Evening World-Herald from Omaha, Nebraska (2024)

a a a a a a a a Winds- No Letup in Wage-Price By Lou Schneider Consolidated News Features. There's no surprise in the wage-price inflation despite the economic recession, drop in corporate profits and wide spread unemployment. investors Certainly not among wealthy who always look ahead and face facts. Those now howling about the wage-price inflation are publicity hunters, of politicians seeking re-election, or simple souls who live in a world of dreams and are being badly advised. The stock market boiling activity on the upside may create an era of false values for a while.

But the net result of the policies followed by will labor and management boost wages and prices. Their policies are kickin, the the living daylights out of the cost of living. Investors, large and small, are aware of the inflation, and that nothing is being done about it by the ton A Administration. The labor-management wage contracts guarantee price inflation-a higher wage each year offset the wage boost. And there letup in sight.

Political Washington is dedicated to spending in order to win votes for re-election to office. Labor leaders are dedicated to obtain large pay boosts for workers or the members will vote them out or office. Corporate management is dedicated to earn profits so as to pay dividends 01 their stockholders will vote them out of office. That'e the formula of a permanent inflationary trend whether the economy is in a state of prosperity or recession. No near-term controls of wages and prices are likely.

The Administration's policy River's Flow Stepped Up Checked at Garrison for Oahe Closure The Missouri River's flow, Interrupted by the Oahe ure operation last Sunday, was being returned to a normal pattern Wednesday. The outflow from Garrison Dam, pinched down to six thousand cubic second feet to lessen the water to be fought at Oahe, was being inched up to a seasonal normal release of 21 thousand cubic second feet, Army Engineers said, The water released from Garrison was hiked to 13 thousand cubic second feet Wednesday, Successive increases scheduled are 16 thousand for Thursday and 19 thousand for Friday. Army Engineers said Oahe's reservoir now is 20 feet deep and is backed up in a lake 20 miles long, with 82 thousand acre feet in storage. Water totaling 64 hundred cubic second feet is being released through four of the dam's six tunnels. The closure barrier currently is 16 feet high, will be raised another feet by Sunday.

Frontier Appoints District Manager Frontier Airlines Tuesday announced the appointment of Donald L. Boyle as district sales manager for Eastern Nebraska with headquarters in Omaha. Frontier recently was awarded 27 new stops by the Civil Aeronautics Board in Nebraska, Boyle Missouri, North and South Dakota, Wyoming and Colorado. The company said the first of this new service will be across Nebraska from Omaha to Lincoln, Ainsworth, Norfolk, Chadron and into Wyoming cities of Lusk, Douglas and Casper. It will start around October 1.

Mr. Boyle previously worked for the company in the Williston Basin area with headquarters in Bismarck, N. D. Wool Subsidies Dip but May Soar in '59 Washington (P) Government subsidies to wool ers are dipping sharply this year but may climb to a record next year. The Agriculture Department estimates payments now being made on 1957 production may total not more than 20 million dollars.

Under the 1955 program, payments totaled nearly 58 million dollars and under the 1956 program they amounted to 51 million dollars. The Record Apparent Inflation is not to interfere with the workings of private enterprise. It certainly will not ask now that Congress apply legislative trakes for fear it may stop the recovery. And though President Eisenhower calls for only reasonable wage increases, and reasonable price increases, that still spells out climbing wages and prices. It doesn't stop the upward spiral.

The thing to worry about now is the next wage settlements. The true worth of labor is productivity, not a company's ability to pay. But even now, to prevent a strike, General Motors is offering the auto workers union a two-year contract with 1 built-in inflationary eve n-cent-an-hour wage boost now plus a similar advance next year. That indicates that this year's auto prices may be the lowest likely ever to be seen in our lifetime. Some economists say this inflation is wrong because there are no scarcities; that investors are wrong in buying any kind of shares.

But that's old-fashioned thinking. It doesn't hold true these days. The inflation isn't because of scarcities of raw materials of finished goods. It's because of higher wages. And prices on any goods are pushed upward regardless of recession or plentiful supplies.

The Federal Reserve Board's increase in stock market margins will not stop the upward march of securities prices. With the purchasing power of a dollar steadily decreasing, most wealthy investors are switching from fixed-income bonds to. corporate shares. The inflation is the motivating force. Even U.

S. Government bonds are being traded as if they were speculative issues. July Steel Output 6.3 Million Tons New York (A) Steel production during July totaled 6,370,000 net tons, compared with 7,127,480 tons in June and 8,908,732 tons in July, 1957, the American Iron and Steel Institute said Tuesday. During the first seven months of 1958, the Institute reported the nation's mills turned out 44,122,487 tons of steel, compared with 69,492,279 in the JanuaryJuly period of 1957. Local and Other Unlisted Stocks The tollowing bid and asked prices are obtained from the National Association of Securities Dealers, and other sources.

but are unofficial. They do not represent actual transactions; they are intended as a guide to the approximate range within which these securities could have been sold or bought at the time of compilation. Stocks Dividends Bid Asked American Marietta $1.15 351 381 Anheuser Busch 1.20 215 Ariz. Pub. Svs.

1.20 301. 32 Ark. Black Mo. Power 1.00 1.44 Cal. Pac.

