creative industries fund nl - Immerse\Interact (XL) - 8 projects selected (2024)

Immerse\Interact (XL) - 8 projects selected

creative industries fund nl - Immerse\Interact (XL) - 8 projects selected (1)

7 December 2021

In the context of the Immerse\Interact collaborative grant scheme, the Creative Industries Fund NL and the Netherlands Film Fund are supporting five projects within the interdisciplinary media landscape. Three projects are receiving an XL contribution for the realization of their project.

The Immerse\Interact Grant Scheme focuses on the crossover between film, design and digital culture, where new ground has arisen in which digital pioneers, interaction designers and graphic designers work together with directors, screenwriters and producers. It results in innovative media productions where digital storytelling and interactive or immersive media play a central role.

During this second round of 2021, the following projects were selected for a development contribution:

Zeitgeist in Conversation – Sjoerd Leijten and Stijn Verhoeff
Sonic Tornado - Marieke Verbiesen
Body - Roshan Nejal and MOONDOCS
De Erfenis - Maartje Wegdam and Stichting Copper Views
Gay Simulator - Iris van der Meule and Studio Biarritz

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Symbiosis - Marcel van Brakel, Mark Meeuwenoord and Polymorf in collaboration with Studio Biarritz

Immerse\Interact XL
During the last application round of 31 August 2021, it was possible to apply for a realization contribution (or additional contribution), in the context of the COVID-19 support measures. The aim of the Immerse\Interact XL pilot grant scheme is to give makers of immersive and interactive works an extra impulse and to provide their projects with support (or additional support) in order to achieve high international ambitions and to create space for groundbreaking media research in an international context. New projects, but also projects with international potential that have already received a development or realization contribution from Immerse\Interact, but where chances to receive the required additional national or international funding have been lost due to COVID-19, could submit an application for this grant scheme.

The following three projects are receiving an XL contribution:

Symbiosis - Marcel van Brakel, Mark Meeuwenoord and Polymorf in collaboration with Studio Biarritz
More Moiré3 - Philip Vermeulen and Stichting Sonic Acts
The Imaginary Friend - Steye Hallema and Stichting Submarine Channel

The next deadline for the Immerse\Interact Grant Scheme is on Tuesday, 8 February 2022. It is advisable to contact the grant scheme coordinator, Sean Gilis at the Creative Industries Fund NL, well in advance of submitting a proposal. If you have any questions, you can also contact Nienke Doekes at the Netherlands Film Fund. The grant scheme falls under the subsidy regulations of the Netherlands Film Fund.

Image: The Imaginary Friend

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Architecture – 17 projects selected

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Architecture – 17 projects selected

13 January 2022

In the fourth Architecture round of 2021, 17 proposals have been selected. All the positively assessed applications were awarded grants. Staff member Ibrahim Alaoui Chrifi reflects on the round.

general impression
Social themes are central to very many of the proposals submitted, and an increasing number of applications are exploring a broad approach to the design of our public domain. For instance, there are applications aimed at utilizing public space for play and exercise for children. There is also a focus on the needs of people with disabilities and the position of different types of migrants. It is also notable that some proposals reflect on current themes in architecture and beyond through crossovers with other disciplines. Finally, this round also pays the necessary attention to the energy transition and circularity within architecture. In this context, the development and application of bio-based building materials is well represented. In the last few rounds, we have seen more frequently projects that focus on this topic, and new methods or applications are being sought in a variety of ways.

The following projects give a good idea of the breadth of projects being supported:

De antichambre – Seksuele tussenruimte in de inclusieve stad (The antechamber – Sexual interspace in the inclusive city) – Tom Loois
Curator and concept developer Tom Loois and architect and urban designer Paul van den Bergh are conducting research into new inner-city sex spaces in the project De antichambre – Seksuele tussenruimte in de inclusieve stad. They find that window prostitution, sex shops and swingers' clubs are disappearing from the streets as a result of repressive municipal policies. At the same time, there is an increasing focus on physical and therefore also sexual well-being. In this project, typologies of sex spaces are identified in the Eindhoven region. Discussions are also held with operators and users of these spaces, and with experts in the field of sexuality and urban development. The applicants see the 'antichambre', a front or intermediate space that provides access to sex spaces, as a possible solution for an inclusive and pluriform sex experience in the city. Loois and Van den Bergh will bring together the results of their initial research in an online publication that will serve as a starting point for further design research.

