Birmingham Post-Herald from Birmingham, Alabama (2024)

0 0 LEGAL On and after this date I will not be responsible for debts incurred by anvone other than myself. GLENN E. KELLEY RI. 12, Box 589-B, P.H, Jan 13, 20, 27, 1972. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS FEDERAL AID PROJECTS NO.

EMP-1-20-1(28)0 EMP-I-59-1(38) 128 On and after this date will not he responsible for debts incurred by anvone other than myself. NOBLE F. STAPLES, 925 4th Ct. West. P.H, Jan.

13, 20, 27, 1972. On and after this date will not be responsible for debts incurred by anyone other than myself. E. CHRISTENSEN, Rt. 11, Box 974, B'ham.

en. Jan. 6. 13, 20, 1972. On and after this date will not be responsible for debts incurred by anvone other than myself.

WADE ALLEN HUTCHINS, 9th Robinwood. P-H, Jan. 6, 13, 20, 1972. Notice is hereby given of completion of contract for renovation of torch on Vulcan statue for Park and Recreation Board of the City of Birmingham. Any person or firm having a claim against same is hereby notified to file same within the time and manner required by law.

ALABAMA NEON SIGN COMPANY, 720 North 9th Street, Birmingham, Alabama 35203. P-H, Dec. 23, 30, '71, Jan. 6, 13, '72. I LEGAL NOTICE In accordance with Section 16, Title 50 Code of Alabama, 1940, notice is hereby given that Marsh Daniel, Contractor has completed the Contract for construction of Mountain Brook Board of Education Office Building for the Mountain Brook Board of Education, and have made request for final settlement of said Contract.

MARSH DANIEL, INC. (Contractors) P. O. Box 7561 Birmingham, Alabama P-H. Jan.

6. 13, 20, 27, 1972. The Annual Meeting of the members of the Jefferson Federal Savings and Loan Association will be held in the office of the Association, 215 North 21st Street, Birmingham, Alabama, on Wednesday, January 19, 1972, at 2:00 p.m., for the purpose of electing directors and the transaction of other such business as may properly come before the meeting. JEFFERSON FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, F. B.

Yeildina, President. Brooks Yeilding, Secretary. P.H, Jan. 6, 13 19, 1972 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS FEDERAL INTERSTATE PROJECT NO. EMP-I-20-1(21)11 CALHOUN, JEFFERSON, ST.

CLAIR TALLADEGA COUNTIES, ALABAMA Sealed bids will be received by the of the Highway Highway Department, State Director at the office Montaomery, Alabama, until 10:00 A.M., JANUARY 28, 1972, and at that time publicly opened for Furnishing and Installing Sians, Guardrail, Fencing and other Safetv Items Mine. on 1-20, of from the Red Diamond west Leeds, east to Lenath 46.20 miles. The entire project shall be com. pleted in five hundred fifty (550) calendar davs. Proposal fee is $5.00.

Plans are available for $24.70. Plans and proposals are available in Room 304 of the Hiahway Department. Plans and proposals will be mailed ONLY upon receipt of remittance. No refunds will be made. Minimum wage rates for this project have been pre-determined by the Secretary of Labor and are set forth in the advertised specifications and are subiect to the Work Hours 1962, PL 87-581, and implementino reaulations.

JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA Sealed bids will be received by the State Highway Director at the office of the State Hiahway Department, Montaomery, Alabama, until 10:00 o'clock A.M., JANUARY 28, 1972, and at that time publicly opened for constructing the Grading, Drainage. Concrete Pavement and Bridges on from 2nd Avenue, North, to 1st Avenue, South; on 1-59, from Coosa Street to east of the Railroad, in the City of Birmingham. Length 2.851 miles (and 1004.141 Lin. FT. Grade Separation Structures).

The entire project shall be pleted by August 1, 1975. Proposal fee is $5.00. Plans are available for $84.00. Plans and proposals are available in Room 304 of the Highway Department. PLANS AND PROPOSALS WILL BE ED UPON RECEIPT OF REMIT.

TANCE. No refunds will be made. Minimum wage rates for this project have been pre-determined by the Secretary of Labor and are set forth in the advertised specifications and are subiect to the Work Hours Act of 1962, PL 87-581, and implementina regulations. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS FEDERAL AID INTERESTATE PROJECTS NO. EMP-1-59-1(49)124 (60)116, EMP-1-65-2(25)255, (34)251 (35)256 JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA Sealed bids will be received by the State Highway Director at the office of the State Hiahway Department.

Montaomery, Alabama. until 10:00 o'clock A.M., JANUARY 28, 1972, and at that time publicly opened for constructing the Hiahway Lighting System on 1-59, from the T.C.I. Hi-Line Railroad. northeast to the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad: and on 1-65, from Raleigh Avenue, North. to 33rd Avenue, North, in the City of Birminaham.

Length 14.526 miles. The entire proiert shall he com. pleted in five hundred forty (540) calendar days. Proposal fee is $5.00. Plans are available for $5.90.

Plans and proposals are available in Room 304 of the Highway Department. PLANS AND PROPOSALS WILL BE MAILED ONLY UPON RECEIPT OF REMIT. TANCE. No refunds will be made. Minimum wage rates for this proiect have been pre-determined bv the Secretary of Labor and are set forth in the advertised specifications and are subiect to the Work Hours Act of 1962, PL 87-581, and implementina regulations.

Certified check or bid, band for of bid (Maximum $10.000) made pavable to the Alabama State Highway Department must accompany each bid as evidence of good faith. Total amount of uncompleted work under contract to a contractor must not exceed the amount of his Qualification Certificate. The proposed work shall be performed in conformity with the rules and regulations for carrying out the Federal Highway Act. Plans and Specifications on the above projects are on file in Room 34 of the State Highway at Montgomery, Alabama 36104. In accordance with the rules and regulations of the Alabama Highway Department, proposals will be issued only to prequalified contractors or their authorized representatives, upon requests that are received before ten o'clock A.M.

on the day previous to the day of opening of bids. The State Highway Department in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. Title 252,42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation. Subtitle Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally-assisted proarams of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmativelv insure th-1 in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisem*nt, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the arounds of race, color, or national orinin in consideration for an award.

The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. GUERRY PRUETT, Hiahway Director Jan. 13, 20, 27, 1972. It's Easv To Place A Want Ad Deaths FITZGERALD, Mr. Sidney (Red), age 68 of Palmerdale, passed away Tuesday p.m.

at a local hospital He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Rosa Fitzgerald; one son, Sidney J. Fitzgerald Jr. of West Peabody, four daughters, Mrs. Barbara Schoenbrum, Mrs.

Carolyne Poorman, and Mrs. Edie Carstens, all of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Kay W. Rose Black of 10 arandchildren: five areal. grandchildren; one brother, Allen Fitzasrald of Atlanta, one sister, Mrs.

J. B. Barnard of Ocee, several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held Thursday 2 p.m. at Palmerdale United Methodist Church.

