Machinery end Tool. 17 lullding Materials 77 Articles for Sal. 75 uslness Oppartnnttlei Business Opportunities 54 Dogs, Cats Pets and Supplies Help WontodMa'e 70 Help Wonted-Male, Female FORMICA sheet stock, odd pieces Democrat and Chronicle 5C and full sneers, metai moiaina ana LADDERS, extension plank, paper-hanging outfit, trusses. 94 Montaine Pork, off Lakeshore. THREE desirable drive-In excellent business locations, ample parking.
232-6306. Rochester, N. ffffJW POODLE grooming; also all other breeds. Al's Pet Shop Groom BARS, Restaurants, Hotels, Motels, Liquor Stores; Sam F. imburgio, Ben Walenitz, Harry Stone, Frank S.
Imburgio, Al Christlano, Realty oav. Steady employment. CI 4-9ii LAWN mowers: Vh hp. riding mower, ing Solon, 444 w. Rioge, UN xxxo.
May 3, '65 MILITARY Wiring ond Soldering Worker: years experience desired, steady employment. Dvnalec 34 Elton. GR 3-0050. FORD tractor, loator. back hoe.
One owner. Moke offer. CH 4-0278. SAWS at big savings. Porter Coble builders model regular $77, special S5V.50.
Power Specialist, 74 University 544-4861. SCAFFOLDING, Universal EZE-BItt, galvanized scaffolding rent or salt. Consult us for layout engineering. glue. daily, -12 Saturdays.
Products, 440 St. Paul St. I GARAGES, 14x20, $395. Build tt yourself or let us recommend a carpenter. 15 other sizes available.
anytime reel type and 18" Pennsylvania 546-4226. poodle ouooies. black minotures Wanted Business Opportunities 54A reei type mower. 63 Washington Pittsford, N.Y. AKC registered, shots.
2751 Lyell Rd. RELIABLE man wonted to work in company garage. Familiar wim nnrf Industrial POODLE groomer, some experience. BAR-GRILL: Dewey, business or property. New listing.
Known location. John Gornhom, Byron Webber, Help Wonted Molt 4 AM interested putting money, time in a paper business selling to In Nichols wyman Lumper, mjj unw.i I-BEAMS, lumber, various sizes, LAWN mower, self propeller, electric starter, Excellent. $30, 111 Dumnunl nntltton. GOOd Poodle Shop, CO 6-8560. ROOM Clerk In downtown hotel, tonriv oosltlon.
5-dav week. Ex Brokers, 546-5293, OS 1-565Z, pc dustry. Write S16SE This Newspaper. POODLFS. Km" P'nnoll'- styling grooming.
ID 4-1450. BR 1-2333. doors, winaows. maroie. i B-G Equipment, Mb Mieu.
versrreer Drive, 1-5 p.m pay. Reply: giving all personal Par BEAUTY shop. Frenctl provincial. Gold, white equipment. 4 air con Wrecking 245 Mf.
Read perienced preferred, but not neces ticulars on past employment LAWN mower. International Cadet With snow hln-r nttnrhmnt. MAN over IS or retired wontedfpr rtponino uo ond odds ond ends. Mustl ve In $50 weekly plus room ond board AdpIv Broemar Country Club. 4704 Ridoe SDenceroort.
EL 7-3131. Ask tor Mr. or Mrs. TABLE Saw: Craftsman wim bench. $65.
HU 2-8303. PUGS: AKC. Fawn beauties. Al'sl FA 14120. J75SH This Newspaper.
ditioned dryers. 4-operator shop. sary. State qualifications. nine BUSINESSMAN will Invest up to $75,000 In good sound business.
Either active participation or out right purchase. Write 354MJ, This Newspaper. Pet Shoo, 464 w. Rioge. trailer ond seeder.
$650. CH 4-4297. PICTURE window assembly, 9'3" by EXPERIENCED real estate sales 748-MH, This Newspaper. Must sell due to Illness. Fl 2-0392.
PUG puooies. AKC. fawn with black, 4 10 screens, storm sasn, w. BRIDGEPORT Mills: Used 4x12 Norton Surface Grinder, 16 Shaoer, 10" Looan Lathe Britton Machinery. LAWN mower, power, reel type, $15.
SALES: Full time, part time; mll- Durante 2-3552. shots, wormed, excellent pedioree LU 6-0951. nvu uvimwMr. OOV3 wevn zii lanev kq. BUILDING, 3,000 sq.
196' front-rnp Hlnrkton narklna for 25 cars. man: Hionest Ing provided. 4 Seasons Realty, 1540 Ridoe Rd. W. UN 5-1310.
mej i interested In torn. LU 4-5980. COMPLETE building materials: Lum shoes. Salary. Apply Personnel Of-j LAWN roller.
Champ junior. Sacrifice SCHNAUZERS standard, salt-pepper, 'AC-5 loader, 1-yard. Excelent condi fice, 5th floor, wa-uray s. BUSINESS Wanted: Will Invest $50,000. Young businessman will buy half Interest or outright purchase In a sound business.
Write 921MH, This Newspaper. isn. IV63 model. HU 2-1 1 85; 2 males, 4 months. ID 4-8534.
Air conditioned, new heating plant. $85,000. Terms. See Irving Temp, 3887 Ridge Rd. W.
tion. Sebastian Bros, yj uinaen ber, piywooa, rooting, nuruuii paint and paneling. Atlantic Mill-1 work. 2715 W. Henrietta 1800 reoorts.
Well suited for those of early hnu ffir. ana ost Kocnesier. SALES Office, full time, ond part time. Maintenance, part time. Salary, immediate store benefits.
Apply SCHNAUZERS: Miniatures. Registered. 12 weeks. Salt and oeooers LAWN mower, 30" Toro, parts special. 7 h.p.
engine. $300. 195 Rich's Dugwav. or tAgnuronte. PORTER Cable-DeWolt tools.
Schoen- Empire isa Kiage no. COIN Operated Laundromat and Dry fersonat Loans 56A able to tvoe. Write P.O. Box 789. McCurdv Nortngate.
heit. 405 Norton ho -uiw. Cleaners with complete launary GIORDANO Lumber: Coll on us to lnA nntcihl Drlce on Rochester. LIVING, dining, bedroom, kitchen Bred for quality and temperament. Cropped.
Shots. Haust, Phelps, N.Y. Sunday-evenings, 548-2461; weekdays. service. BE 5-4842 or ID 6-0988.
furnishings. Glider, large trunk. DELTA Joiner, 4 ball bearing, save $20 Delta bench lathe, un our building materials. 200 Clifford SALESMAN-Shoe. For assistant manager.
Full time. Excellent opportunity for advancement. Salary DEALERSHIP available. America's floor lamps, vacuum cleaner, mlr- 3V4-6U38, COde 315. SIAMESE, pedigreed, Sealpolnt equalled In flexibility, $74.50.
Delta Ave, rl 2-4U3I), ATTENTION: Two men to assist local manager 3 evenings per week Pleasant display ond sales work $40 per week salary. National metal com-nonv. Car necessary. 454-0831; rors. 4 Kosaiina St.
