[LFQ-8] What four games are on your PERSONAL Video Games Mt. Rushmore? (BONUS DAY) +TB (2024)

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05/27/24 2:41:18 PM

Which of these games deserves the fourth spot on the Video Games Mount Rushmore? (The objective one, not the subjective one) - Results (81 votes)

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

43.21% (35 votes)


Pokmon Red/Blue/Yellow

56.79% (46 votes)


This poll is now closed.

It's my birthday! I'm not good at parties so let's talk about video games in this SPECIAL EDITION MOUNT RUSHMORE!

The rules: ANYTHING GOES (kinda), I will even take fan games and mods, although I do draw the line at fictional games/myths. Unreleased games can be OK if they were somehow made accessible to the public at some point.

VOTE WITH YOUR HEART, NOT WITH YOUR MIND! I want to hear about the Mount Rushmore IN YOUR SOULS!

Because the entire idea of this Rushmore is subjective, I may just take the 10 games with the most votes and make a poll for tomorrow's Rushmore to settle which 4 make it. We'll see though, I need to know how the votes land.

Same voting rules as last topic apply:

ZenOfThunder posted...

Video Game-rules:
I will NOT be combining multiple versions of games, so if you are going to vote for SF2, coordinate amongst yourselves on which version you will be supporting so that the votes don't split.

If you are voting for something that got a reboot like Mortal Kombat or God of War, please specify which version of the game you mean by putting the year in your vote.

Same thing for multiple versions of the game, like if you are voting for Spider-Man 2 (2004), not only is that confusing because there is a new Spider-Man 2 (2023), but there's also console versions, mobile versions, and a PC port that are all different, so your vote would need to look like "Spider-Man 2 (2004)(PS2)."

If you do not specify, I won't be asking for clarification, and I am going to make a big Zen Assumption during tallying.

Reference Links: *holds up a mirror*

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uCR-viOTP-yKhRZnTyvaoXj7teKRA12gz7m-1rfmhoY/ (Sheet 1)
Racing Games: Gran Turismo, MK8D, MK64, F-Zero GX
Family Guy Episodes: Blue Harvest, Road to Rhode Island, PTV, Stewie Kills Lois
Metroidvanias: SotN, Super Metroid, Hollow Knight, Metrid Prime
Webcomics: Penny Arcade, xkcd, Homestuck, 8-bit Theater
VG commercials: Smash 64 Happy Together, Genesis Does What Nintendon't, Wii Would Like to Play, LttP Dance
Games That Didn't Hold Up: Goldeneye, BioShock Infinite, MGS4, Fallout 3
Roguelikes: Binding of Isaac, Hades, Slay the Spire, Rogue
Bad Songs: Friday, We Built This City, Baby, My Humps
Celebrity Chefs: Gordon Ramsay, Julia Child, Guy Fieri, Emeril Lagasse
Animated Disney Canon: Snow White, Lion King, Frozen, Beauty and the Beast
Video Games: Super Mario Bros., Minecraft, Tetris, TIEBREAKER GO VOTE

YESTERDAY: A very close day for one of the "essential" Mount Rushmores! I will say that a lot of games nominated definitely could fit on this Rushmore. Lots of really great debate, but Fortnite ultimately could not seal the deal. Props to Pokemon RBY for sneaking up despite not really getting support right from the get-go.

We had so much fun posting our personal Rushmores that I figured I'd take this last day of the Zen Birthday Break and turn it into a bonus round! (Plus I think a Zelda/Pokemon tiebreaker will be fun)

Also shoutouts to Beauty and the Beast for winning a VERY close TB against Little Mermaid. Mermaid was actually leading for almost an entire day there.