Util. 1.60 31 Carp. Paper Co. 35 Ceco Steel Co. 1.20 Cen.

Gas Co. 1.00 20 Cent. Ill 1.60 Cent. Indiana Gas .80 16 Central Sova Co. 1.60 45 Collins Co.

.35 18 Dewey Edison Portland Cem. 174 Sault .80 171 Emp. 1.00 40 43 First Bank Stk. Corp. 1.60 37 39 First Nat'l Bk.

Oma. e2.50 67. Gas Service Co. xd. 1.36 30 City pfxd 1.30 20 Steel, com xd .50 Gen.

Tele, pfd. 1.50 25 Giant Port. Cement .80 2014 21 Gustin-Bacon 8.80 30 Hugoton Oil Gas com 101 83 Husky Oil pfd. 6.00 100 Interstate Bakeries. 1.20 28 Interstate Securities .90 17 1814 Iowa Pbl Sv.

Co. xd .80 171 Iowa Southern 1.28 26 Kan-Neb NG pt 5.00 105 Kentucky Utilities. 1.40 King Brothers Line 5 pid. 5.00 103 Line 2.60 5416 Meredith "Pub. Co.

1.80 311 Mich. Gas Utilities. 1.00 1814 201 1 Mount. Fuel Sply ad 1.20 27 Nat'l oil 1.20 2214 No. Ind.

Pub. 2.00 1254 Consol. Mills .60 12 44 Northwest Production Northwest Pb. Sv. xd 1.00 191 20 Omaha Nat'l Bank 2.00 64 Otter Tall Power xd 1.60 Pacific Pw.

Light 35 371 Northwest Nat'l Gas .72 15 167 Pioneer Natural Gas 1.40 28 30 Pub. Sv. of N. Mex. .80 21 Republic Nat.

Gas. 1.00 34 Sec. Accept, com. .40 12 Sec. Accept.

$1.25 pt 1.25 24 1 Sidles Co. pfd. 1.31 Sierra Pac. Pwr. 1.40 So.

Cal. Water xd. .90 183 So. Nevada Power. 1.00 South.

Union Gas 1.12 Texas East. 1.40 30 Texas Gas 1.00 2614 Tr. Gas Pipe Line. 1.00 5 Un. Stk Yd.

Co. Oma 1.20 Wash. Natural Watson Bros. Trans. West.

pf 25 West 5,20 pt 1.375 2.00 29 West com. 39 Wisconsin Pr. Lt. 1.28 281 301 Bonds Dodge st Bide. Corp.

4 9-1-60 95 Gate City Steel Works. 4 5-1-66 97 No offering. -Includes extra dividend. Bellevue Sewage Job Price Tag $445,000 New sewage treatment facilities for Bellevue will cost 445 thousand dollars, a report from Lincoln said Wednesday. T.

A. Filipi, sanitation director for the State Health Department, said the figure was in an engineering report preliminary to an application for Federal aid. The figure includes 170 thousand dollars for a treatment plant and 275 thousand dollars for sewer lines and other improvements. Athens Papers Back By Renters Agency, Tad. Athens--Athens newspapers appeared again Tuesday after a week-long strike 1 by lowing a promise by publishers to consider the printers' printers.

The strike ended foldemands. Calendar Wednesday Chest X-Ray unit at 16th and Douglas Sts. Speaker, Harold J. Teachout, Optimists. SheratonFontenelle, Bread Breakers, Red out, Optimists, Sheraton-Fontenelle.

Bread Breakers, Red Lion. Benson Commercial Club, Kay's Fine Foods. Toastmasters, Rome. roast tmasters, Club Omaha vs. MinneapMunicipal Stadium.

Parents Council of Cerebral Palsy and Other Handicaps, 402 S. 17th St. Years Club, YMCA. Thursday Chest X-Ray unit at 16th and Doug- Sts. Omaha Kiwanis, 50-50 Club, Omaha Executive Association, Sheraton-Fontenelle.

Toastmasters, Kay's Fine Foods. Belvedere Community Club, 41st St. and Fontenelle Blvd. tenelle Omaha vs. Minneapolis, Municipal Stadium.

Club No. 1, Capitol Ave. Births Sons Abramson, Alvin and Doris, 2315 S. Armendariz, John anda Betty, 3916 U. Barauskas, Alvin Eileen, 3555 N.

40th. Becker, Alois and Janice, 3560 Jones. Otto and Vera, 2403 N. 52d. Boswell, Frank, and Donna, Councli Bluffs, Ta.

Brown, Thomas and Martha, 8101 Boyd. Burgen, Richard and Bonnie, 8508 Keystone Dr. Cherney, Edmond and Pauline, 1417 Ave. Copeland, John and Dorothea, 6612 N. 60th.

Craig, Richard and Shirley, Laurel Ave. Dobson, James and Jacqueline, 8909 Charles. Farris, David and Eloise, 3611 Frederick. Gibbs, Phillip and Verena, 3848 Parker. Harlan, Russell and Mary, 2717 Dewey Ave.

Hartigan, Paul and Delores, 2343 S. Heessel, William and Anita, 2439 S. 46th Ave. Hindman, Ronald and Darlene, Bellevue, Neb. Jetter, Arthur and Virginia, 511 S.

