenanigans @chromas-terraria-shenanigans - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)



Jun 9

Since my last post, my wrist still hasn't gotten better, but it's also not getting worse, at least. I'm thinking about trying to play with a controller so I can continue my Expert adventure.

#can confirm playing games with a controller doesnt aggravate my wrist#if i remember to take breaks more often


Mar 26

Well, I was HOPING to come back around this time, if not sooner, but my wrist has gotten a little bit worse since my last post ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ

#this has been an issue since march 2023 btw#ive had several appointments since then and they haven't been able to figure out whats wrong#they even suggested physical therapy but i don't see how that will help my wrist at all#personally i think theres a fracture in my wrist that never healed properly but they just wont listen to my opinion ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ


Mar 14

I'm gonna take a short break. My left wrist is acting up AGAIN, and I also reeeeeally want to do some things that I have been putting off due to me being a little too obsessed with Expert mode ๐Ÿ˜…

#taking a break


Mar 10

I spent most of the day working on my base, fishing, and spelunking in the Hallowed Tundra Caverns. I managed to get quite a few items I have been wanting, notably the Unicorn and Rainbow Slime banners and a Rod of Discord.

Btw, the base in the ice caverns isn't new. It was meant to be a crystal farm, but I built it a bit too high, so I had to put the farm under the base (no screenshot of the farm itself because it's actually looks pretty boring). It still makes collecting crystals a bit easier, so I'm keeping it as it is for now, but I do want to redesign it at some point.

Oh yeah, I also got killed by a Rune Wizard... by landing right on top of him ๐Ÿ˜… He stopped attacking for a moment and I couldn't see him, so I thought I killed him.

(Btw he stole my soul...)

That's what I get for killing Tim, I suppose ๐Ÿคฃ

#screenshots#terraria#expert world


Mar 9

I went back to "My first world" for more decorations and furniture for my Expert base, as well as a better Light pet and a few extra things for later, when I noticed I had this...

Since I'm struggling with the mechanical bosses, I decided to, er, "borrow" it to see if I can defeat at least one of them with it. I can't try it on any of them yet because it's about to be Day and my Enchanted Moondial isn't ready to be used again, but I did use it to slay this Hallowed Mimic that nearly gave me a heart attack because I didn't see it until AFTER I landed just above it.


#screenshot#terraria#im totally not stealing my own stuff ๐Ÿคฃ#btw i have poor vision so chances are i would have not seen the mimic at all if i still had my shadow orb equipped

I finally managed to get a Daedalus Stormbow, which I used to defeat Queen Slime. I also found out that the Corruption that the Wall of Flesh created can't spread any farther on its own, so I don't have to worry about it at all.

And today I went to "My first world" to revisit my very first town:

I'm never deleting this world. Too many amazing memories of my first playthrough...

I also borrowed a couple of items I currently cannot get in my Expert world to decorate my base with:

(Don't tell Chroma, but I also stole 2000+ rainbow blocks.)

I think I'm going to spend some time revamping and expanding the upper floors of my base before I attempt the Destroyer again. I have some new build ideas I want to experiment with!



Mar 7

Progress has slowed down once again. I finally crafted an Ankh Shield and got the Torch God's Favor, but aside from that I've mostly been upgrading my base and dealing with invasions.

(I'm also having a hard time getting Fireblossom seeds for some reason.)

Yes, I know two of the banners are for enemies that spawn exclusively in the underground Hallow. I have them displayed because I don't have the Unicorn and Rainbow Slime banners yet. Plus I like most of the Hallow enemies and may wind up attempting to collect their banners to display around my base.

And here's a few graves that I forgot to collect:

That last one somehow landed perfectly in the center of my pond. I'm keeping it there permanently ๐Ÿ˜€

I'm struggling with the bosses more than I was expecting, but mostly because I somehow keep zooming out far enough to activate the map and/or somehow accidentally tapping the mount button during the battles. Darn you, touch screen ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ If this version of the game is compatible with bluetooth controllers I might wind up using one.

#screenshots#terraria#expert world#despite the struggles I really am enjoying expert mode


Mar 2

Since my last post, I've mostly just been fishing, mining, and upgrading a couple of my towns. I also unlocked a few more NPCs and updated my equipment.