UPCOMING RUSHMORES (nominations welcome):
5/27/24: ZEN'S BIRTHDAY BONUS (that's today)
5/28/24: Sonic the Hedgehog Games (Zen's Birthday Present)
5/29/24: Fictional Evil Companies
5/30/24: Mega Man Robot Masters
5/31/24: Silent Protagonists
6/3/24: Fictional Detectives
6/4/24: Ubisoft Games
6/5/24: Nick Jr. Shows
6/6/24: Board 8 Projects
6/7/24: Futurama Episodes
6/9/24: Characters with Horns (nice)
6/10/24: Games with Female Protagonists
6/11/24: Horror Movie Villains
6/12/24: Video Game Controllers
6/13/24: Fictional Robots
6/14/24: American State Flags (Flag Day Special)
6/15/24: LGBT Video Game Characters
6/16/24: Fictional LGBT Couples
6/17/24: LGBT Movie Characters
6/18/24: Black Actors (Juneteenth Special)
6/19/24: Crowdfunded Games
6/20/24: Stupid Video Game Names
6/21/24: Smash Bros Reveal Trailers
6/22/24: Strong Bad Emails
6/23/24: Fictional Toms
6/24/24: Fictional Ashleys
6/25/24: Fictional Sams
6/26/24: Fictional Elizabeths
6/27/24: Fictional Michaels
6/28/24: Fictional Ashleys
6/29/24: Fictional Jacks
6/30/24: 3D Platformers
7/1/24: Canadian Mount Rushmore (Canada Day Special)
7/2/24: Indie Games
7/3/24: Moments in American History
7/4/24: Mount Rushmore 3 (4th of July Special)
7/5/24: Failed Presidential Candidates
7/6/24: WRPGs
7/7/24: Looney Tunes
7/8/24: Shonen Jump Protagonists (lmao)



(|| ' ' ||) When have you ever seen three big, very smooth arcs
. /|_|\ of hair sticking out of a person's forehead? I haven't!

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05/27/24 2:41:28 PM

Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Katamari Damacy
Mass Effect 2
Fallout: New Vegas

EDIT: we did it board 8


(|| ' ' ||) When have you ever seen three big, very smooth arcs
. /|_|\ of hair sticking out of a person's forehead? I haven't!

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05/27/24 2:43:33 PM

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
The Outer Wilds


Play Outer Wilds

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05/27/24 2:44:31 PM

F-Zero X
Snowboard Kids 2


KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy

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05/27/24 2:48:06 PM

Final Fantasy VIII
Metal Gear Solid 3
Super Mario Bros. 3
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

I really wanted a fighting game representative on here, but alas, I think Ace Attorney has surpassed that genres personal influence on me.



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05/27/24 2:48:20 PM

Octodad: Dadliest Catch
God of War III
Kingdom Hearts II


Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ https://goo.gl/Diw2hs

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05/27/24 2:48:26 PM

Chrono Trigger
Civilization V

unsure for a 4th. just know those 3 top it.


"Maybe it's a tentacle, molesting the planet itself. - Aschen Brodel.

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05/27/24 2:48:53 PM

Personal? Hmmm...

Mega Man 3
Final Fantasy VI
Resident Evil
Dark Souls


Formerly known as Raven 2

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05/27/24 2:49:38 PM

Kirby Super Star
Super Mario World
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Yes, 4 Super Nintendo games.


FFXIV - Faerie Server: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/5086952/
F/GO: 271551102; Bleach Brave Souls: 56688058

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05/27/24 2:50:43 PM

Final Fantasy VI
The World Ends with You
Pokemon Black/White 2
Xenoblade Chronicles


Change is weird.

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05/27/24 2:52:11 PM

Mega Man 2
Super Mario 64
Super Meat Boy


O P E R A T I O N O U S T : Nominate SHEIK!

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05/27/24 2:52:26 PM

Wanglicious posted...

Chrono Trigger
Civilization V

unsure for a 4th. just know those 3 top it.

actually nevermind came up with a 4th.

Fate/Stay Night

HM to Sengoku Rance which i definitely spent more hours playing and it introduced me to AliceSoft as a whole (which is another couple hundred hours in a number of games) but as a stand-alone Fate definitely had more impact on my life. and i'd put it over Tsukihime despite the latter coming first because, well, it was the bigger deal and more conversation had over it.