55th. Matthews, Richard and Shirley, 4618 Izard. Mears, Robert and Agnes, 3476 Pratt. Miles, Willie and Janice, 2605 Bristol. Murray, Ford and Shirley, 3123 Mason.

Nelson, Jerome and Sharon, Bellevue, Neb. Reifschneider, Thomas and Lois, 2512 N. 62d. Richt, William and Beverley, 7102 S. 37th.

Study, Douglas and Jeannette, mouth, Neb. Stutzman, Louis and Dorothy, Water100, Neb. Wrich, Walter and Wilma, Kennard, Neb. Daughters Abuhl, Ralph and Mary, 8101 Fort Crook Rd. Adler, John and Gaylene, 5016 Walnut.

Anderson, Edmond and Jessie, 4409 Burt, Barry, and Lois. 3320 N. 38th. Bleicher, Jerome and Freda, 5601 Farnam. Drennen, James and Anne, Plattsmouth, Neb.

Dutcher, Richard and Rose, 2029 Pierce. Faulhaber, Donald and Carol, 3538 N. 36th Ave. Flieth, Kenneth and Delores, 3012 S. 20th.

Freyer, Roger and Freda, 6779 Franklin. Grove, Raymond and Dorothy, 721 N. 75th. Haupt, William and Vera, Elkhorn, Neb. Horsens, Richard and Carol, 3612 N.

44th Ave. Hutton, Lee and Barbara, 4232 S. 23d. Lichtas, Henry and Sophia, 3215 Monroe. Lovejoy.

Milton and Jean, Burt. Mandalka, George and Wilma, 205 S. 25th. Maynard, Donald and Lois, 6917 Pratt. Mosley, Allen and Idola, 3039 Pinkney.

Nash, William Marjorie, 5428 Lafayette. Jerry and Lela, 4612 N. 38th. Tostenson, John and Patricia, 1825 Locust. Wijtek, Dymytro and Julie, 1730 S.

12th. Williams, Donald and Virginia, 3601 Burdette. Wood, Gerald and Beverly, Plattsmouth, Neb. Young, John and Loretta, 2423 Sprague. Twins Son and daughter to Laible, Boyd and Bernadine, 4527 Franklin.

Marriage Licenses Name and Residence- Age Zigmas L. Benkis, 6325 S. 36th St. 20 Helen Dunko, 2337 S. 8th St.

18 Robert Arthur Nelson, Rt. 1, Omaha 27 Margaret Annette Glandt, Rt. 1 Omaha 21 Paul Dwaine Oertell, 3533 N. 39th St. 22 Barbara Jean Ford, 2139 S.

38th Ave. 21 Bernard J. Wienke, 5012 S. 60th 28 Frances M. Leas, 5004 S.

60th 23 Allen David Pacha, Marysville, Kans. 29 Henrietta Marie Gorney, 4808 Webster St. 20 Julius A. Simoens, 4121 Drexel St. 28 Jo Ann Voss, 6214 S.

41st St. 21 Sam J. Grasso, 1901 S. 7th St. 22 Lucille Marie Marchese, 1720 S.

6th St. 20 Romas Blazauskas, 5438 S. 24th St. 22 Frances Pecha, 3627 Spring St. 19 John Truitt Leake, 3305 N.

45th St. 32 Barbara Lee Cray, 505 S. 34th St. 22 James D. Bolton, Council Bluffs, Ia.

24 Jo Ann Hansen, Council Bluffs, la. 24 Wilfred John Wieneke, 5213 William St. 27 Joanne Arlene Predoehl, 1405 S. 10th St. 19 Harland John Kuhlmann, 4519 Wirt St.

28 Mae Jean Andersen, 201 N. 36th St. 32 In Divorce Court Divorce Granted Nelson Mary E. Hackbarth from Richard D. Divorces Asked Joseph Kaplan vs.

Helen, Sam Stephens vs. Ruby, Dorothy I. Varlamos vs. Leonard J. Glenda J.

Gorham Richard. Margaret L. Nelsen vs. W. Eunice Eileen Workman vs.

Jerome. Fire Calls Tuesday 6:36 p. 5321 N. 34th, auto of William Powtts, defective wiring. 10:30 p.

41st and Decatur, weeds. 10:48 p. 2420 Grant, rubbish. 11:05 p. 555 S.

26th. apartment of Dale Spangler, short in refrigerator motor. 11:17 p. 39th and Grant, tree limbs burning. Police Calls Injured David L.

Schmidt, 12, of 1026 S. 224, left leg injury, bitten by dog, 22d and Marcy, 8:15 p. m. Tuesday. George Parker, 49.

Chicago Hotel, cut lip, fight, 16th and California, 1:45 a. m. Wednesday. Owen Loghry, Rome Hotel, Thefts clothes from room, Tuesday. Marvin Benson auto, 2920 N.

34th seven dozen sunglasses, seven dozen cigaret lighters, seven dozen watch bands, other assorted items, Tuesday night. Sidles Company, 7302 Pacific, glass boat and trailer from warehouse, Tuesday. Henry W. Kocher, 5312 Western, two bundles of shingles and roofing material, from garage, Tuesday. Rescue Squad Calls Tuesday 8:46 a.