(BTW Breadbuns is such an adorable name for this specific bunny ๐Ÿฅฐ)

I also somehow managed to prevent the second Crimson biome from spreading any farther:

I haven't challenged Queen Slime yet, as I've been trying to get Titanium armor before fighting her, which took far longer than I was expecting even though I smashed 20+ altars. Also, I got a comment (thank you very much, btw!) saying the Destroyer would be the best mechanical boss to take down first, so it's going to be my next target after I defeat Queen Slime and aquire a Daedalus Stormbow (which I'm not looking forward to because I got DESTROYED by the first Hallowed Mimic I found in this world despite having fought enough of them in my other worlds to have their attack patterns memorized ๐Ÿ˜…).

#screenshots#terraria#expert world#im still not 100% awake so i feel like im missing something#if anything comes to mind ill add it in a reblog


Feb 29

Sooooo I just found out Solar Eclipses don't happen until AFTER ONE OF THE MECHANICAL BOSSES HAS BEEN DEFEATED ๐Ÿ˜ญ

#terraria#derp moment#all that time i wasted waiting for an event i havent even unlocked yet ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Feb 28

I'm in love with the Otherworld soundtrack. I have my character laying in a bed to fast forward time until I get my first Solar Eclipse, and the music for the Hallow and when it's raining are so freaking beautiful.

Personally, I like the Jungle, Hallow, and normal and Tundra Underground tracks the most, but I think the entire soundtrack is amazing.

#music#terraria#otherworld#soundtrack#now if you will excuse me i have some stinkbugs to catch


Feb 28

Last night was rather eventful. I smashed six Crimson Altars, got attacked by the Twins, and had my first Pirate Invasion... that lasted much longer due to me not having better weapons yet (my Night's Edge has been doing a decent job protecting me when I need it, so I'm more focused on getting better armor first), and a Blood Moon occured while it was going on, but hey, I only died three times!

And today I had the message that I'm assuming means the Destroyer was about to attack twice in a row, but I'm not ready to fight it yet, so I went underground ASAP before it could spawn both times.

I've also been upgrading the base at world spawn and experimenting with actuators in front of my Wizard and Party Girl's doors to protect them from monsters that can open them. I had a Blood Moon just before making this post so I was able to test what I did so far, and it seems to be working how I expected it to.

(Last screenshot was taken before the two above it)

No Solar Eclipses yet, but that's probably a good thing right now.

#screenshots#terraria#expert world#i would have posted last night but i was too tired by the time i was done playing


Feb 27

I got lucky and had the Hallow generate on the side of the world with the jungle, between the tundra and large desert, so I don't have to worry about protecting my jungle. However, I completely forgot to quarantine the second Crimson biome, which is pretty close to the large desert, so I put some Hallow seeds nearby to convert the area with my desert town so I wouldn't have to worry about them.

This turned out to be extremely beneficial, as all of my small deserts are 100% corrupted already ๐Ÿ˜ญ

The WoF generated more Corruption on the other side. I never built anything on that side aside from a small beach town, but it is really close to my forest town, so just to be safe I converted it to Hallow, as well.

I also made a little fishing area under the town:

As for my world spawn, there was a small patch of Crimson that I missed, but it's not close enough to corrupt the area with my party girl and wizard, and doesn't seem like it can spread any farther.

(I kinda demolished most of the place as soon as the Demolishionist moved in just to protect my world spawn ๐Ÿ˜… On the bright side, I have a ton of stone to build with!)

I haven't smashed any altars yet, but I already managed to get a Mythril Anvil and Titanium Forge by fishing up a bunch of crates for the ores. Next time I play I will be smashing a few Crimson altars and challenging Queen Slime.

Bonus screenshots:

#screenshots#terraria#expert world#my recent shenanigans#i really like this secret world seed!#having both evil biomes is pretty neat#and the way the buildings in the underworld generated were pretty interesting#even better is my mom was born on may 16#not in 2020 of course but i still thought it was a neat coincidence#oh btw the house in the corruption was built for fun after i quarantined my forest town


Feb 26

I went ahead and took out the Wall of Flesh. This time I built a long bridge so I wouldn't have to worry about jumping over the terrain.

Now to see which side of the world the evil biome generated on...

#screenshot#terraria#expert world#the underworld


Feb 25

I made a lot more progress since my last post! I found an easy way to the Underworld from the Aether biome, so I've been going down there and exploring. I found some Meteorite bars in a few of the locked shadow chests, which was used to make better armor, finally got some better equipment, gave everything the best modifiers I could afford, defeated the rest of the pre-Hardmode bosses (all but Brain of Cthulhu took multiple attempts, especially Queen Bee), unlocked what I'm hoping is the last of the pre-Hardmode NPCs, and came up with a way to protect my forest town during Blood Moons and Goblin Invasions.