SIGNATURE Loans by Mall for spring expenses or money for any other worthwhile purposes. with credit life Insurance. Open Thurs. to p.m. and Sat.
to 1 p.m. Phone ahead, 325-4334. Home Auto Loan 200 Burke corner leading Wayfarer camp trailer. Contact Mr. Chorles Dentico, Tent commensurate with experience.
Farm and Dairy Products 79 house broken, good natured, HU vacuum cleaner, dust collector, $59.95, Hardware Week special, $44.44. Alharts, 1110 Culver Rd. Liberal benefits, appiv person City. 280 Lyell Ave. LUGGAGE: Ladles (1) (1) Man's Cowhide.
24'' All far $45. Z-3443. CORN ensilage, good condition, 30 7th floor E. W. Edwaras son, i-m i teachers, sum nci irATFSSFN: Arnett Blvd.
Ex HU 2-6795. SPRINGER Soaniel duos. AKC. Downtown. ton.
Honeove Pans, wr-n mer work, pleasant display and Champion sired. Also 10 mo. old Main St. Paul St. OUTBOARD motor.
ho. Com SUPERINTENDENT: Experienced, female, akc. buss 7501. cellent beverage trade, should double next few months. Buy now, reap profits from best selling season ahead.
Illness forces reduced price sales work. $100 per ween salary, var necessary. Large metal manufacturer. UNIVERSAL Iron worker, cuts, knots, punches. Also large drill press, welding machine.
1954 Ford 1-ton stake truck. Monroe Steel, 546 Oak St. POTATOES, Katahdln. Eating bog or truck load. Also for seed, from certified.
Hartson Bel. 131 Can- reliable. Couple tor large apart- 58 Mortgages pletely reconditioned, $55; Formica kitchen set, yellow, Duncan Phyfe SPRINGER Soanlels: AKC. 838 Har ment house. 454-JJT).
ohone, 454-4831 mon, off Five Mile Line. South side legs, cnairs, $22. ID 6-4444. andalguo Rd. waiwortn.
-w7. TECHNICAL Writer: With electronic for quick sole. BE 5-0230, of pentieid. OPPORTUNITY: Service station attendants for full and part time MUSKIN Pool, 10x30" with filter, FIRST or 2d mortgage money available Immediately for any purpose. Consult First Realty 544-5458.
FIRST or 2nd mortaaaes: Small. Genesee- background, consulting company. Immediate opening. ST. BERNARD Puppy: Male, house- GAS station.
Established. Frost. BU 8-5694. ladder, vacuum. Reasonable.
NO HYSTER lift trucks, Wavne sweepers, let personnel carriers. For sale, rent, lease-long or short term. Coll Rausch Equipment, DU 1-4414. work. Also to train as manaer Apply In person, 9-5 et 400 Stole St broken.
Reasonable. CO 4-9684. Attention Men! I nokino for a chance to better yourself in 1965? Multi-position dTvision 51-year-old building mo-tehal company is "d'" ft sales trainee program ond will select men to start on-lob training. SALARY BONUS work If vou aualify on tests ond personal Interview, vou will on payroll where abihtv Is recognized. Rapid Pmot depends on ambition ond ability to KTarn our work.
If you can begin immediately, and can manage on $100 solory weekly to start, apply Howard Johnson Motor Inn, W. Henrietta Rochester, May 3rd, from 2-s p.m., Ask for Mr. Barrett. Ontario. SEED oats: Garry's, Russell's, Niagara's.
Clean, treated, $1.35 per bushel. Wilbur L. Smith, PreEmp-tion Geneva, RD 1, 789-4794. 3-8476. CH 4-3580.
Any purpose. Fast service. 50-mile GENESEE 164: Small restaurant for sale. 3 booths, doing good busi RETIRED men, opportunity for full raoius. Davis, tu y-ni2.
BLACK and Becker electric hammer, PAINT: Colored gloss. Floor enamel. Any 2 $5.88. Herkru Paint, 631 Monroe BR 1-5036. EXPERIENCED and reliable waiter or waitress for first-class downtown restaurant.
Night shift. Call Mr. VIZSLA, Irish setter, English setter, Pointer, Beagle. Registered. Guar anteed hunters.
Trade for guns. Atlantic, 534-5188. or part Time guaro war, rrimre ness. Selling due to illness. MORTGAGES bought: 1st, 2nd.
Quick 1W barrel. $45. CH 4-2454. Llovd C. 5mitn, jonn n.
Henrietta, ED 4-4144. benefits, advancement potential. No New PAINT: Good quality Interior latex, UNIT, Model 614 backhoe. Purwin, after 5 P. s4o-8u.
cash. H. B. Rosenbloom, GR 3-6543, MORTGAGES: Residential. com- experience necessarv.
faia wnne WELSH terrier, AKC, male, i years wnne or colors. 2 gallons for $4.79 motor. UN training. Uniforms, equipment tur- GENERAL Store: Self service, walk-in cooler, olr conditioned. Quarters obove.
Doing 5 figure net. Terms to reliable buyer. Massett Realty, rniioi P. mon ond wife for superin Wanted: Farm and Dairv Products 79A Old, SI2S. TR 2-l63.
wrnoia 1014 Hudson, Fl 2-5075. nished. BR 1-2105 mercial and Industrial, city and suburban. Quick action. Kionlck, WIREHAIR Terrier: AKC register tor tendents.
Large apartment house In Rochester. Apartment ond salary. Susan Lane UN 5-1480, Mr. Woterport 682-3104. POOL, 11x48 Muskln; galvanized steel wall; Lomart spin filter; wood Realtors, 325-3890.
stud service. Call ED 4-3895. PART time salesman to assist regular cleaning supplies route mon. Eveninas and Saturdays. Married QUALITY hay wanted.
Price no oblect. Rodney Farms, Scottsvllle, MORTGAGE Loans, Building Loons. OBEDIANCE training classes. All GIFT shop contents, 3 greeting card racks, one gift wrapping; napkins, CLOSE OUT SALE R. Bierworth.
loaaer; test kit; pool cover; cleaner, skimmer. $250. HO 7-2259. Refinance your mortgage any pur N.Y. breeds.
Sponsored by the German man with car. Comoensaatlon discussed ot interview. Mr. Waiker, Fl 2-6164. pose.
VA, FHA, or conventional Form equipment 80 Shepherd Dog Club, May 11th, 7:30 party goods; candle rack. New sioc. Limed oak finish. 2 months olds. Excellent.
Sell all or part. Reasonable POOL table, 4 mos. old. Regulation slate. Custom line.
Asking $300. CO mortgages, 6-30 year terms, 5Vi-4 interest. No advance charges. Low ai i ic rhnimr WD. D-14.
In p.m. Burgandy Basin Inn, Marsh Pittsford. For Information call e-izyi. Owner hos other interest, il -ow NEEDED AT ONCE ternational 300, 350D, 560. Ford NAA.
Massey Harris 50. Costello POOL, swimmlna. 14'. like new. OS 1-1743 or TR 2-2961.
1 closing costs, we purcnase property Wm. Oman 104 Wilder 232-3088; nites, BR 1-1312. GROCERY store for rent, fully equipped ond stocked. Very rea Including deluxe filter and acces HANDSOME setter co*cker mixed Farm Service, Clyde, N.Y. sories, wou.