2109 Abbott East Omaha, puncture wound, Roy White, to Childrens Hispital. 9:43 a. 24th and Burt. neck injury, Josephine Hansen, to County Hospital, 9:53 a. 506 S.

16th. Illness, May. 10:55 a. 2112 Chicago, John bell Springer, to County Hospital. Cormack, death.

12:12 p. 14th and Davenport, hemorrhage, Arthur Rohe, County Hospital. 6:28 p. Fontenelle Blvd. and Ames, child from car, Ernest Vincent, to Emmanuel Hospital.

4:07 p. 4934 S. 24th, Illness, Anna Fideline, to County Hospital, 6:01 David Woodruff, 3928 Maple, to heart Clarkson attack, Hospital. 6:04 p. 2907 Ave.

heart attack, Sadie Bernhardt, to County Hospital, 6:15 p. 802 Worthington, first aid, Louis Schrieder. 7:17 p. 1502 S. 5th, first aid, Jess Ethington.

11:45 p. 1147 Park unconscious, Henry Kortemeyer, to County Hospital. Water Hardness Grains per gallon 13.0 Building Permits C. R. Woodside, 5315 N.

39.h, fence, $400. Cooper Foundation, 1410 Douglas, remodeling, $45,460. Bialac Const, 924 Meadow dwelling. $13,865. Zelda Rasmussen, 2416 Improvements, $240.

Builders Investment 832 S. 24th repairs. $300. Builders Investment 834 S. 24th repairs, $800.

Joseph Larsen, 4606 S. 63d, shed, $96. William Fell. 4157 S. 62d, fence, $50.

Minar H. Weir, 9419 N. 30th, swimming pool, $1,500. Rogers Const 8103 Ontario dwelling, $7,200. Rogers Const 8007 Ontario dwelling, $7,928.

Rogers Const 8102 Ontario, dwelling, $7,200, Paul E. Fiellin, 4502 N. 86th, dwelling, $10,038. United Home Builders, 2608 Decatur, repairs, $1,500, United Home Builders, 3117 Corby, repairs, $1,500. Madeline R.

Dorsey, 2215 Spencer, improvements, $50. Engle Const 11909 Williams, dwelling, $14,063. Eli Bittner, 702 N. 27th repairs, $200. Mr.

Corbino, 4926 N. 52d, dwelling, $11,050. Westrock Homes 3518 N. 81, dwelling, $7,800. J.

P. Walters, 3924 Forest Lawn, dwelling, $8.168. John Long, 7018 N. 52d, dwelling, $9,340. Real Estate Transfers Varda Louis to Josephine Crofoot; 157.8' of 1 15 Beverly Hills.

Weiner Louis to A Perkins; sub of parts of 8 9 Millard Caldwells ad. Same to same; 32' of Sub 12 of Tax 8 in of of 1015-13 other prop. Terminal Supply Corp to Ruan Inc; part of Government 6 in 10-15-12 other prop. Hardin Gilbert to Lawrence Ostronic Bonita. Micklautz Margaret to Donald Lotrich; 15 10 Prairie Lane.

Deseck Joseph A to James Cosgrove 5 1 First sub to Griffith Smiths ad. Quinze Ben to Mary Pratkells: 66' of 132' of 5 6 30 West Side (re-record). Gillogly Eugene to Raphel Nekuda 78 Sky Line ad. Taylor Ward to Raymond Kerstine of 3 56 Benson. Keast Paul to Kralicek; 50' of 100' 2 Mildred, Ormond Bridget to Bridget Ormond et al; 22 3 Lipton Place.

of Tax 1 in 3-15-13. Wilson Darwin to Kennard George of 6 44 Benson. Bartlett Laura to Laura Bartlett et al; 2 5 Kendalls ad. Evans Henry Robert to Joseph Evans 11 7 Creighton Hgts. Lindwall Einar to William Powers et al; 21 Thortsen ad.

Pettegrew Lloyd to George Nelson 9 11 Hgts. Blodgett Jack to Leonard Bohac 26 10' 25 1 Melias 1st ad to So Omaha. Maenner Co to John Melotz 20 12 Maenner Westbrook. Witt Eugene to Joe Stevens 100 Cedar Hills. Johnson Dorothy to James McCrory; 9 22 Happy Hollow.

Steckman Frank to Ollie Scellin 9 2 Omaha Hgts. Cravens James to Darwin Wilson 20' of 12 of 11 3 Saunders Himebaughs Highland Park. Pratt Marvin to Paul Ellsworth 4 1 Culmes ad. Van Buren Edward Jr to Robert Simanek 44 Brookline Robert Simanek 44 Brookline Place. Brau Paul et al to Carl Landberg 44 2 Birkhauser Blumers sub of part of Solomons ad strip adj.