SHELL_ter – Studio Sway
Studio Sway by designer Shaakira Assat aims to explore the potential of eggshells as a building material in SHELL_ter. During the first Covid lockdown, Assat created a massive block of egg waste in her kitchen. In this initial phase, she will continue to explore the material and cultural dimensions of this material. In the process, she attempts to reproduce eggshell production in a laboratory and asks questions about what we mean by shelter, to what extent our homes can be part of the natural ecosystem and whether they should be built to stand the test of time. Assat will receive support from Bas Rodenburg, professor of animal welfare at Utrecht University, from the sustainable chicken farm Kipster and BlueCity Lab in Rotterdam.

Opening cities, Migrants in urban space – Amsterdam and Athens – Uitgeverij THOTH
Publisher THOTH will develop and produce the publication Opening cities, Migrants in urban space – Amsterdam and Athens by urban designer and researcher Lena Knappers. Knappers argues that cities view migrant housing too much as a temporary problem, excluding newcomers from participating in society as a result. The publication will focus on the absorptive capacity of European cities to accommodate newcomers: how can the city prepare for demographic fluctuations and remain accessible to different groups of people? Knappers conducted her research in Amsterdam and Athens. In the publication, she will present guiding principles for an alternative approach to migration based on these studies, to inspire urban planners and policymakers. Collaborators for the creation of this publication include Eva Papatzani (National Technical University of Athens), non-profit organizations KHORA and the Sunday School for Migrants and architectural historian Annuska Pronkhorst. Former government architect Floris Alkemade is writing the foreword.

Heilige Huisjes. Onorthodoxe oplossingen voor de wooncrisis (Sacred Cows. Unorthodox solutions to the housing crisis) – Stichting CASA
CASA in Arnhem wants to develop a public programme with 10 meet-ups under the title Heilige Huisjes. Onorthodoxe oplossingen voor de wooncrisis. The central question is: how can we shape the current housing challenge? On the one hand, according to the applicant, the current housing shortage will create a greater divide in society, a problem that is already current in Arnhem and will become more urgent. However, as a result of climate change, she expects a growing population in the eastern part of the Netherlands. Related to the series of physical meetings, CASA is organizing a radio programme for a wide audience and providing interim reporting through online articles. At the conclusion of each meeting, a writer, poet or performer will recite a column. In each edition, a sacred cow will be the topic of discussion, such as building in green locations and high-rise buildings in the city. The speakers involved include government architect Francesco Veenstra and architect Nathalie de Vries from MVRDV. In the final meeting of the series, CASA will hand over its Ten Commandments for the housing crisis to Mayor Ahmed Marcouch.

Click here for all the projects selected in Architecture round 4 – 2021.

Of the 27 subsidy applications taken into consideration, 17 are receiving grants. This brings the percentage of applications receiving grants to 63%. The closing date for the first round of 2022 is 26 January.

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Looking ahead to 2022

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Looking ahead to 2022

13 January 2022

On the day that the Fund had planned to organize a New Year's reception together with Het Nieuwe Instituut, as an alternative we look ahead to 2022 with executive director Syb Groeneveld. Once again this year, the Covid-19 pandemic will leave deep marks in society as well as in the creative and cultural sectors. What is the Fund going to do?

What ambitions does the Fund have for 2022?
Last year, we identified three priorities for the post-Covid period. Unfortunately, there is not much of that 'post' yet and in 2022, we will continue the themes we had for 2021: 1. professionalization & commissioning, 2. talent development and 3. internationalization.

We are promoting the first theme of 'professionalization & commissioning' by connecting young designers with established agencies for an equal, temporary collaboration within the open calls for Building Talent. Through this programme, we stimulate deepening of the starting designer's practice and give an impulse to the exchange of ideas and knowledge between starting designers and established agencies.

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Once again, we have been able to increase the number of grants within talent development in 2022, thanks to support from the government. At this time when it is more difficult for the young talents to 'show' themselves, this is extremely important. With the continuation of open calls such as Professionalization of the design practice and , talent development within and outside art education will remain an important focus for the Fund. Alongside involving makers who represent other perspectives on our society, and who are an important other voice in the field.

Finally, the new Grant Programme for Internationalization for the design sector was published, which will contribute in the coming period to developing, profiling and strengthening the international position of our sector. We hope and expect that in the spring much more will be possible internationally!

Apart from these three priorities, a great deal more is happening in 2022, of course. The basic grant schemes for Design, Architecture and Digital Culture continue unabated, and I am pleased to mention our grant scheme for festivals and exceptional presentations. We will make a total of one million euro available for this purpose in 2022 for the five different parts of the country, plus the Caribbean part of the Kingdom (with a budgetary division). I am very curious to see the results.