OS 1-1562. Medium-small size. Good health. sonable. Buns Heoa orea.
ce j-tqjj. ANY mortoaae, small or larae, will POOL table, 4x8 plywood. Folding WE HAVE an opening for man with mechanicol ability to service contractors, equipment and look otter warehouse ond yard. We can offer good hourly rates to capable ctH, nrk. vear-round, 40- Needs owner who has time, desire to GROCERY Store, small.
Owner re AUTOMATIC cattle feeders. Feeders and mow conveyors of all styles. Immediately delivery and Installation. legs, soa. ibb warion St.
purchase, place or refinance. Frea B. Kravetz, 232-1525. provide necessary care. Lu 4-9137.
tired. 529 Chill Ave Rochester distributor closing out on mowers, sweepers, golf carts ond many types of turf maintenance equipment. Many fantastic price reductions. For example: 1. 22" deluxe Pennsylvania self- repelled rotary mower, $99.95.
24" Pennsylvania riding rotary, $179.95. 3. Colt 10 h.p. troctor, S5Vt. PUPPIES: Dachshunds.
co*ckers, Toy POWER mower, II Inch. 2-cvcle engine, $15. 333 Tarrlngton HOTS and Hamburgers location: With parking. Genesee-Frost. BU Manchesters, Spitz, Pugs, Wire- hour week Apply, U80 Scottsyille Portable grinder mlxer-mllls In stock now In most all makes and sizes.
Owatanna wlndrawers, with price and nrrtnrmane uneaualed and all sizes BU 1-3V4U. HOME Mortgage 520 Granite1 now with 30 years experience helping people finance and bu their own home as well as helping mortoaoe holders cash their mort 8-54M. FURNITURE SALESMAN Full time, experience necessary. Salary plus commission. LAYAWAY WOMAN Full time.
Experience desired. Good saiory. PIECE GOODS SALESLADY Part time. Experience desired. Good salary.
DRAPERY, DOMESTIC SALESLADY Part time. Experience desired. Good salary. holr, Scottv ond Toy Fox Terriers, Monday. v.nnn Aprntred shoes.
POWER mower: Toro, reel type. HOTEL, large town south, has 11 Beoa es. Pomeranians. Pekingese, Good condition. Fl 2-1153 evenings.
on display now for Immediate de ELECTRONICS SALESMAN Experience desired but not necessary. Permanent, challenging position, to sell fine line of electronics, TVs, radios, phonographs. Salary, plus commision. Excellent company benefits. APPLY 10 AM to 9 PM J.
C. PENNEY CO. SOUTHTOWN PLAZA Collies, German Shepherds. Others $5 up. Al's Pet Shop and Grooming sleeping rooms, iargeainin iirami good bar business.
Lamed Realtor, "cSSSm Contact Frank Lynch, 17 Ambassador Victor, gages. Your home mortgage prob. livery now. Don Howard, Lananaai- POWER lawn roller, 1,700 olso trailer. BU 8-8417.
gua, N.Y Solon, 444 W. Ridge, UN 5-4040. Hemlock 3-i pnone lems deserve careful considerate attention. Call Leon J. Brown, or GR 3-7419.
Come In, look over the volute and savel BALERS used New Holland 48 ond POWER Mower Rider: Famous "Is OBEDIENCE Classes: AKC licensed LAUNDROMAT, consistently good. Other committments force sale. GR lander," 32- 4 h. o. Eorly sale, handler.
Bill Sieklerskl, MA 1-3070. 49 boilers wltn tnrowers, usea international with loader, used A Wanted To Borrow 59 S275. Ridge Culver Hardware, 1839 3-9015. IMMEDIATE opening: we ore need of an aggressive man to tre nlng for sales managers posmon. Home improvement field.
Experience not essential but this tn moke sales his Horses, Cottle. Other Stock 71 Ridge Rd. E. MACHINE Shoo equipment. All or with tools and usea 3i uniiiy, iuh ra 400 crawler with loader.
SEVEN thousand dollars: Consoli ARABIAN stallions at stud to ap HAVERSTICK-TORO SALEI CORP. 45 FORD ST. ID 6-1131 REEL power mower 18" deluxe date bills. Your terms. Write part, sickness torces riirrriiii.
BU 8-7281, TR 2-1994. proved mares, Shams Allah, 9481, 109MJ, This Newspaper, model; Pincor, never used, $80. 546-5390, BR 1-0711. Used riding mowers. All i Chalmers 10 suburban tractors and equipment In stock.
Kingston's Form Ma Chestnut, Iral Sham 11698, gray. URGENT! $3,500. Repay $125 month MOTL: 14-unlt, attached 3-bedroom rciHnr. thorotiahlv modern, room J. Donovan, 481 Peck Spen QUALITY restaurant type of food es- career Car essential.
Compensation discussed at Interview, Apply, In Person, 229 Lyell Ave. mornings only. chinery, Honeove i-oiis, ly. Good collateral, write )iwn, This Newspaper; cer port, N.Y. tnh chment teexs mature man wnn REO, reel power lawnmower, used excellent condition, $30.
44 St. Regis Dr. GR 3-8883. for expansion. Appointment in ad rctnnrnnt experience to be trained BULK milk tanks.
New and used. vance only, tone usi VII INSTRUCTION W. J. Trimble, woyiona, m.t. ARABIAN stud services: Sir Guv of Aldachar, 13480 (Son of Royas).
Ontario 315-524-9065 RELAX-A-CISOR, In excellent condl- Realtor, Penn Yan jia-wo-w. as an assistant cnet wnn tne possi-hilltv nf Advancement to too position. ATLAS lathe with tooling, 3 hp. air compressor. Three Buffalo bench type drill presses, small Diorco finger brake, hand grinder, punch presses, milling machines, etc.
Letta's Trading Pwt, 877 Brood St; CASE 530 dlesel backhoT 530 gas Massey Ferguson 45 with back PLOWS: Harrows, Fords, new and tion, $75, call GR 3-4550. MOTEL: 14 rooms, plus ranch Automobile, Flying Send complete resume to iumj inn used. Used tractor witn oot- BAY gelding, showy walking horse Instruction iO Newspaper. SAW Mill: Portable, for sale or rent. Naples, OS 1-5547.
IIUIMC, unit motels. Hotel. Also bar, grill. VICTor, WA 4-2189. tom 12" Plow.
Shaw-Lewis Honeove Foils, N.Y. LFARN to flv: Camolete flloht train hoe. IHC W6 with backhoe. New Grocery store, cnoice ot tnree. Large boat marina with good franchise.
Large restaurant. All located i. I nran In I VOn. Ing for a pilot rating. Individual Instruction.
ADoraved under G.I. Rov SUPER Farmall A with plows and rnltivntor. Farmall all rebuilt HORSES: Registered auarter horse gelding. Registered Palomino mare, grades $125 uo. Saddlery, Robert Fisher, Aliens Hill, Honeove, BA 5-4328.
HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES OVER 18 To assist local advertising manager of Crowell-Collier (publishers), 135 Delaware Ave, Buffalo. Monthly salary, $425. Ask for Mr. Allen, 4546919. John Deere models on hand.
John Holpln 8, Sons, Henrietta, ED 4-4150. Hvlan School of Aeronautics. Hvlan 1800 at John S. Blazey, Palmyra. Airport, w.