Liebentritt Theresa to The Otis Co Inc; 3 Pine Ridge. Rosso John to Kinnie Fairchild Jr 10' of 1 of 2 4 Boulevard Park Reeder Gladys to Frank Herrick 20 32 Florence Field strip adj. Becksel Jennie et al to Veronica Berger et al; 13 347 So Omaha. Kerstine Raymond to Charles Rucker of of 11 1 Park Place. Epsen Tom P.

to Phil Sokolof 4 7 Loveland. Strauss Getzschman Bros Jr. Const Co to 12 Paul A Hargleroads Military ad. Stricklett Erwin to Donald Boyd Porter 2 1 Sunnyslope 1st ad. Lundt O'Boyle Theodore et al; 1' tr of to Thomas we of 43 Bellair Replat.

Abdouch Simeon to Goodrich Dairy Inc; part of 15 Donekens ad to Walnut Hill strip adj. Allison Harold to Great Plains Investment Co; 23 5 Robin Hill. Stewart Dale to Charles Heineman 26 5 Robin Hill. Von Dollen Robert to Jerry Mikulecky 15 3 Comer ad. Strauss Bros Const Co to Howard Joeger 15 6 Hargleroads Military ad.

Jewish Community Center to Jewish Federation of Omaha Inc; 5, 6 7 83 Omaha. Panter John to Thomas Gomez 14 1 West Wood. Dasher Donald to Ernest Jones 70' of 1 2 39 West Dodge. Westwood Development Co to Frank Criscimagna of 102 103 Cedar Hills. Gillotte Millie to Charles Woods of 99' of 208' of 10 4 Campbells ad Nelson Roy to Frank Servia of 15 14 Smiths ad.

In Traffic Court Tuesday Before Judges Zacek and Nelson: Patrick D. Lawless, 3711 S. 23, following too closely, $10 and costs. Floyd E. Reinhardt, 812 S.

35, speeding. $10 and costs. William D. Goatcher, 1009 S. 28, following too closely, $10 and costs, Earl Reard, Loyal Hotel, careless driving.

$25 and costs. John Henry Knight, Pacific Junction, speeding, $15 and costs. Edward Lincoln, 667 N. 59, "obstructing alley, bond forfeited. Henry Burns, Offutt AFB.

allowing unauthorized person drive, dismissed. Richard L. Kinsey, 3303 N. 21, improper turn, $10 and costs. Betty Mae Popps, 2102 Lothrop, nO driver's license, $10 and costs.

Everett D. Gritz, 4007 Boyd, through red light, $25 and costs. Marcus J. Miles. Bellevue, careless driving, $15 and costs.

Janette M. Spence, Mason City. leaving accident scene, $10 and costs. Charles Murry, 2215 Davenport, failure to yield right of way, $10 and costs. Stuart Knutson.

816 N. 26, careless driving, dismissed; leaving accident scene, $25 and costs. Avery V. Brenton, 4115 N. 28 speeding, $15 and costs.

James B. Johnson, 3065 Lindsay, careless driving, $25 and costs. Don F. Smith, 4547 Browne, speeding, $10 and costs. Check Writer Gets Reformatory Term James L.

Hargis, 26, downtown hotel, Tuesday was sentenced to three to five years in the Men's Reformatory for writing no-fund checks. District Judge James English ordered the term after Hargis, 34 pleaded bad guilty. checks The out for a total of 675 dollars. 'Torch' Pal Is Released Uncle May Have Fled to Cuba, Police Say Flint; Mich, (AP) Jack Thompson, close friend and Teamsters Union associate of human torch Frank Kierdorf, was released on court order Wednesday when Prosecutor Jerome F. O'Rourke declined to file a charge against him.

Mr. O'Rourke told Circuit Judge Stephen J. Roth, however, he would like to hold 41-year-old Thompson two more days to give investigators time to check out his alibi. Judge Roth rejected the request. Thompson had been held for investigation of arson.

Police said they found Thompson's fingerprints on a station wagon owned by Kierdorf. Uncle in Cuba? They believe the station wagon was used in an attempted burning of a drycleaning establishment here the night Kierdorf was seared from head to toe. Kierdorf, 56, died last Thursday without giving police a story that satisfied them. Another mystery in the tangled case whereabouts of Herman Kierdorf, missing former Teamsters' business agent and Frank's uncle---has spread to Cuba. Police Chief Robert Richardson of Madison Heights, Detroit suburb and Kierdorf's home, said the 68-year-old exconvict may have fled to Cuba to find refuge with a former Ohio penitentiary pal.

'Along the Way' Michigan Attorney General Paul Adams Tuesday said Herman Kierdorf apparently came into the torch burning "along the way" as Frank Kierdorf was being taken to a hospital. Mr. Adams said physical evidence in the case includes Mr. Thompson's fingerprints and towels found in Frank's station wagon, bottles of salve for burns and a first aid book in Frank's home and a gasoline can, flashlight and glasses belonging to Kierdorf which were left at the fire scene, Salvation Army Moving Thursday The Salvation Army will move into its new division headquarters Thursday morning. Major Olin Brigman Wednesday said two volunteer vans and 12 men will load equipment at the old headquarters at 208 South Thirteenth Street and haul it to the new building at Twentieth and California Streets.

Friday old furnishings will be priced and prepared for public sale on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at the old building. Ralston Firm Files Incorporation Papers Articles of incorporation were filed Wednesday for United Home Builders, Ralston, to deal in windows and awnings. Authorized capital stock is 25 thousand dollars. Incorporators are Ken Biesecker and Patricia Ann Bartlett, both of Ralston. Also incorporated: Jay's, women's readyto-wear clothing business, 25 thousand dollars, Frederick S.

