Historical Markers in Gulf County (2025)

12 entries match your criteria.

Port St. Joe is the county seat for Gulf County

Adjacent to Gulf County, Florida

Bay County(84)

Calhoun County(10)

Franklin County(25)

Liberty County(3)

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1Florida, Gulf County, Port St. Joe — F-21 — Florida's First Railroad Reported missing
Florida's first railroad was constructed for the Lake Wimico & St. Joseph Canal & Railroad Company. Work began in 1835 and the first train ran in March 1836. The line extended nine miles from St. Joseph to Lake Wimico. The state's first steam . . . — Map (dbm129676) HM
2Florida, Gulf County, Port St. Joe — Old St. Joseph CemeteryHistorical Markers in GulfCounty (1)
The fenced portion of Old St. Joseph Cemetery constitutes only a small part of the original burial ground of the city of Old St. Joseph (1835-1841). Mass burial sites of yellow fever victims lie in unmarked graves. The surrounding area was . . . — Map (dbm147101) HM
3Florida, Gulf County, Port St. Joe — F-99 — Saint Joseph CemeteryHistorical Markers in GulfCounty (2)
This site is one of three cemeteries of Saint Joseph. Many persons interred here were victims of yellow fever which plagued the city throughout July and August, 1841, causing its depopulation and abandonment. The dread disease, sparing neither rich . . . — Map (dbm167037) HM
4Florida, Gulf County, Port St. Joe — F-125 — Shipyard CoveHistorical Markers in GulfCounty (3)
With completion of St. Joseph & Lake Wimico Railroad, 1836, movement of cotton to shipside at St. Joseph, from the foremost cotton producing territory in the world, began here, thence to domestic and foreign ports. As a result, the young village . . . — Map (dbm167038) HM
5Florida, Gulf County, Port St. Joe — St. Joseph Catholic Mission ChurchOldest Church Building Still Standing In Port St. Joe — Erected 1925 — Historical Markers in GulfCounty (4)
This Church Edifice was dedicated by The Right Reverend Bishop Allen and served the Catholic community for 34 years previous to dedication of the new Catholic facility in 1959. The building was purchased in 1970 by the Port St. Joe Garden Club . . . — Map (dbm238181) HM
6Florida, Gulf County, Port St. Joe — F-151 — St. Joseph Cemetery Burial RegisterHistorical Markers in GulfCounty (5)
The following persons are believed to be buried here: Dr. Thomas H. Thompson, native of Charlestown Editor of the Apalachicola Advertiser~1840 George Clark, of Boston~1841 Henry Langley, of Georgetown, Washington, D.C.~1844 Captain George . . . — Map (dbm167115) HM
7Florida, Gulf County, Port St. Joe — F-119 — St. Joseph Confederate SaltworksHistorical Markers in GulfCounty (6)
A major Confederate saltworks, with daily capacity of 150 bushels, before completion, was located 200 feet north. Brick foundations were salvaged from ruins of the old City of St. Joseph. Salt processed by evaporation of seawater was one of . . . — Map (dbm27029) HM
8Florida, Gulf County, Port St. Joe — The Florida Constitution1838Historical Markers in GulfCounty (7)
This memorial is to commemorate the birth of the State of Florida and the assembling of the first Constitutional Convention of this state convened in a building then standing upon this spot in the Year of our Lord 1838. All men are equal before . . . — Map (dbm62107) HM
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9Florida, Gulf County, St. Joe Beach — F-115 — Fort CrèvecoeurFort Crèvecoeur AbandonedHistorical Markers in GulfCounty (8)
(Front): In 1717, on this site, the French began erecting Fort Crèvecoeur within Spanish domain. On February 8, 1718, Jean-Baptiste Lémoyne de Bienville, acting Governor of Louisiana, dispatched his brother, Lémoyne de Châteagué to complete . . . — Map (dbm8164) HM
10Florida, Gulf County, Wewahitchka — Gulf County Old CourthouseHistorical Markers in GulfCounty (9)
The South Portion of Calhoun County was cut out in 1925 to form Gulf County. Wewahitchka was chosen as the county seat. The first county business was transacted in a local business house until this court house was built in 1927, and served until the . . . — Map (dbm101782) HM
11Florida, Gulf County, Wewahitchka — St. Joseph and Iola Railroad Reported missing
Third Steam railroad in Florida. Began operations in May, 1839. Built to transport cotton from Iola, located at Tennessee Bluff on the Apalachicola River, to the city of St. Joseph, 28 miles distant. The gauge was five feet. Baldwin locomotives . . . — Map (dbm129675) HM
12Florida, Gulf County, Wewahitchka — Wewahitchka Centennial1875-1975Historical Markers in GulfCounty (10)
(side 1) Fort Place, or Richard's Fort, five miles south, erected in the early 1800's is considered as the forerunner of Wewahitchka. People lived in the area earlier. Wewahitchka (Indian name for water eyes), first permanent settlement in . . . — Map (dbm101420) HM

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Jun. 21, 2024

Historical Markers in Gulf County (2025)


How many historical markers are in Florida? ›

There are 47 National Historic Landmarks (NHLs) in Florida, which are located in twenty-two of the state's sixty-seven counties.

How to write a historical marker? ›

Construct historical marker text so that it is a point by point, chronological narrative of the subject and its historical significance. Each line in the historical narrative should be verifiable with resources cited in the bibliography of the historical document.

What is the most historical place in Florida? ›

One of the oldest and most renowned historical landmarks in Florida is Castillo de San Marcos. The construction of this iconic structure was completed in 1695 and was erected to serve as a fort to protect St. Augustine from enemy attacks.

Which state has the most historical markers? ›

21It is believed that about half a million markers and monuments dot the American landscape. Texas alone has more than twelve thousand of them. The city of Lowell, Mass.

What is another name for a historical marker? ›

A commemorative plaque, or simply plaque, or in other places referred to as a historical marker, historic marker, or historic plaque, is a plate of metal, ceramic, stone, wood, or other material, typically attached to a wall, stone, or other vertical surface, and bearing text or an image in relief, or both, to ...

What app shows historical markers? ›

ExploreHere - Explore the world wherever you are! With over 200,000+ Historical Markers, ExploreHere helps you understand the world, it's history and the stories that connect us all. As bite sized pieces of history, ExploreHere lets you view, listen, track and share these stories.

How many historic forts are in Florida? ›

De Quesada states that there have been more than 300 "camps, batteries, forts and redoubts" in Florida, since European settlement began. More than 80 "blockhouses, forts, camps and stockades" were used at one time or another in Florida, during the Seminole Wars.

What is the oldest monument in Florida? ›

Built by the Spanish in St. Augustine to defend Florida and the Atlantic trade route, Castillo de San Marcos National Monument preserves the oldest masonry fortification in the continental United States and interprets more than 450 years of cultural intersections.

How many countries ruled Florida at some point? ›

Florida was under colonial rule by Spain from the 16th century to the 19th century, and briefly by Great Britain during the 18th century (1763–1783). Neither Spain nor Britain maintained a large military or civilian population. It became a territory of the United States in 1821.

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