"Maybe it's a tentacle, molesting the planet itself. - Aschen Brodel.

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05/27/24 2:55:47 PM

Dead By Daylight
The Sims 4
Saints Row 2
Diddy Kong Racing


This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!

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05/27/24 2:59:00 PM

Super Mario World (first game I played a lot)
Final Fantasy VI (got me into RPGs)
Overwatch (game I played most)
Tsukihime (got me into VNs)


All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.

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05/27/24 3:00:22 PM

Repost from last topic

Spyro the Dragon (first game I got into a lot as a kid)
Resident Evil (my favorite franchise and 1st survival horror game, a genre which would basically become my biggest passion in life)
Call of Duty 4 (my first online multiplayer experience, I've been hooked on multiplayer shooters and COD since)
Silent Hill 2 (made me realize the depth of stories that video games could tell)


I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
If you're gonna scream, scream with me

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05/27/24 3:04:14 PM

Final Fantasy VII
Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind
Dark Souls

Fourth one is tough. Chrono Trigger, Super Mario 3, FF X (though there's already a FF rep), Metal Gear Solid 2....


Not changing this sig until the Winnipeg Blue Bombers win the grey cup. Started Aug. 16/04

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05/27/24 3:10:27 PM

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Mega Man X
Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back

last slot is super tough, but I feel good about the first three


Born to lose, live to win!

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05/27/24 3:17:53 PM

Bubble Bobble
-One of the first games I really got into as a kid

In the Groove 2
-Dance games have been a huge part of my life pretty much ever since college

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC
-One of my favorite games ever and is largely what got me into Falcom

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
-hi board 8


A hero cannot be defeated simply by making him die.

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05/27/24 3:18:55 PM




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05/27/24 3:26:12 PM

wow the tiebreaker isn't even close despite OoT being in a decently steady 4th place the whole time. Pokemon barely made it to the tiebreaker


(|| ' ' ||) When have you ever seen three big, very smooth arcs
. /|_|\ of hair sticking out of a person's forehead? I haven't!

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05/27/24 3:37:40 PM

Super Mario World
Final Fantasy VII
Metal Gear Solid 3


Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc, the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.

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05/27/24 3:39:58 PM

Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy VI
Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Metroid

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05/27/24 3:41:39 PM

i mean between those two Pokemon just seems like a no-brainer. not that it's a better game but definitely a way bigger impact that became literally bigger than Star Wars or Mickey Mouse. Pokemon is literally the #1 franchise in the world so it's a respectable choice really.


"Maybe it's a tentacle, molesting the planet itself. - Aschen Brodel.

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05/27/24 4:03:11 PM

Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy VII
Super Mario World


This signature won't change until Chrono Trigger gets a re-release on a modern Nintendo console.

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05/27/24 4:04:37 PM

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective

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05/27/24 4:38:48 PM

Wanglicious posted...

i mean between those two Pokemon just seems like a no-brainer. not that it's a better game but definitely a way bigger impact that became literally bigger than Star Wars or Mickey Mouse. Pokemon is literally the #1 franchise in the world so it's a respectable choice really.

Sure, but OoT was way more influential on games in general.


All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.

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05/27/24 4:43:06 PM

Like I said before, Ocarina of Time is probably the most highly regarded game of all-time. It's like the Lincoln of video games.

and last I checked Lincoln is on Rushmore



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05/27/24 4:51:05 PM

Dragon Quest
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Dragon Age: Origins

yeah sure this feels right

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05/27/24 4:59:20 PM

Trails in the Sky SC
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Persona 3

I will mention that I am playing through Xenoblade 3 which has a shot at making the list. However I am not finished yet and it will have to nail the landing, which Xenoblade games have a history of not doing. Time will tell I guess but the question was asked today so


I didn't do guru this year but azuarc can be in my sig anyways.