Cassman and Jacqueline Tucker, of Omaha. 'Omaha By-Products, to manufacture and process animal by-products, 10 thousand dollars, James F. O'Neill, Lorraine O'Neill and Clayton Byam, all of Omaha, The Diary Ten Years Ago-1948 Harry D. White, former assistant secretary of the Treasury, testified that he had helped to prevent the dismissal of Nathan Gregory Silvermaster from a Government job. Silvermaster was the alleged head of a Communist spy ring.

Twenty-five Years Ago-1933 For the second consecutive year, an open house was held by the board of directors of the Nebraska Tuberculosis Association at the children's fresh-air camp at Seventy-sixth and Center Streets. Mrs. J. E. Davidson was chairman of the camp committee.

Dr. D. W. Thompson, 49, president of the Council Bluffs Kiwanis Club, died of pneumonia. Forty Years Ago-1918 To conserve coal, the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway was considering the adoption of the "skip-stop" plan of stopping at alternate corners, according to an announcement by W.

A. Smith, vicepresident. Mary Gant won the Women's City Tennis Championship by defeating Florence Riley, 7-5, 6-1, Evening World-Herald, In WashingtonNew York Shunning World-Herald Washington Bureau, 1220-22 National Press Building. In most states, a seat in the United States Senate is the acme of office-seekers, In New York, among Republicans, it's going begging. There are plenty of dates for the Republican ination for Governor, eager to run against incumbent Governor Harriman.

But no candidate for the GOP Senatorial nomination has come forward. New York political guessers think that ultimately one of the losers in the Governorship fight will be willing to run for the Senate. New York nominates candidates by political convention, rather than primary election. Underdog Old pros among the politicians are watching the campaign of the old master, James A. Farley, seeking the Democratic nomination for Senator in New York.

The former Democratic National Chairman is an underdog in the race (though it is widely conceded he could win if nominated) but he is conducting an astute and interesting campaign. It is no secret that some New York Republicans wish they could nominate Mr. Far ley for- the Senate, in the event he fails to win 1 the Democratic nomination. Pleasure A Washington visitor who spent last week in Vermont's Connecticut Valley was talking to a lean, flint-eyed Vermont farmer. The Washington man allowed it was a pleasure to get out of the capital for a few days.

"Ea-yah," agreed the Vermonter, obviously a formed man. "Seems about all they can do down there is to Around the World- Republicans Senate Race try to see how much money they can spend." Jackpot Another returned traveler, who drove his family to the West Coast, reports a frightful experience in Reno. He decided it was time to show his little daughter, aged nine, that gambling, particularly with slot machines, never pays, He explained carefully how the machines were rigged to make a big profit for the operator, and then he said he would demonstrate how the machine gobbled up nickels. It was to be a lesson she would long remember. His first nickel brought of course the ringing of bells and the sound of nickels coming out.

He'd hit the jackpot. He doesn't know how he'll ever convince her, now, that such isn't normally the All-Out Effort Friends of Michigan's fivetime Governor G. Mennen Williams says he will make a spirited bid for the 1960 Democratic Presidential nomination. Can't go on being the bov governor forever, they reason. Mr.

Williams was a candidate for the nomination 1952, after a fashion, but in 1960, it is reported, it will be an all-out drive. If he goes through with it, presumably it will mean that United Auto Workers President Walter Reuther has given him the green light. Messrs Williams and Reuther are political pals, SO much so that last winter at a Washington dinner there was a skit in which a character portraying Mr. Reuther sang to Mr. Williams, "Button Up Your Union Suit, You Belong to Me -John Jarrell.

Opposing China Planes Spar Compiled from Cable Two Chinese Nationalist patrol planes fought an eightminute. aerial battle with Communist jet fighters near Matsu Island Wednesday. The Defense Ministry in Taipei said the Nationalist planes, No hits returned on to the base undis- safeclosed number of Soviet-built MIG's were reported. The indecisive battle occurred shortly after the fifth air raid alert of the day on the Matsu group near the Red China mainland. Tragedy in GravesendA mother of nine children was killed at Gravesend, England, Tuesday as she bent over a baby carriage, to kiss her three-month-old daughter.

Mrs. Kathleen was wearing a metal clip in her hair. Lightning struck it and she fell with her hair ablaze. The baby was not hurt. After 23 Years- Salvador Dali, famed Spanish surrealist painter, married his Russian-born wife in a religious ceremony last week 23 years after their civil wedding in Paris.

An announcement said the marriage took place in Nuestra Senora de Los Angeles Dali Church wedding. Chapel at San Martin, a village six miles from Gerona, Spain, August 8. A Catholic wedding is necessary to make civil marriage legal in Spain. Present new West German army paid a farewell tribute Wednesday to Britain's Field Marshal Lord Montgomery. "I never thought I would live to see this day," commented a British spectator at Bonn as a one-hundred-man German honor guard present- Wednesday, Aug.

13, 1958 Lost and Found ONE 13-38 tractor tire, on 16th between California and Howard, or tween Howard and 16th and 48th Leavenworth. Notify B. F. Goodrich or Consolidated Motor Freight. ward.