Henrietta bk i-buw, broker: Phone Rochester, TU 9-3199. SERVICE Station Equipment: Block-hawk floor lack, $90. Sun fast charger, $110. Sun battery starter tester, $125. Two 5-lb.
dry chemical fire extinguishers, $15 each. 5-lb. C02 fire extinguisher, $25. United Delco ignition parts and cabinet, $275. Hand tools and other Items.
Experience necessary. Salary plus commission. Phone LY 7-512L LIVESTOCK commission auction Instruct-on Classes 65 TRACTOR, IHC Farmall Model FC Seeds, Plants, Flowers, Trees CROWN ZELLERBACH CORPORATION RESEARCH St NEWSPAPER: Good circulation. Covers five good-size villages and nnt. Including all real estate.
every 137 Market, Palmyra For low commission, higher return to AMERICAN Barber School, 115 with hydraulic toucn control. Victor, WA 4-2038. TRACTOR. Farmall Cub, 1950, like North Rochester: Low rates, presses and equipment. Seven em eveninas.
you; consign your livestock here Palmyra, LY 7-4711. Johncax Sons EVERGREENS. All varieties. Trees, shrubs. Gevssens Nursery, 3444 Mt.
Read Blvd. easy payments. 546-J7). ployes. Galloway Broner, j-i, MEN-Women: Comptometer, IBM key new with snow oioae.
fyiaxe otter. FA 8-4161. MARE, Vi Arab, 7 years old; 'i Arab FA geld ng, 4 vears old. B. A.
Berolin. STORM doors, wood combination: 5 (32x80Vi), 4 (36x80'A); used aluminum windows (100), $2.50 up. 444 St. Paul open only Saturdays, 325-7280. 635 Quaker Hill Elba, 757-2710 RESTAURANT: (Ridge-Kodak).
5-day work, moneymaker, ideal family ooerotion. Long established. Esse punch, IBM 402 wiring operation, Short courses. Budget plan. Day-evening-Sat.
classes now forming Comptometer School, 454-4822. TRACTORS, loaders and backhoes for sale or rent. Buckner Miller, 178 Philips Rd Webster. OS 1-2775. DEVELOPMENT DISPLAY department: Experienced trimmers, windows and Interior; Dermanent; all benefits.
AdoIv Sib- lev's Employment Office, 6th floor. AMBITIOUS man will moke over $100 per week oDerollna power mnuia, AAllt hftVft fflf tO tOW PLAN 1 food, lown seed, weed killers, insecticides, fungicides to meet your requirements, small or large. Wm. H. Archer Corp.
arm store, 491 Elmorove 4-1884. STRAWBERRY plants, Leoding varieties. Broman Brothers, 1861 Harris East Penfield, Realtor, UN 5-4220. PALOMINO mare, small, Western, copper colored, 9 vears, needs experienced rider, $350. White yearling filly, $150.
Both gentle, healthy. Pal SUMP pump repairs on upright pumps, parti. Berghorn, 544 W. Private Instruction 44 SERVICE station, Routes 5 and 20, ALUS Chalmers Tractor, overhauled Vern Leenhouts. 15 Union, wain, TUTORING: Qualified teachers.
All Marion, n.y trailer and' roller Inauire 1024. myra, LY 7-4310. Avon, wen locatea i Day rauiuv. Good opportunity for a profitable business. George Emo, Texaco SURVEYOR'S transit, excellent cotv subiects community Tutoring inuti nri A with wide front axle, Howard Rd, r-N Xn, t-H 7-0696.
PALAMINO mare, young, also her h-nn nnlir. 3.W!tiOn dition. uee Boniett, rtoney, Service. LU 6-2746. ID 4-7630, CH 4-2567.
MAN for lawn care, part time; east filly colt. Savannah 365-4376. 638-8826. ctrnn 2-bottom 16" John Deere, VALENTINE, Rhubarb plants, Iqrge TUTORING: Elementarv subiects side Hu auontlty. Walter Roller, OS 1-5485.
huHrmillr nlows. 1941 lVj-ton truck SWIMMING pools. Doughboy above PONIES, all sizes, all colors, all Certified teacher. 454 -70; CH 14-8 Ontario drill. Like new.
Victor, ages. CH 4-5294. ground. New witn aeep enai 4-0903, evenings. WA 4-2449, CAREER Salesman: An attractive excitina career may be vours If vou hove a real desire to serve the public In helping to choose the most ex QUARTERHORSE.
2 years, started; Also low pacxage prices i if All 4' deeo. Service Informa Vm LIVESTOCK SERVICE Station: Due to personal situation It has become difficult for me to operate my business until the end of my lease with a mnlor oil company. Going business arid inventory and eauioment available reasonably. Call CO 4-9698, CL 4-B282, DU ATTENTION Garden Centers and Truckersl Bedding plants, petunias, snaps, other annuals, tomatos, peppers, etc. Norman Diedrich, 202 Howell Folrport, year ing Arab.
Both good conforma tion anytime. Lake Distributing CASE 800 tractor, 4 bottom plow. John Deere 24T bailer. Cunningham c. rtfrHAr (nrm rM rhnriM tion.
Reasonable. 1199 Shoecraft, BR 1-6230 pansive and important iicni myy Mximr- "The Home. SPORTSWEAR SALESLADY Full time. Experience desired. Good salary.
WOMEN'S FURNISHINGS SALESLADY Part time. Experience desired. Good salary. SHOE SALESMAN Full time. Experience desired.
Good salary. APPLY lees, Birds. Fish and Supplies Webster oft Ridge. it Our organization can helD you find QUARTER horse, registered, geld 1-5816. Physical Chemist or Physicist (PhD or Equivalent Experience) Notional non-defense oriented pulo, paper and packaging company has a current opening in our Central Research Division, located near Portland, Oregon, solory open and commensurate with experience and background.
Continued expansion of Research activity provides excellent personal growth opportunity. Position Involves development work on electronic copying ond reproduction paoers as well os advances research In pigment and adhesive systems and image transfer mechanisms. ing, 6 vears. Livonia Fl 4-3137, evenings. this rewaraina career in ure estate profession.
Those with past experience in real estate soles would n-tnrnllu nrefiirred. but If VOU ALLIGATORS, canats, parakeets, mvnahs, kittens, assorted pure breed dogs; also mixed breed pups, hamsters, guinea olos, rabbits, SUNOCO franchise available, located at 1421 Scottsvllle paid training, good return on Investment. Call SWIMMING pools. Above ground KJ lfo State Webster, TR and redwood. Buy now, special f.jjrt sprino prices.
Schoenheit Suppl'os, nHiiinn nulvl-mul-100 Pottenwpod Dr. CO 6-3244 TlcLhLeAGMfXoNrnMckBdrag5sn UeddTscs SWIMMING pools: Now In effect! gnd hitch plows. Avon Equip-Snedol early season savings on menf lnC-l Avon, N.Y. Phone WA family pools. Muskln, Shorkllne, 4.3250 ABIES concolor fir, full line of nursery stock.
All of your gardening needs. VerHulst Brothers, 1271 Ridge Rd. W. FLOWERS; annuals. Vegetable plants.