Rev. Ray Crump and Rev. Bob Johnston officiatina. Interment Jefferson Memorial Gardens. Active pallbearers, Herbert Black, Dan Reynolds, Jimmy Black, Mitchel Black, Kenneth Black, Jr.

and Calvin Thomas. Honorary pallbearers: Men's Bible Class, Palmerdale United Methodist Church. The remains will lie in state at the church one hour before time of service. Ridout's Brown-Service, buck Chapel, directing. HANco*ck, Mr.

Charlie Malone, age 81, of Mulga, passed away Tuesday p.m. at a local Mrs. hospital. Lizzie He is survived by his wife, Hanco*ck; four sons, Dewey Hanco*ck Adamsville, Alford Hanco*ck of Birmingham, Thurman Hanco*ck of Harker Heights, Texas, and Jimmy Hanco*ck of Wylam; one daughter, Mrs. Rosa Lee Barnes of Favette.

four sisters, Mrs. Myrtie Byers, Mrs. Etta Ballenger, Mrs. Rosa Bell Herring, all of Leeds. and Mrs.

Lelia Collier of Adamsville; 16 grandchildren; 18 dren. Funeral services will be Thursday of 2 p.m. at Bell Chanel. Interment Pleasant Grove Cemetery. Rev.

H. P. Mixon and Rev. Marvin Cain officiating. Bell Funeral Home, 2077 Pratt directing.

and Found LOST, Siamese cat, Caesar, wearing 781-1244. ID taa. 1100 50th West. REWARD. LOST, black Spitz with white spot on neck, Western area near hiah school.

Reward. Please call 786-3559. LOST, Pearl Diamond Broach Pin, white aold circled with alternatina pearls diamonds. Approx. Vic.

of sentimental 1 of 3 places. anniversarv Parking lot or stores at Abbs salvage. Barnett Discount Furn. Mart or Furn 6512 1st N. Reward.

2 841-6606. 17 Personals ACCOUSTIC CEILING. room additions, paneling, painting, sheetrock, roofing, concrete work. 252-0093. A CEMENT, International Health Club now open.

For call 426-1940. Steam baths. Lose inch in 30 min. with electronic mach. ANTENNAS, installation and service by professionals.


BABY SITTING, in my home. Cahaba Hats. area. 967-6968. BACK HOE, Good used Massey Ferguson for' sale.

785-8582. BACKHOE WORK All types. 785-8376 BOB HULEN TAX SERVICE Dependable 822-7180. personalized service. Day or night, BUSH HOGGING, landscaping, tront end loader, tractor.

Good work ronsonable, 592-3024. TREE SERVICE, trim, firewood. topping Lic. removal, Free est. 785-9824.

spraying, CARPENTRY, painting, gen'l mainroofs. tenance, do my own work. Duke. redwood decks, gutters, 967-4100. CARPENTRY REAL REASONABLE.

No job 100 small. lowered, floors leveled, sills repaired, eves repaired, tile floors. Any Free type est. of home repairs, Indiv. 786-2659.

CARPORTS, Patio from Covers, mfg. Awnings. Cain All sizes Direct Awning Co. 323-8379. CASH BUYERS WAITING 328-2960 BOB KINNEY 595-5505 HENLEY-KINNEY, Realtor CERAMIC TILE WALLS and Smith, floors installed in bathrooms.

Milton 785-6626 day or night. CHILD CARE, Pelham area, 3 yrs. up. After Kin. school.

663-7589. CHAIN LINKS other fences, dog pens. a Do it yourself materials del. Clothes line post, 798-0225. CHILD CARE in my home, all ages.

Trussville area. 655-3039. CLEAN CARS FOR LESS MOTORS 2200 N. 26th 328-0253 CONCRETE DRIVES, PATIOS SLABS, brick, blockwork, floors leveled. 841-2289.

CONCRETE FINISHING, drivewavs, carports, patios, bsmts. Also small iobs. 425-4506. DATSUN, 240Z We are now taking orders for quick delivery on all models, straight shift or automatic, call now. DIXIE DATSUN 3430 Bessemer Hwy.

428-6314 A DENTIST says Blue Eved Peoples can tolerate MORE PAIN than Brown eyed; remember we still fill prescriptions Discount for one Drug dollar plus 2800 cost.1 S. 18th Street, B'ham, Ala. 35 35209. DIRT, GOOD RICH TOP SOIL clay fill. Clean.

Also red rock and slag delivered, 853-5364. FIREWOOD, $30 cord, oak and hickory, free pine, 674-6650: 674-9578. FIREWOOD, $12 per Fireplace Cord. up; $25. Delivered.

668-2021. GUTTERS and roofs installed or repaired. For individual or contractor, 798-3676. HOME REPAIR WORK, no job too large or 100 small. 631-4176 or 631-7635.

HOME REPAIRS REMODELING. Complete service, including painting. Bank financing available. Free mates. 822-7115.

HOUSEHOLD CLEANING, by perts, windows, rugs, woodwork, walls, etc. Standard Janitorial al Serv. Bonded and insured, 322-1741. INCOME TAX, $3 UP 404 N. 23rd 322-0018 A NED JACKSON IRONING or babysitting, 2 days, 849-0229.

'OLLY TIME NURSERY and play school by hour, day or week. Former kindergarten elem. teacher. Call Linda Ingram, 663-3018. LEARN TO DRIVE in dual control cars.

Low rates for use of cars. Ala. Motorists Assn. (AAA) 323-4495. LICENSED DAY CARE.

Hot lunches, basem*nt playroom. 853-1599. LICENSED NURSERY, will keep small children. West End. 786-9097.

LPN NURSE would like elderlv ladies in her home, room and board. 758-8938. Tuscaloosa, Ala. MOVING NEW APT. HOME.

OFC. Loc. dist. All type hauling, sml. la.

lobs. Bob, 786-3752: 328-8018. REMEDIAL trained tutor for arades through 6, experienced. Dearces Harvard and New York Universities. Reference.

822-2385. ROOFING, bonded and guaranteed, repairs and gutter cleaning, 744-6828. SAW DUST, top soil, $10 up. Chain link fencing also. 426-4478.

SUPER BOWL TICKETS, 30 vd. line. Highest bidder. After 6, 879-0261. TIME CLOCKS Service, Sales.

Lease under GORRIE-REGAN 871-7395 TIRES like new cond. sizes 14's A and in. $8 each. 836-9294, 8500 1st Ave. $50 CASH Churches, clubs, groups, sell 84 bottles of Watkins vanilla.

Call 251- 1328, 8 a.m. 12 noon. BLOCK CO INCOME TAX 2820 LINDEN B'HAM. 879-1771 WILL KEEP 1 or 2 children in my home after 2 p.m. daily.

2-12 yrs. Midfield area. 780-2749. WILL KEEP children in my home, Bluff Park area. Excel.

care hot lunches. Call 823-3066, Mrs. Blythe. WOULD PERSON who left motorcycle at Shell Service Station 4 mos. ago, please came and identify or will be sold immediately.

324-6237. 18 Insurance SR-225 FILED, cancelled reiected risks, low rates for truckers. SCOTT-LONG 663-7731 SR 22 concelled or declined. under age, over age. Low rates and terms.

C. JONES, 841-7554 Autos AMBASSADOR, '70, 4-door, V8 fact. air, $1595. 322-5234. AMERICAN MOTOR MATADOR, '71 4-door st wagon.