RE 6709. LIBERAL reward to finder of stolen black and red '57 Schwinn de luxe Hornet bieycle, white wall tires. 3424. LOST Sunday P. m.

Parakeet, bide gray white cap, from 3800 block. St. PI 7160. Reward. LOST.

Valuable paper brief case street south of auditorium Friday. Reward. Phone 197J, Woodbine, LOST recently, man's Benrus watch with covered face. initial F. R.

Reward. GL 1615. IDENTIFICATION wallet, Monday. Papers of F. Van Ampting badly needed.

Reward. RE 4137 days. RING -Petal design, at Peony Park last Friday, was keepsake. Reward. GL 2461.

BEAGLE puppy, 2 months old, near 1 Morton Park. Reward OR 2526. LOST -Medium sized dog, white black spots, child pet Reward. RE 3812. TINY vellow and white kitten.

blue eyes, 38th, Burt. RE 2550. LOST white Parakeet, vicinity 16th and Yates. WE 1532. Reward.

RED bucket purse lost Friday, down town, reward. PL 8821. WRIST watch, lady's Gruen, wide band. Keepsake, Reward. AT 3000 Ext.

337. FOUND- Girl's bicycle. Give serial number, pay for ad. OR 2192. SUN GLASSES.

white pearl plastic. Prescription lens. Reward, HA 2384. LOST--North Omaha area, light brown steer. Reward.

PR 2232. LOST- -Handtooled key case with 10 keys. Reward. JA. 8025.

LADY'S Bulova watch. Black expansion band. Reward, TE 1787, Special Notices, Legals SECTION NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Board of Control, State of Nebraska, will receive sealed bids for the "1958 Revisions of Boiler Settings' of the Heating Plant at the Hastings State Hospital, Hastings, Neb. All bids shall be made on the prO posal forms furnished with the ConTract Documents delivered in a sealed envelope to the offices of the Board of Control. State Capitol Building.

Lincoln, up to 2 p. August 20.1958. at which time all bids be publicly opened and read aloud. The sealed bids will be plainly marked outside of the envelope "1958 Revisions. Boiler Settings, Hastings State and also the name the bidder.

All hids shall be accompanied by a bid bond or a certified check in the sum of five (51 per cent of the amount of the proposal made payable, to the order of the Board of Control. State of Nebraska. Plans and specifications are now 071 file in the office of the Engineering Department, Board of Control. Capitol Bullding, Lincoln, also on tile at Dodge Reports in Omaha and at the Builders' Exchanges of Omaha and Lincoln. The Contractor awarded the contract will be required to furnish a perform ance bond in the amount of 100 of the amount of the contract.

Copies of the plans and specifications may be secured from Henningson, Durham Richardson, Engineers and Architects, 2962 Harney Street. Omaha, upon payment of five dollars ($5.001. no part of which will be refunded. The Owner reserves the right to jeet ally and all bids. BOARD OF CONTROL STATE OF NEBRASKA.

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR INSTALLMENT LOAN LICENSE Notice is hereby given that Cornhusker Finance Comnany. 4014 Leavenworth Omaha. has filed an application with the Department of Banking, State of Nebraska, for a license to engage in the business of money lending in compliance with the visions of Chapter 45, A. R. S.

braska, 1943. at 4014 Leavenworth Omaha, Neb. Hearing upon said application has been set for Sept. 1958 at 10 a. or as soon there after as the matter can be heard.

at the office of said department. Written protest against the issuance of the cense may be filed with the department by any person not less than five days before the date set for hearing. DEPARTMENT OF BANKING. SMALL LOAN DIVISION, Lincoln. Neb.

Personals THANK you St. Jude for benefits, received, B.B. Personal Services 11-A GET OUT OF DEBT Are you overloaded with debts? Would you like to out 01 dept on pay ments you cart afford? Just dial B.U.D.G.E.T. for appointment, come in for a tree conference. REQUIRE MENTS: a sincere desire to pay.

and a steady income. ed arms to the victor of Alamein. Monty, now 70, retires next month from his post as deputy supreme commander of the North Atlantic Alliance. Death to Traitors--A Jakarta military court Wednesday sentenced three Indonesians to death and a fourth to 20 years' imprisonment for trying to assassinate President Sukarno November 30. Novell but Not So--A 22- year-old girl dubbed the "Brassiere Bomber" and four other defendants went on trial Wednesday at Amman, Jordan on charges of setting off explosives smuggled from Syria.

A published story that the girl, Nadia Salti, had carried sticks of explosives hidden in her brassiere promptly blew up in court. The prosecutor said four small bombs had been found in her white straw handbag. Not So Either--The Daily Mail said Wednesday Mrs. Nuri Said, 65-year-old widow of the slain Premier of Iraq, is living in a London apartment nearly destitute. But the Foregin Office denied this.

A Foreign Office spokesman said: "At the moment Mrs. Nuri Said is not in any financial difficulties." Ducal Romance The London Daily Herald said Wednesday the Duke of Kent. and pretty blonde Katherine Worsley want to get engaged. "There are strong, rumors in North Riding," said the paper, "that the engagement will take place within three weeks." The 22-year-old Duke, first cousin of Queen Elizabeth 11, is a frequent visitor at Katherine's stately country home. G'Bye, Now--Piano-playing Robin Douglas-Home, his romance with Sweden's Princess Margaretha apparently on the rocks, suddenly took off for Central Africa Wednesday from London.