'I believe that the use of (spatial) design research in the approach to the main transition challenges is fundamental.' – executive director Syb Groeneveld

How do you see the connecting role of the creative industries in major societal challenges?
For years, we have been deploying the power of design within the Action Programme for Spatial Design on topics such as the future of the healthcare and educational environments. This can provide the new perspectives and new forms of imagination needed to tackle the challenges of today. That is why I believe that the use of (spatial) design research in the approach to the main transition challenges, which the new government also names in the coalition agreement, is fundamental. I was therefore surprised and delighted that the coalition agreement explicitly states that 'the creative industry will be involved in major societal challenges'. At the same time, we recognize that the potential of (spatial) design research, or access to design power, is often not well enough known to local authorities across the country. For that reason, in 2021 we made available the vouchers for spatial design (again with additional support), so that local authorities and semi-public organizations can engage that design power with support from the Fund. By now, for a sum of almost 4 million euro, 130 collaborative projects have been supported, tackling such challenges as space for climate adaptation and energy transition, strong and healthy cities and regions, sustainable economy and the future-proof development of rural areas.

Just a word about the agility and resilience of the sector ... Any news about the innovationlabs?
Yes! The Innovationlabs programme is intended to give an impulse to resilience in the cultural and creative sectors. With an open call late last year, we invited makers and institutions to develop usable knowledge and working methods that benefit the agility and resilience of the entire sector. We were fairly overwhelmed by the number of applications (more than 180), which an interdisciplinary committee will be considering over the next two weeks. Together with CLICKNL and the other national culture funds, we will ensure in 2022 that the projects ultimately supported are clearly visible and that others can learn and benefit from them. Incidentally, the Fund was also flooded in another way ... On New Year's Day, a torrent of water came pouring into our office through an upper floor. The entire floor was flooded, and as a result we embarked on a small evaporation campaign to get the room dry again. We were already in a lockdown, but for the next month the Fund is really not accessible, unfortunately! It remains fantastic that a setback like this does not prevent all our colleagues and advisers from continuing to do our important work (remotely). That is also incredibly important agility and resilience!

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Office of the Creative Industries Fund NL on 1 January 2022

So, we're going to have a good year?
From today onwards, absolutely. On Wednesday, 31 August 2022, the Creative Industries Fund NL will celebrate its 10th anniversary. Together with all the makers and institutions we have seen far too little of live over the past two years. How? We don't know exactly yet, but at least it won't be digital!

And one very last piece of news:
Next Tuesday, 18 January, our new website will go online. Our communications team, together with Digital Natives and Studio van Onna, has worked very hard on this. The website will be more accessible, with a clearer overview of grant opportunities and more insight into project results. We are deliberately retaining our well-known visual identity and logo, but are particularly curious about how the user will experience the website in the near future ...

On behalf of all our colleagues at the Fund: here's to a healthy and powerful 2022!

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Fresh Perspectives – 2 projects selected

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Fresh Perspectives – 2 projects selected

12 January 2022

In the sixth Open Call Fresh Perspectives, two proposals have been selected for a development contribution. The call focuses on special forms of collaboration between a designer, maker or studio and a party with a strong social or knowledge position. Programme manager Marieke Ladru reflects on the open call.

In this round of the Open Call Fresh Perspectives #6, two collaborative project proposals were given a positive assessment by the advisory committee:

De toekomst van ons geld (The future of our money) – Carlijn Kingma, Tomas Bollen and Martijn van der Linden
The digitization of our economy and the rise of cryptocurrencies have sparked a debate about the future of our money. This provides a unique opportunity to fundamentally question the workings of the monetary system as well. With the development of a metaphorical language, cartography and a book, designer Carlijn Kingma, together with Thomas Bollen and Martijn van der Linden (Follow the Money), wants to make the political discussion about our money system accessible to a wider audience.

Embodied Connection: interactieve media en verbondenheid – Studio Jelger Kroese, Hanneke Scholten and Thomas van Rompay
Jelger Kroese, in collaboration with Hanneke Scholten and Thomas van Rompay, both affiliated with the University of Twente, will develop an interactive media experience that explores the lack of a sense of connection among students. Many mental and emotional problems that adolescents and young adults face can be traced back to this missing sense of connection. The project 'Embodied Connection: interactieve media en verbondenheid' will co-create with the target audience to identify the barriers experienced in making connection. Based on principles of mindfulness, emotion research and art therapy, a VR prototype will then be developed that can improve users' sense of connection. The project will be presented through scientific publications and an installation during Dutch Design Week.