14,000 actual miles. auto. trans. PS, PB, air plus many more options. White with wood grain exterior, local 1 owner.

Must sell. Original price $4764. Sacrifice for $3200. Call Larry Beachan only, 853-4444. BARRACUDA, '66, British racing green, wite pen stripes, 318 V-8, 3-speed floor shift, chrome reverse wheels, $38.56 PER MO.

Total price with tax $915.48, $95 down. deferred pymt. price $1020.44 annual percentage rate 11.12. 24 caval pymts. at $38.56 per mo.

Call Roy Busler, 833-2311. ROEBUCK -PLY. BUICK, '67, Special, 4-door, V8 PS, PB, fact. air, only $695. 322-5234.

BUICK, '64, Wildcat, 4-door air, power, real nice. 1 Can arrange financing. Call Don Willingham, 591-1071. BUICK, '70, Skylark, all air, power, V-8, owner, car like new, will sacrifice, financing available. Call Jim Keeton or Q.

R. Trott, 322-0451. BUICK, 1932 delightful old hobby car. Authentic. Complete.

Runs well. Ready to restore. $2,900. Lou's Automotive Repairs, 919 Third N. BUICK, 1965, Special 2-dr.

auto. Looks and runs aood. $995. Central Mtrs. 309 3rd 323-7964.

BUICK, '66, Skylark, 2-door sedan, auto, a beautiful blue finish. matching interior, $1082. 1024 VESTAVIA Montgomery CHRYSLER Hwy. PLYMOUTH from Joe's Ranch House, 823-2324 BUICK, '69, Skylark, 2-door htop, beautiful blue, white top, V-8, PS, fact. air, wsw, local owner, extra clean, remainder warranty, $1998.

Call Earl or Jim Tucker, 665-2581; nites, 967-0666. BUICK, '67, Electra, Custom 4-door hardtop, arev finish, black vinyl ron factory air, full power, new tires. extra clean, $1895. DRENNEN MOTORS, BESS. 520 N.

19th St. Bess. 428-2371 BUICK, '65, Sports Wagon, 9-passenaer, light tan finish. factory air. bower steerina, brakes, luggage rack.

new tires. only DRENNEN MOTORS, BESS. 520 N. 19th St. 428-2371.

21 Sale Autos BIRMINGHAM POST- -HERALD BUICK, 1967 Special, 4-dr. fact. air, vinyl roof, reduced $1,095. Central Mtrs. 309 3rd 323-7964.

BUICK, '68, Wildcat, 4-door, 1-owner, PS, PB, white side walls, $1695. JIM BURKE BUICK 1301 5th Ave. N. 324-3375 BUICK, '70, Riviera, fully equipped, to choose from. previous owners name on request, $4295.

WE SELL TO SELL AGAIN EAST LAKE AUTO SALES 8534 1st N. 8610 1st A N. PHONE: 833-2301 BUICK, '70, Riviera, medium green, dark green vinyl top, a real beauty, $3995. JIM BURKE BUICK 1301 5th N. 324-3375 BUICK, '69, Electra 225, 4-door hardtop, radio, heater, air-conditioned, full power.

Brown with beige vinyl top. Beautiful car. Call Mark Coggin only, 252-5121; nites, 592 8786. DRENNEN'S Cor. 3rd Ave.

20th South BUICK, '68, Riviera, 2 dr. H.T., full power, fact. air. 23,000 mi. See to appreciate.

OPEN 'TIL 7 P.M. BROWNELL 2017 Ensley Ave. 781-2674 BUICK, '67, Skylark, 4-door sedan, PS, PB, AT, $1195. JIM BURKE BUICK 1301 5th N. 324-3375 BUICK, '71 Riviera 2-door hardtop.

All power, vinyl top, like new. A real buv. See Troy Mahaffey only, 252- 5121; nights 252-0872. DRENNEN'S Cor. 3rd Ave.

20th South BUICK, '70, Electra 225, 4-door htop, power, luxury at its finest, $3995. JIM BURKE BUICK 1301 5th Ave. N. 324-3375 BUICK, '71, Electra 225 Limited. 4-door hard top, real sharp.

See Troy Mahaffey only, 252-5121; niahts, 252- 0872. DRENNEN'S Cor. 3rd Ave. 20th St. South BUICK SKYLARK, '71, 4-door, radio, heater, power steering and brakes, automatic, air-conditioned.

Call or see Jack Cook only, 252-5121; nights, 967-0186. DRENNEN'S Cor. 3rd Ave. 20th South 21 Sale Autos BUICK, '65, Wildcat, custom 2-dr. HT.

PS. PB. bucket seats, console, real clean, $895. 853-2824. BUICK, '70, Electra, 225, power equipped, air conditioned, vinyl roof, elec.

door sharp, $3695. Steel City Olds 3rd Ave. 24th St. 322-7445 BUICK, '70, Electra custom 4 door. white with black vinyl top, AM FM, full power, factory air, still in new car warranty.

Looks like new. Buchanan only, 252-5121; nites, 655- 3337. DRENNEN'S Cor. 3rd Ave. 20th South BUICK, '70 Electra Custom 225, 4 door, fully equipped, 3 to choose from, previous owners name on request, $3995.

WE SELL TO SELL AGAIN EAST LAKE AUTO SALES 8534 1st N. 8610 1st Ave. N. N. 8610 1st Av PHONE: 833-2301 BUICK, '71, Skylark, 4-door sedan.

4,000 miles, power steering, automatic, V8, factory air, radio, heater, white tires. Like new. Call or see E. L. Weaver, 252-5121; nights, 879-3703.

DRENNEN'S Cor. 3rd Ave. 20th South BUICK, 1962 WILDCAT A beautiful red with black vinyl int. and black vinyl roof. air and all power, low, low mileage.

Call at once about this Call Jim Cunningham. OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 Midfield Volkswagen 549 Bessemer Super 788-2494 BUICK, '66, Electra, 4-door hardtop, full power and air, new tires. Call GEORGE CRAFT only, 252-5121; nites, 833-4501. DRENNEN'S Cor. 3rd Ave.

20th South BUICK, '68, Electra 225, 4-dr. hdt. A beautiful gold exterior finish with black vinyl top. Fully equipped, low mileage. 12 months or 12,000 mi.

warranty on the motor, trans. and rear end. See me personally, Bob Cooper, 324-6782 or 833-1742. Liberty Dodge Cor. 24th 6th S.

BUICK, '71, Electra 225, custom coupe. Stereo, full power, 11,000 miles. White with black vinyl too and black interior. Call Mark Coggin only 252-5121; Nights, 592-8786. DRENNEN'S 3rd Ave.