Quality, low prices. Stasel's Green Houses, 215 Buckman UN 5-9290, SADDLE horses (2). Suitable for children. Reasonable. 4123 Rush- FA 8-5430, or evenings, on turtles, etc.
Pfluke Aquarium Pet Lima Rush hove reason to believe, that you would be successful In this full, time fascinating soles career, we Invite Shop, 92-96 Monroe. SHETLAND pony, 4 years old, good etc. Big selection on display. Tent FARMALL Cub tractor, like new, than 40 cultivators, SUNOCO franchise available at 2275 Ridge Rd. W.
Station has proven Income and will be located In front of new $3,000,000 shopping center, further Infnrmntlnn call Sun Oil with children, pony cart, harness, city, 28U -yen av. Sporting froods fP vou to call for an appointment, wm-pensation discussed at interview. Whv H-iri nnw tn mil for an ap plow. Albert Farr, 1055 Klem saddle. Antique top buggy with sldeiTcicsroPE: 4'V' reflector, home-curtains.
Sled. Extra fills for team. mad. tic- 2y4 refractor, $20. HETTRICK tent: One Webster, ik z-ziu.
AQUARIUM sale: 3Vi gallons to 70 gallons, terrific savings now on display. 10 gallon aquarium with SS reflector, $4.88. Fluorescent reflectors from $7.25 up. Thermostat heaters, $1.59 and up. Baby parakeets cages and complete pet supplies.
Carroll's Tools for trimming hoofs, grooming. pointment to, discuss, vour future career. Ask for Mr. Moose ot Alvin FA 8-5430, or evenings ond 1344 Ridge Rd. UN 5-3306.
UN 5-7536. 10 A.M.-6 P.M. FOR Oliver, Fox, NWHoTland and! NO Gehl eauioment see Blckford's In; GUNS, Archery; boats, motors, trail-Le Roy, 967-8530; ers, tockle. Sllm's. 352 Empire, Moose Realtor, 4i4-i6u, TACK, English, Western.
Saddle blan AVAILABLE Now Esso Dealership: MAN experienced to organize sales crew for fast selllno house to house Please send resume In confident to: 1652 St. Paul. J. C. PENNEY CO.
kets, $4. Bits, $3. Two pair English boots, $8 pair. Charlotte Conrow, UN 5-4459, after 3. Both optically good; Astro comera, never used, $35.
LY 4-4354 TELEVISION, portable, $75; table television, $40; electric hedge clipper, $15; golf clubs, $20; hand mower, stereo record player, floor, $40; portable, $10; aluminum folding cot, table radio, $10; toboggan, $10; sleeping baa, aluminum Ice chest, $10; tennis Item Pictorials. 145 St. kqui at. Become an independent Business man in this growing service field. Paid Esso training school to start immediately.
Call ID 6-6060 days, CASE construction equipment. Drive a new heavy-duty construction King with 16 ft. digging depth; also 4-wheel loaders and large crowlers. BABY parakeets, canaries. Supplies, 192 Belmont Rd NO 3-3463.
GOLF clubs, 3 woods, I Irons, matched set, bag, cart, $60. 209 Autumn Greece. GOLF clubs, I Irons, 3 woods, gutter, leather bag. Medium-tail men's set. CAPABLE men: Crown Universal, WELCH Arabian pony and saddle Gentle.
$200. ED 4-3468. national business eauioment cum-mnif now, exnnrtriina into this area TR 2-4574 evenings CULVER-RIDGE PLAZA Monroe Tractor, w. Hjenrieita, RABBITS, parakeets, canaries, kittens, tropical fish, mice; all pet supplies, etc. Poodle Parlor and Pet Shop, Dewey-Latta Plaza, MA 1-3070.
Good condition, $50. EX 2-9310 Manager, Professional Technical Recruiting One Bush Street Son Francisco, California Prompt response assured. An Equal Opportunity Employer PAPEC new 35A Forage Harvester i.s rn New Papec trail tvoe WOOD working plant, fully equipped, 10,000 sq. ft. Retail store, res-iHMr.
1 nrrp Central Adlrorv SMALL Western horse, Pinto, brown white, very gentle, likes to run. Call Fl 2-0052. seeks capable, eneroetlc men to sell, supervise and conduct operations, smarv Dlus commission, Incentives. racket, waikie talkie, no; wnite contour chair, lunper chair, REMINGTON model 870. ventilated rib, sket barrel, 12 gauge.
Like new. BR 1-8064. sprayers. Saxby's. Mendon.
Honeove OUR reputation Is your guarantee of For Interview send background to dacks. Priced to sell. NO 3-9440. WAITRESS: Walters, experienced. Apply In person.
Lin For's, 48 Falls 281 or WA 4-35y, crib, $20; bathlnette, $10; potty chair, chest, $10; hlghchalr, $4. the highest quality of tropical ana saltwater fish. Our breeding experi 355MJ, This Newspaper, YEARLINfi Holsteln heifer, 2 service bulls, Pinto mare and colt. Veldon Dunton, Middlesex. uu bi nnwiPiPl n- Bar.
restaurant, TENT, 10x12, patio, bed, Ice chest. Wonted: Form Equipment 80A East Ave. UN 5-O04V. victor, wa 4-321S, days. MAN.
help In shipping department, Eosle Specialty 242 State. rnupi F. vunerintend modern aoart- THEATER seats. Ideal for rumpus PRONT-End looder for 430 Deere motel. 9-room home.
70 acres. Ideal tor golf course, trailer court. Good water supply. Illness forces sale. Sheehan, broker, Lima, LU 2-6655, ence and our suppliers give you the best in canaries and parakeets.
See our latest arrivals In exotic birds, fish and many other animals. Phil's ment DU a no. iaurenuri room, etc Keqsonopie, us Crawler, 4 roller, iti MEN wonted, 10: to (earn heating business from ground up. Apply 462 Monroe Ave. 9-12 a.m.
EMPIRE Caledonia Stockyords livestock auction every Tuesday 10 a.m. Hog pool Thursday, May 6. Contoct us concerning your farm Horwick Rd. Apply Mrs. Scarfla, MAN wanted to trim motor blocks in scrap yard.
Must have own tools. Apply Genesee Scrao, Smith VARITYPER. like new, hardly used, Fertiliser, Top Soil, Sod 8 Supt. Dinr.p ph f.ommerc a frontage, S.UUU, 3-I3U, UU Aquarium 8, Pet Shop, tostway Plaza OS 1-6280. Open dally till 9.
MANPOWER needs Londscapers and sale. Empire Livestock Market, Cale corner oak, -inn inn rieen. 350-ft. blacktop VINYL Fabrics: Foam cushioning, BASE dirt: Bay Valley dark rich top soli, fill dirt, sandy, heavy. Employment Male, Female 50A SELL, buy, reuolr: Mausers, $..
Ithacas, Brownings. "Commercial 8 2371. SPORTSMAN make J. M. Fields your one slop shopping center for vour needs; SPOT cosh: Rifles, shotguns, golf sets.
Buy, sell, trad. Olvmpie Sporting Goods, 2854 W. Henrietta CH 4-8870. donia, KE 8-4900. and lighted, 350 ft.
row land adloln- MEN to work In bottling plant. in rwdv for work Dogs, Cats Pets and Supplies ing, Minimum casn a Delivered. Excavating. cui 70 WANTED Tdndem two-horse troiler. EL 2-5214, p.m.
upholstery and protective faorics for marine, lawn, or cool. Remnants. Retail hours. Mondov 5-9 P.m.. Saturday 9-5 p.m.