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05/27/24 6:05:10 PM

Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Final Fantasy X
Mass Effect 2
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


Lurker extraordinaire
Former cyber monkey

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05/27/24 6:06:07 PM

Pokemon RBY
Planescape: Torment
Devil May Cry 3
Demon's Souls

Happy birthday, Zen!


It's Reyn Time.

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05/27/24 6:13:44 PM

Umineko no naku koro ni
World of Warcraft
Pokemon G/S/C
League of Legends

umineko was the gateway drug to VNs, thanks b8


we're all buds~jc~
<DeathChicken> you are my hero for being the first person to cite National Geographic in Mercs

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05/27/24 6:17:21 PM

Mega Man 5 (first game I have memories of playing)
Dark Souls (favorite)
Tetris Effect (Helped me through a rough point in my life)
Overwatch (Probably the game I've spent the most time on)


PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan

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05/27/24 6:22:24 PM

Legitimately this is the toughest rushmore for me because this is not just my top 4 games but games that I feel represented something for me as a video gamer.

Final Fantasy Tactics
Devil May Cry 3
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse

Final Fantasy Tactics - This is my favorite game of all time so it needs to be here. I also love strategy RPGs so a rep from that genre or at the very least an RTS had to be there. Also considered (vaguely) for this spot: Fire Emblem 7, Starcraft.

Devil May Cry 3 - I needed a 3d action game of some sort and this to me is the earliest game where it really felt like they hit the formula for the crazy combo style action game which is probably my favorite of the lot. I also love the presentation of this game and feel like my love for that ultra over the top silliness is well represented and was help guided by this game even. Also considered for this spot: Metal Gear Solid 2, Halo 2, Ninja Gaiden Black, Metal Gear Rising

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 - I love fighting games so one rep is a must. This game made me enter EVO (as round 2 fodder, but hey!) and is probably the fighter I tried hardest to get good at so feels right. Also considered for this slot: Guilty Gear XX, Super Street Fighter IV (I also entered it at Evo), and Street Fighter Alpha 3.

Castlevania 3 - Castlevania might be my favorite series of all time and I did want a SNES or NES rep because those were my formative years. Castlevania 3 is my favorite of the old games and is probably my favorite NES game so it feels good here. Also considered for this spot: Double Dragon 2, Mike Tyson's Punch Out!!, Mega Man 3, Ninja Gaiden 2, Kirby Super Star, Super Metroid.


No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!

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05/27/24 6:26:07 PM

Pokemon Gold
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Yakuza: Like a Dragon


Bear Bro

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05/27/24 6:53:54 PM

Burnout 3: Takedown
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja 5
Umineko no Naku Koro ni

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05/27/24 7:09:16 PM

Half-Life 2
Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil
Silent Hill 2
Persona 5


Inviso thinks all starters should be Fire/Fighting.

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05/27/24 7:37:49 PM

Can't wait for this Rushmore to be decided by games that broke 5+ votes...gonna be a lot less unified than the last Rushmore.


O P E R A T I O N O U S T : Nominate SHEIK!

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05/27/24 7:41:02 PM

Final Fantasy VII
Persona 4
Snowboard Kids 2
Mario Kart 8

Played SO much of Mario Kart 8 with my kids.


The user formerly known as Ashethan

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05/27/24 8:06:12 PM

Pokemon Crystal
Final Fantasy X
Super Mario Galaxy
League of Legends


The Artist Formerly Known as Hannyabal

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05/27/24 8:18:40 PM

Super Smash Brothers Melee
Mega Man X
The Binding of Isaac
Super Mario Odyssey


Esto es el fin, Grande Padre

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05/27/24 8:40:40 PM

Super Mario 64
Resident Evil 2
Grand Theft Auto IV


:V -- Turbam

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05/27/24 8:42:42 PM

Final Fantasy VII
Chrono Trigger
Metal Gear Solid 3


-sent from SwiftyDC's phone

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05/27/24 8:56:45 PM

The Legend of Zelda
Final Fantasy VII
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Super Mario Bros


Existence. Existence is but shallow question with no answer. Buu make you chicken nuggies!