20th South Want Ad INDEX PUT YOUR FINGER ON ANNOUNCEMENTS 1-Deaths 3-In Memoriam 6-Card of Thanks 9-Flowers 10-Cemetery Lots 11-Monuments 12-Funeral Directors 14-Lodge Notices 16-Lost and Found 17-Personals 18-Insurance AUTOMOBILES 21-Sale Autos 22-Sports, Imported Cars 23-Custom, Modified Racing Cars, Equipment 23A-Antique classic collectors cars equipment 23B- Custom modified competition cars equipment 24-Auto Loans, Ins. 25 Cars, Trucks Lease 26-Trucks, Trailers 27- Truck Parts, Accessories 28-Campers, Travel Trailers; Equipment, Sites 29-Motor Homes 30-Mobile Homes Parks 31-Airplanes 32- Aviation Sales, Service, Instn. 35-Motorcycles and Bicycles 36-Automobiles for Exchange 37-Auto Parts, Repairs, Painting Accessories 39-Wanted Automobile BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 40-Business Opportunities 41-Business Opportunities Wanted BUSINESS SERVICES 45-Specialized Services 47-Termite Control 49-Burglar Bars 50-Awnings 52-Building, Contracting 56-Concrete Steps 58-Heating And Plumbing 60-Hearing Aids 62-Furnace Repairs, Cleaning 64-Lawn Mowers 65-Landscaping 66-Millinery, Dressmaking 68-Mattress Renovating 70-Moving, Trucking, Storage 72-Painting, Papering, Plastering 74-Patent Attorneys 76-Piano Tuning 78-Photographs 82-Appliance Repairs Service 84-Rug Cleaning 86-Radio and Television Repair 87-Roofing 88-Air Conditioning Repairs 90-Shoe Repairing 92-Upholstering, Cabinets EDUCATIONAL 93-Correspondence Courses 94-Schools, Colleges 95-Trade Tech. Schools 96-Private Instruction 97-Preparation For Employment 98-Career Counseling EMPLOYMENT 100-Help Wanted, Female 103-Employment Bureaus 107-Help Wanted, Male 108-Help Wanted, Male, Female 113-Salesmen and Agents 115-Situations Wanted, Female THINGS FASTER FINANCIAL 123-Investments, Stocks, Bonds 125-Money to Lend Auto Loans (See 24) Mortgage Loans (See 260) 129-Wanted to Borrow LIVESTOCK 140-Dogs, Cats, Pets, Supplies, Services 142-Horses, Cattle, Vehicles 145-Poultry, Rabbits, Supplies 147-Bee Supplies 149-Wanted Livestock, Supplies MERCHANDISE 150-Articles for Sale 152-Collectors items Stamps, coins, guns 177-Swaps 179-Business Equipment 180-Boats, Equipment -Wanted 181-Boats and Accessories 182-Fishing Tackle 183-Camping Equipment 184-Sporting Goods 185-Skin Diving Equipment 186-Building Materials 187-Do It Yourself 189-Cameras, Supplies 192-Farm and Dairy Products 193-Farm Implements 195-Good Things To Eat 197-Homemade Things 200-Household Goods 202-Antiques 203-Diamonds, Watches Jewelry 205-Machinery and Tools 207-Musical Instruments 209-Radio and Supplies 215-Television 220-Hi-Fi, Stereo 222-Seeds, Plants, Trees 223-Wearing Apparel 224-Wanted to Buy 225-Auctions ROOM AND BOARD 230-Rooms with Board 232-Rooms Without Board 233-Housekeeping Rooms 234-Nursing Homes 236-Vacation Places 239-Wanted Rooms and Board REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 240-Unfurnished Apartments 241-Furniture Rentals 242-Furnished Apartments 243-Furnished Houses 244-Houses for Rent 246-Rentals to Share 248-Wanted to Rent 250-Business Places for Rent 251-Offices and Desk Space 253-Commercial Property for Rent 254-Industrial Property 256-Farms for Rent 257-Waterfront Property 259-Rental Listings Wanted REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 260-Mortgage Loans 262-Investment Property 264-Industrial Property 266-Commercial Property 267-Investments Wanted 269-Farms Lands 271-Timber and Timber Lands 273-Multiple Listings 277-Houses for Sale 281-Houses Built 283-Houses to be Moved 287-Real Estate Announcements 293-Lots for Sale 295-Camp and Shore Female 295-Camp and Shore 116-Situations Wanted, Male Property DOMESTIC EMPLOYMENT 296-Fiorida Property 298-Real Estate for Exchunge 118-Domestic Help Wanted 299-Wanted Real Estate 119-Domestic Situations 300-Auction Sales Real Wanted Estate ERRORS Errors in classified advertising should be reported immediately as The News-Post-Herald will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. The Birmingham News Co.

will not be liable for any error in an advertisem*nt to a greater extent thon the cost of the space occupied by the item in the advertisem*nt. Deadlines For Changes in Copy (Corrections and kills) The Birmingham News Changes in copy (corrections and kills) Regular Classified. 2 p.m. day before publication. Display Classified Daily 12 Noon day before publication Regular Classified Sunday 10 a.m.

Saturday before publication Display Classified Sunday 6 p.m. Friday before publication Changes in copy Regular Classitied-1) a.m. day Display Classitied-5 p.m. Two (2) PHONES: In Jefferson Elsewhere in Alabama, phone 1-800-292-4001 Hours: Monday through Saturday: 8 CA Sunday: 10 Thursday, January 13, Sale Autos Days, 252-0872; nites, 841-6225 DRENNEN'S BUICK, '70, Electra, Custom, 4-door hordtop, full power, air, $3,995. Ask for HENRY STARNS Cor.

3rd Ave. 20th South BUICK, '66, LaSabre 400, 4-door, sedan, radio, heater, white tires, power steering, power brakes, factory air. Low mileage for this model. Solid white, blue interior. REAL nice car.

Call or see E. L. Weaver, 252-5121; nights, 879-3703. DRENNEN'S Cor. 3rd Ave.

20th South BUICK, Wildcat, '65, new brakes, shocks, tune up, power brakes, steering. $1,195, 322-6602; 967-5149, after 6. BUICK, '70, Limited 2-door hard top. It is really loaded, has every conceivable extra, including individual 6 way power seats. Has lots of factory warranty left.

Call Bill Knight only, 252-5121; nights, 744-0365. DRENNEN'S Cor. 3rd Ave. 20th South BUICK, '67, LeSabre, sea foam green, loaded with extras, $46.64 PER MO. Total price with tax $1018.88.

$95 down, $5 recording fee, $190.48 intercst, annual percentage rate 18.59, deferred pymt. price $1214.36, 24 caual pymis. of $46.64 per mo. Call Andy Dunbar. 833-2311.

ROEBUCK CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH BUICK BANK FINANCE REPOS AND NEW CAR TRADE Days, 252-0872; nites, 841-6225 DRENNEN'S Cor. 3rd Ave. 20th South CADILLAC, '64, all extras, 4-door, hard top, low mileage, see at Crestwood Shell. Chevys, Cadillacs, Ply's, Chry's, Pont's, Olds, Camaros, Chevelle 3965, Monte Carlos, Dusters, Pintos, Mustangs, Darts, Cougars, Crickets, Firebirds, VWs, MGs, Simcas, Opels, Valiants, and 200 more to choose from. Greatest sale in B'ham.

CREDIT NO PROBLEM Trade for anything of value Call application in by phone if you desire. Call credit manager, Jim Keeton, 322-0451, and weekends aft. 8 p.m. 879-8223. BUICKS-CHEVYS-FORDS FULL PRICE Vega, '71, fastback, auto.