Howard's, 125 Allen St Steady work, salary aiscussea at -i" Manoower Inc. 27 rane CrUS" RETIRED couple Housekeeper, main Temp, 388 Kioge nn. 1 vci 1 07iv PctnhlKhefl. eauiooed AIREDALE: Vh months. Male.
AKC FILL dirt. Topsoll. Bulldozing. Truck- -FILL dirt, 2,500 cu. centrally MILEY trailers, 17 new 65 In stock.
Delivered prices stort at tenance man. uocior. muuc Apartment available. Greece Employment Agency, 2808 Dewey Ave. MA restaurant.
Ideally located, Indus 4M-BMI registered. $100. papers, lu 6-3ia. Consultants, Employment Agencies- WATce heater. 25 oal.
electric trial orea. HU l-wn, AIREDALES, AKC. Beauties. Route located. Mui-uJi 1-2500.
white bricks; small gun rock, fire Counsellors Male 49A MECHANICALLY Inclined man to sell uo and run book binding macnin-i erv. Will teach, steady work, fringe benefits. Zahrndt Book Binders, 1500 N. Clinton. MEN for work on golf course.
Apply Oak Hill Country Club Grounds De- SMALL restaurant, Canandaigua, seats 19. Going business, one man 98, 5 miles south Batavia, pink house. M. Peio, Batovla, Fl 3-9490. screen 32x31 con -9 only, naiov.
PLANT food, lown seed, weed killers. Insecticides, fungicides, to meet r-tnii tr Inrnm $1,145. Open Sundays tor inspection. Babco*ck's Clinton St. Rd.
Botovio. BARNSBY forward seat saddle. 4 or 5 horse GMC vans. 921 Gravel Road. W.
Webster, Situations Wanted Female 52 crittenaen ik j-wjj. ACCOUNTANTS, IBM, Sales, Engi operation, can lananaaiaua jr-roi. BASSET Dachshunds, Labrador: BRING us vour old gun or pistol: We buy, sell ond trade. Cash wait- Ingt Tent City, 280 LyelL MAUSER, 22 vormlter, 91 action, Douglas barrel, Foaen stock, Jaeger trigger, 10 power Unertl scope, sling. $150.
Brockport, NE 7-5684. a. p. m. stud services.
A AKC registered, WALLPAPER Sales: Half-price or jour Archer W. form store, less. 10,000 rolls. Room tots, $2 Rd.rCL 4-1884. neers ana Draftsmen ion ivpesi, Machinists.
Technicians, Mechanics, CASHIERING, stock, will-call, inventory. Experienced. References. grooming tables and station wagon dog crates. Distributor for Kraft Dog partment, Kilbourne rirtstorg etc.
Numerous openings, Jr. and jgilr' 7" vd. Deliver. HO FOR Sale: 3 two-horse trailers. BR 1-2970.
EAST PENFIELD: Grocery store. Ten-room living quarters, country setting. Must sell 1 Easy terms! Also pact time Snturdavs. vear around Babysitting. 325-54uy Food.
Ferae Kennels, 64y vosourgn, all fields. See us first for top loosi Perkins Agency, 17 Clinton Ave. S. Webster OS 1-4000. wmccl uwiii td 74738, evenings, wewenaj; movable feet rest.
Asking $100. 2-2557. 158 South Ave. Webster, TOP soil, OH dirt, bulldozer, loader, delivery service. Salary.
Married, bondable. Days, 71 Fernwood GOOD saddle Lusl, pony saddle. George Van Haneghan. LY 7-4996, CLEANING: Experienced, 6 hours, Tuesdays, Friday, $1.50 hourly. Panorama piaza taunaromui.
um DIRizio, with Country Squire Realty, BEAGLE, 13' male. 11 months. AKC ACCOUNTANTS, Jr. and Sr. Full evenings, Lu 4-7689.
IWi.Mwe w. Palmyra. registered. Gentle. ID 6-OJz.
FR 7-9942, rR 7-2534. ID 6-8893 or part time. up. potential. Krupka Agency, 625 Sibley Tower.
TCY Tnn cnHHlM peflturlna that 0 BEAGLE, female, male. Sell or COMPANION: Semi-Invalid woman. TOPSOIL: Rich ond black, over 10,000 yards. Any quantity of 5 yards or more You haul or we de CLOSE OUT SALE now Inverted tooled saddles. Priced trade for guns.
ID 4-4444. ACCOUNTANTS, Engineers, Sales, Live in, 4-3 govs, i-a o-vmi. REMINGTON 22 caliber. 257 Rob-erts, casings, dyes, scope strap. Savage 222, Springfield 22 cal-Iber.
Others. 68 Thorndole Terrace. LOOKING for 0 scope? Unerti, Weaver, Redfield, even Bushnell plilol scopes at Creekside Gun Shop, Holcomb. Nearly 1,000 guns, all guaranteed. Open weekdays 9-9, Sat.
10-6. Phone 315457-7919. Draftsmen, Mechanics, Technicians. from Your best buy for the money. Everything for the horse ond BEAGLES, AKC, 2 years.
$20 each. liver. FA 8-9860 COOK: Private home, odults preferred. $55 weekly. Write 440-MD Krupka Agency, 625 Sibley Tower.
FA 8-9710. TOP soli, rich, foamy; crushed stone; RFLIABLE man wonted for printing on platen and cylinder presses, some experience preferred. Paid ca-catlon ond benefits. Paul T. Freund Corporation, 1024 Garson HU 2-9510.
MEN, Immediately, mobile home production work. Apolv Ritl Craft Industries, 19 Masse Place, rider from clothes to bits, select This Newspaper, ACCOUNTANT-bookkeeper. Automo fill dirt, us two- from one of the states largest inventories Chain Tree Farm. Marlon, BEAGLES: male or female. AKC.
One year. Running. Newman, Llt- tive experience desirable. $5,200 up, Krupka Agency, 625 Sibley Tower. N.Y.
1-315-924-5743. Just a 20 minute tievine Avon, wa o-j IRONDEOUOIT: Fill dirt, top soil, lawn rolling, grading. HO 7-3755. oiru K.nrk trtmnil with neat mulch DAY work, also evenings, experl- enced. References.
ID 6-9089. DAY Work: $12 day plus bus fare. WANTED BY TEXACO 1 drive from Rochester, open aanv. I'll Trade Yea BOSTON terrier; female puppy, 10 ADMINISTRATIVE Trainees. Some evenings BU weeks, registered, beautiful.
college. Good potential. $90 up, Balavla added: screened, pulverized; state Well experienced, in 4-yuw. ni airiam Mnhln-" Ridina In BRIGHTON lot. 40 275', trade Anything of equal value.
DU 1-1477. 8-8617. Krupka Agency, 625 Sibley Tower. tested fa 8-36. DAY work, $12, or cleaning offices structions, Indoor and outdoor BOXER: 7-week-old fawn mall.
ASSEMBLERS; 2. Draftsmen; 3. Fruit Fruit Julees 82 nights, bxperiencea. own. MAN to work In warehouse, some experience, 5 days weekly, good salary.