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05/27/24 9:12:11 PM
  • Frostbite. I need something from my first console. I narrowed it down to this or Megamania, and while I think the shooter is the better game now, back then I liked hopping across the ice and being chased by bears more.
  • Final Fantasy IV. The first RPG I beat, and where I developed the love of the genre. I played through my endgame save on a weekly basis just to watch the ending.
  • Chrono Trigger. I mean, the game is good and all, but it's the outside influence that does it. I went searching on the internet for information on it, which led me to the IcyBrian website that was my introduction to fanfiction, which led me to Bobbin Cranbud Presents, which led me to the RPGDL and actual recurring interaction with people online.
  • The Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening. It took me so long to figure out the first dungeon, but from there I was hooked. I think this is the source of my love of twists 75% of the way through a work.

None of these would make my top 10, but I think they were the most influential to me as a person.


Congratulations to azuarc, Guru champion!

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05/28/24 12:14:18 AM

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Final Fantasy XII
Kingdom Hearts II
RuneScape (OSRS)



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05/28/24 12:26:29 AM

WhiteLens posted...

Kirby Super Star
Super Mario World
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Actually, I put more thought into this

Super Mario World
A Link to the Past

Donkey Kong Country
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade

DKC is the first console game I had any real memories of playing

SSBM is a very 2000s defining game for me that I played a lot with friends

FE: Blazing Blade is another game that I discussed a lot with friends, and for better or worse, it's also the game that got me into online discussions (not here on GameFAQs though).

Still keeping Kirby Super Star because it's my favorite game of all time!


FFXIV - Faerie Server: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/5086952/
F/GO: 271551102; Bleach Brave Souls: 56688058

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05/28/24 12:37:02 AM

Super Mario Bros 3
Ocarina of Time
Kingdom Hearts
Team Fortress 2

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05/28/24 12:39:27 AM

Outer Wilds
Persona 5 Royal
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky
Kirby Superstar Ultra


It's tempting to linger in this moment, while every possibility still exists. But unless collapsed by an observer, they will never be more than possibilities.

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05/28/24 12:52:31 AM

Final Fantasy X - My favorite game of all time starring my favorite character of all time (any medium). Also the reason I avoid localizations and go out of my way to play/watch/listen to media in the original language whenever possible. Hell, you could say I owe my career to this game.

Super Smash Bros. Melee - Probably the most hours I've spent in a single video game? Either this or StarCraft if I had to guess. Also the first place I really started frequenting on GameFAQs (and the internet in general) was the Melee boards back in early 2002, which eventually led me to Board 8 where I've been trapped for almost 20 years. This is also the only fighting game I played at a semi-competitive level and got me into the tournament scene for awhile. I was into Target Test and Home-Run Contest for a long time as well. Oh yeah, on top of all that, it got me into Fire Emblem too, which is another one of my all-time favorite series.

Pokemon Yellow - This was the first game I can remember being absolutely hooked on. As a kid I rarely finished games and just moved on to something else half-way through (okay fine I still do this) but I was absolutely immersed in this one. I remember playing it at recess and being so locked in I missed the bell. To this day I still play every mainline Pokemon release and remain a big fan of the series, and while Gen 1 sits at the bottom of my rankings, I can't deny the influence.

Persona 5 - Not really influential or anything, just an amazing game. The only game to challenge FFX for the top spot, and there are days where I would put it number one. The one thing I can say for it in terms of legacy is it got me to play Persona 3 and 4, which are also great games I enjoyed a lot.

HM: Hollow Knight - Got me into Metroidvanias, now one of my favorite genres, and killed my anti-Indie bias. Also just a great game


MZero, to the extreme

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[LFQ-8] What four games are on your PERSONAL Video Games Mt. Rushmore? (BONUS DAY) +TB (2024)
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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Views: 6324

Rating: 4 / 5 (51 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

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Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.