$1795 Firebird, '68, V-8, PS $1595 Chevy 11, '69, PS $1595 Chevy, '66, 2-dr. air $1195 FL 500, '67, 2-dr. air $1195 Chevelle, '66, Super Sport, air $1095 GTO, '66, 4-speed, sharp $1095 Chevy, '66. 2-dr. PS $1035 Chevelle, '65, Mailibu conv.

$995 T-Bird, '65, like new, air $9 5 Chrysler, 66, 300, 4-dr. ht. $995 Flacon, '66, Futura, auto. $731 FL 500, '65, wag $795 Tempest, '65, 4-speed, V-8 $795 Ford, '65, Gal. 500, air $795 Dart.

'65, 2-dr. 6-cvl. $695 Rambler, '64, sharp $695 American, '64, air $595 Plymouth, '64, 2-dr. auto. $495 Ford, '62, 2-dr.

auto. $395 VW, 65, bug, sedan $395 Ford, 62, V-8, auto. $295 Chevy, 65, 2-dr V-8 Pontiac. 64, V-8, auto. $945 Ford, '65, 2-dr.

V-8 $245 Ford, '66, LTD. parts $245 MOTORS 2200 N. 26th 328-0253: 328-0254 CADILLAC, '71, Sedan DeVille, full power and air. Ask for HENRY STARNS CADILLAC, '71, Coupe DeVille, fully cauipped. White, block vinyl roof with matching interior.

can make you an outstanding deal on this car. Have other models to select from. For a quality Cadillac be sure you see or call E. L. Weaver, 252-5121; nights, 879-3783.

DRENNEN'S 3rd Ave. 20th South CAMARO, 3-speed in floor, air, 21,000 $2,200. 853-9229. '68, 4 speed SS 396, air beautiful blue, black vinyl roof, must sell at once, call Rick Fortenberry, 853-4661. CAMARO, '67 Conver.

'69 427 cu. in. 425 HP, 4-spd. 411 posi-tract. Chrome wheels, new tires, sun gauges.

871-4823. CAMARO, '68 Sports red, black vinyl top, road wheels, all extras, sharp. Come see me or call make an offer. Buddy Hubble, 853-4444. CAMARO, 1970, fact.

air and power. The sportsman's delight. Call Jim Moncrief. OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 Midfield Volkswagen 549 Bessemer Super 788-2492 CAMARO, '69-'70, 3 to choose from. All are like new.

Mechanically perfect low mileage. Reduced $300 this week only. Easy financing con be arranged. Call John Klyce. OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 Midfield Volkswagen 549 Bessemer Super 788-2494 CAMARO, REPOSSESSION cash down, can finance full price.

No pmt. due 'til March, '72. 69 CAMARO SS $50.30 MTHLY me and drive this car home tonight. No gimmicks or tricks. APR Def Pmt price $1,509, 30 pmts.

You must call Larry Vincent, 2500 1st 322-3671 JIM SHORT FORD SN CHALLENGER, '71, 2,000 full power and air, special this wk. only, see at 1200 3rd Ave. West. CHALLENGER, '70 RT Sport beautiful sun fire red metallic, loaded incl. vinyl roof, stereo.

Pay 2 small notes and assume wholesale balance. Must see and hear deal to appreciate. This one is the buy of the vear. Call Jim Campbell only, 853-4681. CHARGER, '69, 318 cu.

in. AC, PS, console. White, black vinyl top. Beautiful. 833-3767 after 4 p.m.

CHARGER, 2-dr. ht. Sunfire bronze metallic. This beauty is loaded in every way except price. Trade for anything of value or can finance Call Cliff Lilly, 853- 4648.

CHARGER, '69, 2-dr. sports ht. Ermine white with black vinvi top. Fully wire wheel covers. Beautiful cranberry leatherette interior.

Call John Hawkins for easy financina details. 853-4648. CADILLAC, '68, Coupe de clean. Ville, $3095. full power, all extras.

very Original owner, 967-1968: 324-9559. CADILLAC, Fleetwood Brougham, exc. fully equipped with all options. tires. 879-6170.

CADILLAC, '72, Coupe DeVille, vinyl roof, leother upholstery, full power air. Unbelievable price. 345-4936. CADILLAC, '71, Coupe de Ville, all fact. equipment, low mileage, owner.

Call Ralph Clark, 785-1191. CADILLAC, '69 Eldorado, low must se'l. Call 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. 823-1698.

CADILLAC, '65 El Dorado light blue with white top. 1 owner. $1.200. 322-2435. CADILLAC, '70, red with white top, 13,000 owner name upon request.

See at 1200 3rd Ave. West. DOUG, 785-1191. CADILI.AC, '70, sedan DeVille, fully equipped. 3 to choose from, previous owners name on request, $4795.

WE SELL TO SELL AGAIN EAST LAKE AUTO SALES 8534 1st N. 8610 1st N. PHONE: 833-2301 CADILLAC, '70, 4-door hardtop, full power and air, low mileage, new cal warrantv. Call GEORGE CRAFT only, 252-5121; nites, 833 4501. DRENNEN'S Cor.

3rd Ave. 20th South CADILLAC, '69 Sedan de Ville, extra low miles, real nice, still in factory warranty. See or call Troy Mahaffey, only, 252-5121; nites, 252-0872. DRENNEN'S Cor. 3rd Ave.

20th South CADILLAC, '70, Eldorado, green with white vinyl top. White leather interior. Full factory equipment. Drives like new. Still in warranty.

Buchanan only, 252-5121; nites, 655- 3337. DRENNEN'S Cor. 3rd Ave. 20th South CADILLAC, '71, Coupe de Ville, 2-dr. H.T., fully equipped.

5,000 mi. Local 1-owner car. OPEN 'TIL 7 P.M. BROWNELL 2017 Ensley Ave. 781-2674 CADILLAC, '68, Sedan De Ville.

White with white vinyl interior and black vinvi roof, only has 32,000 miles, truly a beauty. Call or ask for Bill Knight, 252-5121; nights, 744-0365. DRENNEN'S Cor. 3rd Ave. 20th South CADILLAC, '71, Coupe DeVille, fully cauipped.

White, block vinyl roof 1972 PAGE 21 Deaths Deaths and Funerals Jack Davidson Funeral for Jack Edwards Davidson, 80, of 4345 Secondav, who died Tuesday at a local hospital, will be at 1 p.m. Thursday at Oak Grove Methodist Church with burial in Oak Grove Cemetery, Johns-Ridout's directing. Mr. Davison, a native of Butts County, was retired from the Orkin Co. A veteran of World War Mr.

Davidson Mason 48 years and was a resident of the Sand Mountain area for a number of years. Survivors include the widow; three daughters, Mrs. Gladys Crim, Gadsden; Mrs. Cleo Goss, Oxford; Mrs. Jackie Moore, Columbus, three sons, Garnett H.

Davidson, Birmingham; Leon E. Davidson, Montgomery; Wilford C. Davidson, Talladega; two sisters, Mrs. Jessie Lee Sanders, Gadsden and Mrs. Mae Green, Guntersville.