(Quick note: screenshots aren't in order and I don't feel like switching apps just to figure it out)

(Yes, I know monsters aren't affected by spikes. I put them there because 1) I thought they would look kind of cool, and 2) to prevent the monsters from jumping over the lava pits. Not like they could get in anyways, but I still prefer them falling into the lava, especially if I'm dealing with a Goblin Invasion.)

I wound up needing to use that one potion that creates a ring of fire around you to defeat Queen Bee, but it was my first time using that potion, and I thought it looked pretty neat:

I also went ahead and made a surface Glowing Mushroom biome so I wouldn't have to worry about it later:

Here's my current gear:

And as for this last screenshot... I ran out of gravity potions so I wound up using a ton of rope to get to a floating island I found above my jungle town ๐Ÿ˜…

It was annoying, but at least now I can get up there if I'm having a difficult time gathering the ingredients for more gravity potions. Not sure what I would want to be up there for other than collecting Harpy feathers, though.

The next thing I want to do is get the three trophies I'm missing, then after that I will attempt to fight the Wall of Flesh. I noticed my jungle is very close to an ocean, so I'm not too concerned about it getting infected right away. If anything, I think my tundra and desert towns are more likely to be affected (side note, all three are on the same side of the map), but the only way to know for sure is to kill the WoF. I just hope I get lucky enough for their side of the map to get Hallowed.

And to end this post, a death message that I thought was mildly amusing:

#screenshots#terraria#expert world#progress was made#im feeling pretty confident!


Feb 24


So I tried to play a bit yesterday to get some smaller things done in my Expert World, but I wound up playing until 5 AM this morning, and my wrist hates me now ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Anyways, I finally managed to max out both my health and mana, get a few more NPCs, locate the Aether biome, quarantine the Crimson that infected my world spawn, and managed to purify enough of it so I can have a better safe zone in case I accidentally remove my bed spawn point (that has happened way too often this playthrough ๐Ÿ˜…). I'm thinking about building another castle-style home there, with extra rooms to move any NPCs that may wind up homeless if an evil biome infects their town after defeating the WoF.

I also tried fighting King Slime and Queen Bee, but every attempt has ended poorly thus far. I also haven't found any floating islands yet, but I think there may be one above my desert town. I'm going to check after I post this.

And finally, here are some of my favorite death messages:


Turns out I was wrong about having a floating island above my desert town, but I did find three of them before my gravitation potion wore off, and I also finally defeated King Slime.

#reblog#terraria#expert world


Feb 24

So I tried to play a bit yesterday to get some smaller things done in my Expert World, but I wound up playing until 5 AM this morning, and my wrist hates me now ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Anyways, I finally managed to max out both my health and mana, get a few more NPCs, locate the Aether biome, quarantine the Crimson that infected my world spawn, and managed to purify enough of it so I can have a better safe zone in case I accidentally remove my bed spawn point (that has happened way too often this playthrough ๐Ÿ˜…). I'm thinking about building another castle-style home there, with extra rooms to move any NPCs that may wind up homeless if an evil biome infects their town after defeating the WoF.

I also tried fighting King Slime and Queen Bee, but every attempt has ended poorly thus far. I also haven't found any floating islands yet, but I think there may be one above my desert town. I'm going to check after I post this.

And finally, here are some of my favorite death messages:

#screenshots#terraria#expert world


Feb 20

Okay, I KNOW I just said I was going to take a short break, but I decided to see if I could defeat the Empress of Light when she was enraged with my first Classic character first. I caught a bunch of Prismatic Lacewings, crafted a few Flasks of Ichor, gave all of my accessories the Menacing modifier, and made a long track so I can outspeed most of her attacks with my minecart. Several attempts later...

I had to dodge her last few attacks by flying around a bit, but I actually managed to defeat her with all damage done to her during the day! She did kill me right after, but I was able to fetch my hard earned Terraprisma easy because it landed next to my Dye Trader's house.

Reminds me of the first time I defeated her, actually. I was even killed by the same attack!

(I think I already shared the second screenshot, I'm just posting it because I think it's funny that both battles ended the same way)

Okay, NOW I'm taking that break.

#screenshots#terraria#empress of light#terraprisma#good thing shes my favorite boss because she is going to be a PAIN in expert mode
Chroma's Terraria Shenanigans @chromas-terraria-shenanigans - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)
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Name: Allyn Kozey

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