See George Walker, 205 St. Paul St. BUMPER pool table be used recreation or bar room. Trade for 14mm AKC. CO 6-8530.
riding. Horses boarded. For sale, registered thoroughbred mare. On Methods engineer; 4. screw ma- DAY work: Well experienced.
Have ch ne operator; 5. Lathe: 6. no; Rochester distributor closing out on mowers, sweepers, golf carts ond many types of turf maintenance equipment. Many fantastic price reductions. For example: 1.
22" deluxe Pennsylvania self-propelled rotary mower, $99.95. 2. 24" Pennsylvania riding ro-torv, $179.95. 3. Colt 10 h.p.
tractor, $599. Come In, look over ths values and savel HAVERSTICK-TORO SALES CORP 45 FORD ST. ID 4-1130. prolector. ID 6 5361.
tario 315-524-9065. transportation. an iu nrw, APPLES, cider, potatoes: Bring containers. M. Kelly, Wilder Rd.
off Manitou, co*ckER puppy, 5 months old. AKC. Inoculated. Show dog breed. Buff.
Ready for breeding. Reasonable. NO 7. Multiple drills; 8. Plater.
Fuller PASTURE wanted with good fences DAY work, cleaning offices or homes, OLDS, 1962, plus cash for 1963-1964 Chevrolet. CL 4-1562. for heifers. Leon portvxa, tnurcn- Employment Agency 334 Pow, ers Bldg. HAVE openings for painter, carpenter, general maintenance and general park work.
Full or part time. References required. Wiilow Point 3-3565. A TOP-FLIGHT SERVICE STATION MANAGER Cameras, Supplies, Etc. 84 vjlle, 568-F-15, unuc Cornell alum.
DACHSHUND, male, 6 weeks old, PAIP nf rinonled ornv mares, ride BOOKKEEPERS. High school or little college. $70 Advancement. SPEED Graphic camera ond en-larger for aluminum or fiberglass fishing boot. )2'-14'.
CH 4 8637. nus. Free pickup, delivery. Refer pedigree from tamiiy ot pm win Park, OS 1-3881. CAMERAS, coins: We sell, buy, trade.
Complete line cameras, prelectors. Casslck, Bull's Head Plaza, ID 6-2400. ners. Black, lan marxings, iuu. Krupka Agency, 625 Sibley Tower.
ences. 657-6221. or drive. Reaistered quarter horse gelding, black mare. Roy Yorks, 2770 Clay Lima.
FR 7-4363 ARE vou looking for a position that offers on opportunity of management advancement and career USED car for asohalt driveway work of comparable value. Rovol Motors, HOUSEKEEPING, general work Experienced. Adults. City. Call Gl DRIVERS: All ages, experienced.
KruDka Aapnrv. ihlv Tnuupr KEYSTONE stide prolector, $20 DACHSHUNDS, miniatures, stan-dreds. AKC. 1743 Plank Road. Poultry, togs and Supplies 71 359 Mt.
Hope Lionel electric train set, so. nc 2-1900. "FACTORY Trainees: Excellent slarT- consulting firm nas Webster, TR 2-3834. ULUBfc z-post frame Nonioti Wearing Apparel tl noncial sales brfeding ducxs and chicks. Cus HOUSEKEEPER-Nurse: Experienced, Ing salary.
Agency fee paid by Weaver neadiignt tester; one tom hotchlng. 4257 Buffalo sMr, trailer chassis; 2 fuel oil tanks, city-suburban, excellent ENGLISH Sheepdog, 18 months old. Female. Registered. Well trained.
DRESSES, suits, summer, winter. 4-7. LEICA and 3 lenses, camera case, equipment cose. $350. Call NO company.
Contact Availability (agency), 1060 Sibley Tower, 454-3665. N. Chill. $5 each: oir compressor to ho. Write 4435P; mis newspaper.
Like new. Reasonable, fai z-yuv. NE 7-5739. 3-6277 HOUSEWORK: $1.50 hr bus fare. need for 3 sales trainees in 11 locai office.
$400 per month salary plus bonus starting with the training period, outstanding fringe benefits. For Interview oooointment, Miss Neelv, 546-4822 between 8:30 a.m.- IX MERCHANDISE motor; assortment Clinton engine lawnmower parts, belts, etc. CH FORMALS, size 10, $10 each. Semi- WE CAN NOW REWARD SUCH A MAN WITH A NO-RISK INVESTMENT A FULLY STOCKED BUSINESS A PROFITABLE OPPORTUNITY FOR APPOINTMENT rnuT.rr rorfrt EVANS GERMAN Shepherd: 4 weeks, pure MOVIE film rentol library Hi mm 454-6561. wnite, expenenieu.
FIELD Representative: Office machines. Travel eastern half of U.S.A. High school and military complete, arai future, all exrene nnid nlus tormais ill, S6 eacn. forty oresi, bred. S35-S5U, 401 SI.
raui Divo. 4-0278. 7S Articles tor Sale Kodak supplies, upen aanv (7). $5. GL 8-0859.
Sundays, week MEDICAL technologist. AAS degree this June. Age 20. Any shift. Ex- GERMAN Shepherd: AKC, spayed fe Movie Town, 599 tjueijarr 5 P.m D.lll.
days after 4 r- male, 7 montns, S5U. tu -iur. perienced. LU 6-0w POLAROID Pathfinder Model 120, Imnm tliiaf inlrl llaftt. flflSfl EXPERT P.qno Reflrtiiff Fritz.
454-5484; Snelllna and Snelllna OFFICE cleaning, part time, evenings. ACETYLENE: $99.50 buvs a special full size welding ond cutting outfit complete; time payments if desired. Welding Supply 510 State 325-4730. USED riding mowers, $75 up. Used Lawn Boy rotary, 2 years old.
Used Rototiller. Other new and used lawn and garden equipment. Trades accepted. Wehner Mower Yard Equipment, 2321 Rldgeway Ave. GL 8-4923.
Agency, 335 Main St. E. dttachment, light meter. Like new. 5-aav weex.
tau mr. gu 544-3883, Levis Music Store, 412 GERMAN Shepherd puppies, purebred, $25. NE 7-3491. 2431 Colby, Brockport. eterences.
can jo-wqj. $150. GL 8-9464; Main FINAL Assembly Trainee: Shop gradl Perkins Agency, 17 Clinton S. HOUSEWIFE, young college grad desires several hours work weekly. Rrinhton-Pitttford vicinity.
Ex GERMAN Shepherd, female, black and silver, six months, spayed, ID 6-7630, OR EVENINGS, HU 2-8413 MOVIE camera, automatic I Kodak. Perfect condition. $25. Call NO 3-5590. FORMALS, variety of colors, 14-18.
Worn once. $10 each. Scout urn- form, $5. CL 4-2231, FORMALS, 2 white, $15 each. 3 co*cktail dresses, $10 eoch.
Excellent, size 12. Fl 2-7994. GIRLS' dresses: Short formals, while, rose, size white, pink flowers, size blue, size 11. Floor length, white, size 13. 414 Victor-Holcomb WA 4-3012 BASEBOARD hot water heating, save 50, Install It yourself, check our price on the famous Hydro-therm.