Gethro Thrasher Funeral for Gethro Thrasher, 63, of 920 47th-st, who died Wednesday at a local hospital, will be at 11 a.m. Friday at Angwin Mortuary Center with 1 burial in Jefferson Memorial Gardens 1 East. A native of Carrollton, Mr. Thrasher lived in Birmingham 30 years. He was employed at U.

S. Steel blast furnace 29 years. He was a member of Central Park Methodist Church. Survivors include the widow; a daughter, Mrs. Shirley Ray; a son, James D.

Thrasher, both of Birmingham; two sisters, Mrs. Ola Duke and Mrs. Loretta Fell, both of Haleyville and a brother, Wiley Thrasher, Birmingham. Grain CHICAGO (UPI) Wheat and oats were fractionally lower, corn lower and soybeans substantially lower at the close Wednesday on the Chicago Board of Trade. Wheat was off to cent; corn off to 13; oats off to and beans off 2 to Progressively heavier liquidation from existing longs dropped soybeans futures substantially.

Some potential export business helped wheat futures resist general declines elsewhere. Corn prices fell under outside liquidation pressure. Oats were featureless. CHICAGO Open High WHEAT Mar 1.62¾ 1.63½ May 1.55⅞ 1.56¼ Jly 1.45⅜ 1.46 Sep 1.47⅜ 1.47¾ Dec 1.51½ 1.51½ CORN Mar 1.21¾ 1.21¾ May 1.24¾ 1.24⅞ Jly 1.27⅛ 1.27⅛ Sep 1.28 1.28 Dec 1.26¼ 1.26¼ Mar 1.30¼ 1.30¼ OATS Mar May Jly Sep .67 .67 Dec SOYBEANS Jan 3.07⅞ 3.08½ Mar 3.12¼ 3.12⅞ May 3.17¼ 3.17½ Jly 3.19¾ 3.20⅜ Aug 3.18⅝ 3.18⅞ Sep 3.07⅜ 3.07⅝ Nov 3.00⅛ 3.00⅝ Jan 3.03¾ 3.04½ SOYBEAN OIL Jan 10.99 11.08 Mar 11.11 11.19 May 11.20 11.26 Jly 11.25 11,35 Aug 11.25 11.33 Sep 11.17 11.20 Oct 10.88 10.92 Nov 10.83 10.83 Dec 10.80 10.83 Jan 10.75 10.75 SOYBEAN MEAL Jan 82.60 82.70 Mar 83.95 84.00 May 85.25 85.25 Jly 86.55 86.55 Aug 85.50 85.50 Sep 84.50 84.50 B- Bid. -Grain futures range: Low Close Prev.

1.62¼ 1.62⅞ 1.62¾ 1.54⅞ 1.55½ 1.55⅞ 1.44⅞ 1.44⅞ 1.45¼ 1.46¾ 1.46¾ 1.47¼ 1.50¾ 1.50¾ 1.51% 1.20 1.20 1.21⅞ 1.23⅜ 1.23⅜ 1.25⅛ 1.25¾ 1.25¾ 1.27½ 1.26½ 1.26½ 1.28¼ 1.25 1.25⅛ 1.26¼ 1.29¼ 1.29⅜ 1.30½ 3.02¾ 3.02⅞ 3.07⅝ 3.07 3.07¼ 3.11⅞ 3.11½ 3.11⅞ 3.16¼ 3.14⅝ 3.14% 3.19¼ 3.14 3.14 3.17⅞ 3.03¾ 3.04 3.06⅞ 2.97⅛ 2.97¼ 2.99⅞ 3.01¼ 3.01¼ 3.04 10.83 10.83 10.95 10.95 10.97 11.08 11.05 11.06 11.15 11.15 11.15 11.21 11.13 11.16 11.19 11.02 11.04 11.10 10.79 10.80 10.85 10.63 10.75 10.75 10.66 10.73 10.75 10.65 10.65B 10.67 81.50 81.50 82.50 82.70 82.75 83.95 84.05 84.05 85.30 85.50 85.50 86.65 84.80 84.75B 86.05 84.20 84.00B 84.95 Birmingham over -counter Jan. 12, 192 Quotations from the NASD representative inter -dealer prices approximately 10:30 a.m. Inter markets change throughout the Prices do not includ retail markdown, or commission. PREFERRED STOCKS Ala. Power 4.60% Pid.

60 So. Nat. Gas $.90 Prd. COMMON "STOCKS Ala. By-Products Corp.

Ala. Oxygen Allied Life Am. Agency Life 13 Am. Pref. Life 2 1-16 BTNB Corp.

Bruno's Cent. State Natl. Corp. City Nat. Bank of Bham.

City Natl. Bank of Tusc. 18 Clow Corp. Cont. Conv.

Equip. 13 Cotton States Life Daniel Intl. 25 Danmont Corp. 13 Exped. Systems 9 First Ala.

Bancshares 28 First Natl. Bank Bham. First Western Bank Golden Flake Hackney Corp. Int. Speedway Investors Fidlity Liberty National Life of Ala.

$1. Par Life of Ala. $5. Par 14 Lifesurance 41 Mid- South Co. Mutual Savings Natl.

Sec. of Elba New S'land Natl. Ins. Pacific American Corp. Pasqale Foods Protective Life Saunders Leasing So.

Airways 83 So. Industries So. United Spring Valley Foods Unimed 8 United 13 Vulcan Life Livestock futures CHICAGO (UPI) Open High ICED BROILERS: Jan 28.20 28.25 Feb 28.60 28.60 Mar 28.82 28.87 May 29.37 29.40 Jly 30.10 30.10 Sep 28.07 28.07 Open High LIVE BEEF Feb 35.45 35.87 Apr 33.82 34.25 Jun 33.40 33.80 Aug 33.00 33.40 Oct 32.25 32.37 Dec 32.17 32.32 Feb 32.35 32.35 LIVE HOGS: 26.65 26.67 Apr 25.75 25.87 Jun 27.60 27.72 Jly 27.85 27.90 Aug 27.20 27.25 Oct 25.60 25.75 Dec 25.10 25.10 FROZEN PORK Feb 40.85 40.85 Mar 40.10 40.25 May 40.35 40.57 Jly 40.00 40.20 Aug 38.60 38.85 -Feb 37.95 37.95 A-Asked; B-Bid. 121 Sale Autos KUYKENDALL, Mrs. Clara GwendoIvn.

age 64, of Gravsville, passed away Wednesdav a.m. at a local hospital. She is survived by her husband, Lee Roy Kuykendall; three sons, Curtis Kuykendall of Graysville, Jimmy Kuykendall of Center Point, Robert Kuykendall of Adamsville; three daughters, Mrs. Wanda Statum and Mrs. Shirley East, both of Graysville, Mrs.

Doris Freeman of Adamsville; three brothers, Johnny Pike of Birmingham, Frank Pike of Daisy City, Euell Pike of Sayre: three sisters, Mrs. Gracie Varell of Birmingham, Mrs. Mary Hayes of Smyrna, Mrs. Louise Orr of Beaumont, sixteen grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be Friday 2 p.m.

at Graysville Freewill Baptist Church. Interment Midway Cemetery. Bro. W. H.