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Embodied Connection: interactieve media en verbondenheid – Studio Jelger Kroese, Hanneke Scholten and Thomas van Rompay

The selection committee, consisting of Pieter van Boheemen (digital culture), Nathanja van Dijk (design) and Daphne Bakker (architecture), assessed seven proposals in this round. They did so based on five selection criteria:

The social relevance of the task
Effectiveness of the project and consistency in terms of set-up, methodology and expertise
The quality and form of the collaboration
The quality of artistic direction and content
The extent to which the project adds to the existing practice/design practice.

With two positively assessed applications, the percentage receiving grants comes to 29%.

The open call has three phases. The selected proposals will now receive a development contribution of € 10,000 for the first phase. This phase is dedicated to formalizing the collaboration(s), funding, planning and research framework and should result in a plan for the second phase, the implementation phase. The recommendations of the committee must be incorporated into this plan. For the second phase, € 30,000 is available per project. This phase may be followed by a distribution phase, for which € 5,000 is available per project. The objective of this phase is to strengthen the project's impact outside the creative industries. Being awarded a phase 1 grant is not a guarantee that a grant will be awarded for phases 2 and 3.

looking ahead
For the coming year, the decision has been taken to pause the Open Call Fresh Perspectives. The objective of the open call seems to have been achieved in the field and with the low number of applications, it has been decided to use the funds at this time for other requirements in the field.

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Professionalization and deepening of the practice – 34 projects selected

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Professionalization and deepening of the practice – 34 projects selected

12 January 2022

By means of this extra open call, the Fund aims to provide an impulse for the deepening of the practice and professionalization of designers and design studios within the fields of design, architecture and digital culture, now that many practices are being hit hard by the Covid-19 crisis. A reflection on the selection.

general impression
The designers and agencies submitting applications present an extremely diverse picture: ranging from relative starters to mid-career and established applicants. Like the previous open call that focused on professionalization of the design practice, this most recent call was issued in Covid times. As a result, not only starting designers are facing new challenges, but established agencies are suddenly seeing an entirely different playing field. Through prolonged reflection, established agencies primarily seem to see the need to future-proof their practice by learning new skills and, in doing so, to make a divergent move. Starting designers, on the other hand, express a desire to make a more convergent move by delineating and concretizing their vision and practice more. This interesting mix is reflected in the final selection.

The following 34 applications have been selected:

Siba Sahabi
Hozan Zangana studio
Tek architecten
Karoline Swiezynski
Cecilia Hendrikx
Irma de Vries
Jana Vukšić
Site Practice
Future life forms
Studio Kars + Boom
Rengin Tumer
Bastiaan de Nennie
Studio Roex

Antoine Peters
Studio Hartzema
Stichting M31 Foundation
Timon van der Hijden
Buro Now
Studio D11 Architecten
Fabio de Frel
Atelier Mats
Stichting Tante Netty
MORE Architecture
de Nood Illustrations
Studio Paulien Bremmer

The applications were assessed by Leonieke Verhoog (Public Spaces), Simon de Ruijter (RVO) and Sue-an van der Zijpp (Museum Boijmans van Beuningen). They were evaluated against the following criteria:

The artistic quality of the portfolio;
The sharpness of the reflection on the development of their own practice until now and how this step can add value for a more future-proof practice;
The quality of the action plan in relation to the intended result and dealing with the Covid-19 reality;
The quality of the contribution of the partners/advisers involved.

From the 44 proposals submitted, 34 proposals were selected, bringing the percentage of applications being awarded grants to 77%. The selected projects are distributed over the disciplines as follows: design 18, digital culture 5, architecture 7 and interdisciplinary 4. This Open Call for Professionalization and deepening of the practice was able to be issued due to the additional funds made available by the Minister. The budget available was € 250,000. The maximum contribution per project was € 7,500.

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Advance notice Prix de Rome Architecture 2022

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Advance notice Prix de Rome Architecture 2022

12 January 2022

The Prix de Rome is the oldest award in the Netherlands for visual artists under the age of 40 and architects under the age of 35. The upcoming edition to be published on Friday 21 January, is open to architects, landscape architects and urban planners.

From that moment on you can compete and respond to the theme and assignment. The deadline is March 4, 2022. This year the Prix de Rome Architecture is organized by the Mondriaan Fund in collaboration with the Creative Industries Fund NL and on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The presentation is organized in collaboration with Het Nieuwe Instituut.

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creative industries fund nl - Immerse\Interact (XL) - 8 projects selected (2024)
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