'Junior Diplomats' Sixtyfive "junior diplomats" left Wednesday on a two-day tour of the Australian countryside including: a trip on a cable "skyway" and an over-night camp in the mountains. The American visitors were accompanied on the bus tour by members of the Sydney Police Boys' Club. Formality Antonio 011- veira Salazar, Portugal's dictator-Premier since 1930, formed a new cabinet Wednesday. Most of the appointes were holdovers or had held other Government posts. Name Address OMARA BUDGET SERVICE' 335 Securities Bids.

AT 3438 IF IN DEBT $500 TO Send me tree "Intormation Form" get out of debt. WriteFAMILY BUDGET SERVICE Suite 540, First National Bank Bldg. Not a Loan Co. JA 7748 Name Address DRIVE A CAR WEST Pocatello, Idaho UNITED DRIVEAWA? 900 S. 72d St.

WA 1977 RUG CLEANING Kegular cleaning- sizing 9x12 ONLY $5.95 Murnan Rug Cleaners WE 4800 FREE TOYS Shop in your home with TOY PA RADE. New line. Lovely hostess prices, Call Marian Bates? KE 3645. UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Davenport $12.50 Murnan Rug Cleaning WE 4800 INSURE vour home and car with Heinisch Johnsen Co. WA 8200.

2112 Military Ave. MERCHANTS PATROL- -AT 5638 Watchman- Plant Guards Security Police 24-hour service DRIVE, immediately, sports Dealer. car to JA Los 1818, Angeles PROFESSIONAL barber service for HA 5470. CENTER DRIVING SCHOOL TE 3165 DRIVING Seattle Friday. Want riders, Help drive, GL 3778.

Beauty Parlors, Barbering 14 COLD WAVES $4.95 Given by experts with or without anpointment. Open till 7 m. JA 5375. Budget Salon. 18th and St.

Marys WORTH ON ANY PERMANENT Nebraska Beauty School 316 S. 19th St. AT 2175 Business Services, Repairs 15 ARTIFICIAL teeth repaired quickly. Dr. Shipherd, Third Floor, Securities S.E.

Corner 16th and Farnam. WASHERS repaired. wringers. Omaha Washer, 19th-9t. Mary's, JA 6656.

SPECIALIZED Freezer Service. Ray Meyer Refrigeration. RE 8034. BILLING, typing, addressing Pickup and delivery. AT 2768.

READ WORLD-HERALD WANT ADS. Building and Contracting 16 TARASCIO CONSTRUCTION CO. Patios. steps, drive ways. basem*nts.

walks and block work. WA 1051. GUTTERS. Terms. RE 2094 PETERSEN.

FREE DRIVES, walks, steps, stoops, patios. walls, stucco, patch plaster. Free esti mate. L. A.

Dale, TE 4430, TE 4786 ELECTRICAL Wiring and Repairing Archer 1708 Howard HA 6631 GARAGES- REMODELING W1 5777. PRATT KE 6748 HOME remodeling. aluminum windows, porch enclosures. Call RE 7746 CARPENTRY, painting fences, steps, cement work, Reliable. WE 2826.

PATCH PLASTERING Specialte, A. Carlson KE 1880 WALLBOARD application and taping. Ceiling cracks repaired. WA 5657 CEMENT blocks. steps.

all kinds of cement work. Sam Piccolo. AT 9859. PLASTERING, stucco, reasonable. PR 2980 PLASTERING Patchine bargains PL 6050 KE 7238 RESIDENCE, COMMERCIAL Wiring 35 years.

Gatchell Electric. PR 1400 ROOFING. siding. chimney repair work. ball my own, Cheap.

Terms, OR 0981 ELECTRIC WIRING AND METER CHANGING. Jack Pox. PL 3510.3 REMODELING, repairing refinishing. Free estimate, Reasonable, OR 5795. CEMENT work.

driveways. sidewalks, floors. PL 7161. CARPENTRY cement work. Reasonable rates.

Free estimates. HA 7933. PLASTERING AND PATCHING STANLEY PRIBYL, MA 5723. ODD jobs from cement work to cape pentry dry wall; no job too small OR 6072, OR 4909 CARPENTER of all kinds large or small. Quick service.

GL 6169. CEMENT floors, driveways, sidewalks, patios, rock walls. TE 6888. CEMENT work of all kinds, tree estimate. Call WA 2528.

SAVE MONEY BY PAYING CASH WITH ORDER No Lines 7 Days 4 Days 1 Day 2 lines 5.46 $3.28 $1.16 3 lines 8.19 4.92 1.74 4 lines 10.92 6.56 2.32 5 lines 13.65 8.20 2.90 Want vertisem*nts Ad users in the should first check issues their adand red port at once any error can be made after the first issue, nor will any exceed the amount. paid for the of space the actually that portion in which an error Claims adiustment must recorded within 10 days from date of insertion. Boyle.

Evening World-Herald from Omaha, Nebraska (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.