Ryland and Bro. Johnson officiating. Bell Funeral Home, 2077 Pratt directing. LAWLESS, Mr. Cecil Russell, age 77, of 3624 2nd North, passed away Tuesday at a local hospital.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Emma Lawless; 4 daughters, Mrs. Imogene Fredrick of Quinton. Mrs. Ruby Rosier Mobile, Mrs.

Evelyn Patton of Columbus, Mrs. Hazel Webster of Leeds, sister, Mrs. Ruby Howell of Verbena; brother, K. G. Lawless of Birmingham; 5 grandchildren; 6 great-grandchildren.

Funeral service will be held Friday 2 p.m. at Brown-Service. Norwood Chapel. Interment, Forest Hill Cemetery. Rev.

Thornton officiatina. Brown Service, Norwood, directing. O'CONNELL, Mrs. Kathleen, of 3461 Spring Valley passed away Tuesday a.m. at the residence.

She is survived by 1 daughter, Miss Lute O'Connell; 2 sons, Edward O'Connell Jr. of Birmingham; Richard M. O'Connell; 2 granddaughters, Lucille and Shali O'Connell, all of Anchorage, Ky. Funeral services will be Friday 9:30 a.m. at St.

Frances Xavier Church. Rev. Joseph Allen will officiate with burial in Elmwood Cemetery. Active pallbearers will be William A. Beckwith James B.

Shenoweth, Donald N. Lathem, Charles M. Nice W. A. Sharpe and Dallas M.

Villins. Rosary will be Thursdav 8 p.m. Johns-Ridout's, 2116 6th directing. OUTLAW, Mr. Thomas Jefferson, age 73, of 1513 4th Ct.

West, Birmingham, passed away Tuesday p.m. at a local hospital. Survived by his wife, Mrs. Esther Outlaw of Birmingham; one sister, Mrs. Lavada Alred of Martin, one brother, Henry Outlaw of Jackson, several nieces and nephews.

Funeral services will be Thursday 2 p.m. from Angwin Mortuary Center's Memory Chapel, interment Oakland Cemetery. Bro. Howard Raines officiating. Active pallbearers, Alvin Mosley, Roy Kayler, Zim Hulsey, Herb Hubert Morris, Grady Statin and Charlie Duke.

Honorary pallbearers, the Methodist Brotherhood of the Fairview Church and Straightners of the Rail Mill, Ensloy Works, TCI. Angwin Mortuary Center directing. SCHMARKEY, Mrs. Margaret Kirk, age 42, of 126 Lorena Lane, Mtn. Brook, passed away Wednesday a.m.

at a local hospital. She is survived by her husband, John C. Schmarkey; 3 sons, John Douglas and Tyler Schmarkey; daughter, Margaret Ann Schmarkey; parents, Dr. Mrs. J.

K. Kirk; 2 sisters, Dr. Mary E. Kirk and Miss Katharine Ann Kirk; brother, Kenneth Owen Kirk, all of Birmingham, Ala. Graveside services will be Thursday 3:30 p.m.

at Elmwood Cemetery. Dr. Denson Franklin officiating. Ridout's Valley Chapel, Homewood, directing. THRASHER, Mr.

Gethro, age 63, of 920 471h West, passed away Wednesday a.m. at a local hospital. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Georgia C. Thrasher; 1 daughter, Mrs.

Shirley Ray: 1 son, James D. Thrasher, both of Birmingham; 5 grandchildren; 2 sisters, Mrs. Ola Duke and Mrs. Loretta Fell, both of Haleyville; 1 brother, Wiley Thrasher, Birmingham. Funeral service will be Friday 11 a.m.

at Angwin Mortuary Center Faith Chapel. Interment, Jefferson Memorial Gardens, East. Honorary pallbearers will be the fellow workers of the blast furnace, Fairfield Works. Anawin Mortuary Center, directing. 3 In Memoriam DORROH In loving memory of our Daddy and Pa Pa, E.

T. Dorroh, on his birthday. SIGNED: CHILDREN, GRANDCHILDREN AND GREAT KILGORE In memory of our husband, father and grandfather, James Lee Kilgore, who passed away 4 years ago Jan. 13th, 1968. We remember the twinkle in his eyes And how they sparkled when he smiled.

Although our hearts are sad today. These memories can never be taken away. SIGNED: WIFE, CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN. PERRICOTTI In loving memory of our husband, other, grandfather end areat-arendfather, Charlie Perricotti, who passed away 3 years ago todav. Jan.

13th. 1969. Your memories will live in our hearts forever We love and miss you. SIGNED: WIFE. MAGGIE: CHILDREN.

GRANDCHILDREN AND -GRANDCHILDREN. 9 Flowers REASONABLY PRICED Fresh flowers Norton's Flower Mart 322-0197 2805 2 Ave. Fritz Horst Flowers Flowers express thoughts better than words. 322-5483 Day Night Flowers Soften Sorrow MARTIN FLOWERS, INC. 933-0420 10 Cemetery Lots ELMWOOD, will pay cash for 2 grave lot.

252-7536. FOREST CREST CEMETERY. choice cemetery spaces. Must sacrifice, $488. 592-3413, 699-6428.

ELMWOOD CEMETERY, 4 grave lot. Lot 444, Block 37. 595-4576. 16 Lost and Foun Daschund. Reward, 591-3223.

To Place A Want Ad Dial 325-2322 co*ckER SPANIEL, 8 mos. Claimed by lady from Mrs. Cain, on Shades Crest RD. Please call 371- 6329. LABRADOR RETRIEVER, Crestline area, blond, answers 871- 5460.

PEKINGESE, small, light tan, has had recent eye surgery with eye stitched closed. Must have immediate veternarian care. Lost B'ham. side of Green Springs H'wy. Large reward.

879-6205 or 251-7317. SCHNAUZER, min. male, silver. Straved Wickstead Hueytown, Tues. a.m.

491-3160. FOUND, white male dog with black eve. After 6 wk. da. 871-9047.

LOST, Fri. Broadmoor vic. Bess. German Shepard, br. answers 10 Duke.

Rew. 428-7281, aft. 3. LOST, female Bassett. 7 mo.

did. Near Hall- Kent School. 871-4922. LOST, in south East Lake, Setter Bird Dog. 836-0456, aft.

5. LOST, bik. tan pup, 16th Ave. 12th St. Reward.

328-4769. LOST, gold mesh bracelet watch, near Massey Bldg. 3rd Ave. 871-1313. LOST, Siamese cot, 16th S.

Children's pet. 933-2465. LOST, black. male poodle, Western Sect. 785-6531.

LOST, dachshund, black tan. Vestavia, Paden Dr. 822-5680. LOST Chihuahua, brown, Red collar with stones. Tarrant City.

841-4785. LOST, small female Beagle between Lake Purdy Leeds. Reward. 592-7303. LOST, 2 girls rings downtown Pizitz.

Jr. Dept. dressing room. Reward. 853-5733 after 1:30 p.m.

LOST, male Siamese, Chapel Hill area of Hoover on 1-4-72. Reward. 822-1104. LOST, white male Chihuahua white male toy Poodle, disappeared Sun. Von Dales Est.

area. Reward no questions asked. 853-3132. LOST, large white and black male cat. Last seen Canterbury Lane (Mtn.

Brook). Rabies tag 6368. 871-3022. LOST, brown and white female St. Bernard in Country Club Halds.

section of Hoover in Vestavia. Reward. 822-1716. LOST, small black dog, ans. to vicinity Mtn.

Brook Swimming Tennis Club, Old Leeds Rd. Short legs, long body, like a CHARGER, sports H1oD. fully equipped, clean as a pen, owner transferred. Take up small notes, or Dav off ba'ance. Call for details.

Rick Fortenberry, 853-4444. CHARGER, 1970 '71 V-8, P.B.. P.S., factory air. Low mileage. Under warranty.

2 to choose from. REPOSSESSIONS will sacrifice equity. Need some reliable party to make small monthly pmts. Call Squirl McWhorter, only. 833-2311.

CHEVELLE, '66, 2-dr, ht, auto. $675. 425-9410 CHEVELLE, Malibu, '71, 4-speed, black with black vinvl top, stripes. Low mileage. 833-9658.

CHEVELLE, '69, Super Sport, 30,000 miles, good condition. Make offer. Must sell. 822-2452. CHEVELLE, '68 HT.

PS. AC. $1700. Also Camaro, '67 conv. $1350.

Call after 853-6382. CHEVELLE, Malibu, '68, ht. PS PB, AC, white letter tires. Sell, trade $1,395. 836-7125.

Jack Posey Mtrs. CHEVELLE, '66, owner, like new, make small mo. pmts. Call Mr. McCoy, 853-4664.

CHEVELLE, '66 Malibu, 2-dr. H.T., 283 $600 firm. See- Tarrant 66 Station. 871-9533. CHEVELLE.

'68, 396, 350 hp, 4-speed, $300 and take up payments. 491-2557: 491-3183. CHEVELLE, '66, Malibu, Laguna blue metallic. full cauipped. Full price only $580.

Call Jim Campbell, 353-4444. CHEVELLE, '68, SS 396, vellow with black vinyl sacrifice, top, stick shift, good $1,250. Call days, 324-5661, and nights, 833-1889. CHEVELLE, '67, 2-dr. HT.

327, 3-spd. in 283 Chev. floor, mtr. 2-dr. bucket with HT body, auto.

seats. air 780-3906. trans. Also '57 CHEVELLE, '67 Malibu sports, Htop, fact. air, PS, beautiful sun set gold, matellic, black vinylroof, will sell for cash or take trade in and finance balance, with low pmts.

This car double sharp, call Bud Bailey, 853-4444. CHEVELLE, '69 Malibu, 2-dr. V-8 automatic, low mileage. 1-owner, mechanically perfect. Easy financing can be arranged.

Call Frank Howell. OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 Midfield Volkswagen 549 Bessemer Super 788-2494 CHEVELLE, Malibu, '70, 2-door steerina, hard top. Radio, heater, power air -conditioned, automatic transmission, vinyl top and vinyl upholstery. A real sharp car. See or call Jack Cook only, 252-5121; nights, 967-0186.

DRENNEN'S 3rd Ave. 20th South DOUG NICHOLS 1968 CAMARO 2 dr hardtop. 8. 4-speed, 295-h radio. heater, white.

wall tires. 1011 $1595 1971 CHEVELLE 4-dr. Malibu sedan. V-8. 200 Turbo Hydro Motic.

power steering. tactory air conditioning, radio, wall tires. 1201 heater, white $2995 1968 PLYMOUTH 4 Fury 11 sedan 8. power steeting, Power Flight, factory air conditioning. radio, heater, white wall tires, Only P-1404 $1295 1967 PONTIAC 2-dr.

Tempest Custom coupe. V-8. Hydra-Matic, power steering, radio, heater, P- 1089 white wall tires. $1395 WOOD CHEVROLET Corner of 3rd S. 19th Street 322-3681 ED MOLLISON USED CAR SPECIALS '65 CHEVROLET Impala 55 coupe, glide, P.S., P.B..

or, bucket seats, console. tires. Wheel covers. No. 8004A.

$1250 65 CHEVELLE Malibu 4-dr. sedan. R- Piglide, aIr 8. w.w. tires, wheel covers Real nice! No.

1258A $1050 '67 PONTIAC Firebird 400 cpe. 4-speed, P.S., bucket seats. red vyl. root. Extro No.

8001A nice. $1450 '68 CHEVROLET Impola coupe. V-8. w.W, tires, wheel covers. Extra nice, Blue.

No. 8002A $1550 '69 FORD Fairlone 2-dr. H.T, P.S., P.B., air V-8. 1 local owner. Extra clean.

No. 1138A $1750 ED MOLLISON CHEVROLET: Corner 33rd Ave. and 26th Street. New Car Dept. 252-9011 Used Car Dept.

252-9014 VERY LITTLE MONEY TALKS BIG At Edwards Chevrolet '71 VEGA Hatchback coupe. Radio, heater, P'glide, air-cond. $2395 '70 CHEVROLET Impala 4-dr. sedan. P.

steering, radio, er. '70 CHEVROLET Impala Custom cpe. Radio, heater, P. steering, airtop vinyl $2795 '66 CHEVELLE Malibu conv. P'glide, P.

steering, radio, heater $1195 '69 PONTIAC LeMans Auto. P. coupe. steering, vinyl roof, bucket cond. seats, '63 CHEVROLET Impala cpe.

327 3-speed radio, heater $895 EDWARDS CHEVROLET 1400 3rd North 252-2144. Nights 252-4379 9 SMALL CASH ADDS UP TO BIG PROFIT are as of -dealer day. markup, None 2 5-16 19 24 19 -Livestock Futures: Low Close Prev. 28.05 28.10 28.30 28.30 28.40 28.55 28.62 28.72 28.80 29.15 29.20 29.35 30.00 30.02 30.07 28.00 28.00A 28.05 Low Close Units CATTLE: 35.45 35.80 3,060 33.82 34.20 1,342 33.40 33.60 950 33.00 33.17 304 32.25 32.35 42 32.12 32.25 59 32.35 32.35 2 26.50 26.62 195 25.67 25.70 234 27.50 27.62 187 27.60 27.85 117 27.00 27.158 115 25.50 25.75 41 24.95 25.05 53 BELLIES: 40.20 40.45 4,651 39.75 39.85 1,240 40.05 40.10 1,229 39.70 39.82 1,042 38.35 38.60 386 37,90 37.90 TRY NEWS POSTHERALD WANT ADS TODAY DIAL 3 5- 2 (corrections and kills) betore publication days before publication County, dial 324-7671 FREE: Dial, or ask operator to dial EFFECTIVE JULY 1,1969 Friday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

a.m. to 12 noon a.m. to 4 p.m. OUTSIDE GREATER BIRMINGHAM DIAL 800-292-4001 TOLL FREE!.

Birmingham Post-Herald from Birmingham, Alabama (2024)
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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.