25 vear guarantee cast Iron INVENTORY-General Office iobs, little typing, $4,000 up. Potential. Krupka Agency, 625 Sibley Tower. shots. $50 365 sawyer si.
perienced teaching, typing, billing, BROWN air compressors, spray guns, hose, regulators. Berghorn, 544 W. Main. ncDUAM thnhfrri. fema e.
switchboard, tiling, receptionist. nppnPTUNiTiES in franchising to hot water heating boiler and base bookkeeolno. txceiient reiereiH-oj, months, registered. $85. CO 6-1310.
be your own bossl Write for free POLAROID camera, used, model 800, also new model 101, $98; model 95, J66, $39.95. Film at big savings. Naum Write 823ME, This Newspaper. PACKING, Inspection, 3 shifts, over age 23, $100 week up. Fee paid.
Krupka Agency, 625 Sibely Tower. CITIZENS Band, Transceiver, Lafayette, HE-20C, like new, 100. EX 2-2120. GOLDEN Retriever puppies: Registered. Wormed, shots.
423 Bouck- board radiation. Free pian ana installation instructions for your lob, Klefer's, 1062 N. Clinton Fl 2-3440, dally Saturdays till one. list, Including among otners: errand bov. Fountain Fresh Fudge, IRONING, mending, curtains, city 2323 Ridge Kd.
un avjjx pick-UP. LI 4-1908, B- 3-4WO- haart, oft fc, Kiaoe. Randall's rental. Mark chemical. AMBITIOUS man willing to learn fiberglass lavuo trade.
Wil train. Apply Town Boat 607 W. Com-mercial East Rochester. COLLEGE Men and teachers (3): Applications now being token for summer work while our men are on vacation. Earn their high steady commissions on our Fuller Brush sales routes, LU 6-0788.
THREE men with sales ability to leorn home modernization business. Excellent training program. Car not necessary. Good, saiory Plus bonus to start. Apply 10 a.m.-! p.m.
Tobin 571 Lake Ay SATIN wedding gown, white gradu QUALITY Control: (Photographic), $80. Krupka Agency, 625 Sibley Tower. cicTCPM.uenr-nlri alrl seeks sum RATHROOM formica vanities. $59.95. Partake.
1062 Sibley Tower. KITTENS: Beautiful. Free for good MODERN bathroom fixtures, white tub, shower and toilet, $30; also stainless steel double drain kitchen ation dress, size 12. Excellent con ASAHI-Pentax SV. All automatic lens, case ond extras.
One year oW. Value over $1,000, bargain at $500. home. 536 josepn, 3j-3ojt. MEN'S, Boys' wear shop: Lifetime Bathtubs, basins, water closets, automatic heaters, check our low mer baDv sitting, aavs Experienced.
References. BE 5-4306. dl tl onutltJ65Jja3JM. YOUNG lady's assorted clothes, sizes SHIPPING and stock lobs, to $85. LABRADOR retrievers, AKC regis.
sink, $20. GL 81363 opportunity. Funy equippea, fixtures, stock. $10,000. NO Krupka Agency, 625 Sibley Tower.
Calieyenings oniy. iw qiicij Dr ces on our complete line ot auol cm 1 tim. onrt time bookkeeper. tered, 201 Long kq. on iuo.
Itu nlumbina fixtures before vou ENLARGER, Argus 35 mm, complete 10-12. 133 Randolph. on Ave. need to trial balance, typ 3-2540. CO 6-7298, evenings mai Tf (P mmnies: Tinv white pedl HAND made afghan, all wool bed size; pink, orchid, and white.
Phone 454-7521. buy anywhere. Klefer's, 1062 Clinton witn lens, siu. uu o-jqtv. SUPERVISOR for route men, no experience, will train.
$5,700 up. Krupka Agency, 625 Sibley Tower. ing, shorthand, Greece-Northside FULLY equipped taxi cab, Includ greed. Also stud service, il Ave. N.
Fl 2-3440, oal IV SPEED Grade couoled range Citv preferred. References, nu MINIATURE Schnauzer, female, 5 TWO formals, size 9, $5 each. Winter skjrts, size 7-10, $2-up. Sportswear, 5c-up. Summer, winter dresses, 7-10, Saturdavs till one.
ing taxi permit, froteciea franchise. Sacrifice due to Illness. FA 3-2997. BAILEY Employment Service, a na- TWIN bed frames, chest, used. Ironer electric stove, Very reasonable.
CO 6-35S5, montns, ears croppea, snuu, un finder. Kodak synenro uu snuner, Graflex 200 shutter, orafic master gun, four Inch and seven Inch re tiona aaencv. "See Ba ev rst. 8-3852. BARBER chair, Kochs, reconditioned.
Mr. B'S, CH 4-5010, CO 5-5935. $l-up. As is. Nu 3-5240.
DEPENDABLE, experienced, retired InunllH rnr Or DODV Sit. administrative, sales, technical, 1255 miniatures Sdinauzers; 8 weeks, DAVID Bradley garden troctor, cul- 6-1797. flectors, tive noiaeri never uu. Sibley Tower, 232-5176. Afternoons, evenings.
Saturdavs, Sun- AKC registered, shots. 2600 Lake rail film pack, ground Western Flyer bicycle, $40. MEN suits, $20, lackets, $10. 42-44 long, perfect condition. After 11 BR 1 6538.
dovs. Write BZlSt; mis newspaper. ALLING Personnel One of the Ontario, n.y. nin hnrk. case.
23 Kodak filters, English, 416 Victor-Holcomb Rd. WA 4-3012. nation lending technical and ex Situations Wanted Dl crrpen. nil rinse uo lenses CABINS to be removed from property, singles, 12x16, doubles, 12x24. Complete.
Used for motel. Reasonable. Ontario, N.Y. 524-8578, after 5. A BLUE CHIP INVESTMENT PEKINGESE: Young adults, male MEN wanted for warehouse work, high school graduates, steady work with reliable company.
Frlnae benefits. Reply stating Dartlculars as to previous employment. Write 976SH, This ewspgper. PART time. We need 3 ambitious men for electrical sales.
Available evenings and Saturdavs. Absolutely no experience necessary. Earn extremely high commission Plus $170 monthly saiarv. CL 4-2370. f2A Purs JANITROL hot air gas furnace, 180rlpiu Kodak retina reflex III, 19 and female.
Excellent type. Lnom Mala 53 ecutlve search firms. Services restricted to professional placement In the fields of: Engineering, Physical rmn rtii. siso. Brvant hot water like new pion sire.
$100 each, lu o-uju. boiler, 180,000 BTU, $175. Both. lnlromDlete $330. Call 2-1 P.m.
ID CHAIN Saws. Homelite pumps, gen PERSIAN kittens, silvers. Personality pets with show possibilities. NO erators. New-used.
5a es, service. excellent condition. Royal 9S rentals. John Feathers, Homelite BARTENDER; presently employed, 8 years. Clean, neat.
Consider self hustler. Mixed drinks, top references. Interested only in the best employment. Write 824SE, This Newspaper. Sciences, Finance, Administration, on a fee paid nation-wide basis.
We Invite professional Inquiry in complete confidence. Positions available from with wide carriage, $20. Riaing town, -lT- nm, U5 3-5929. mower, need minor repair, $50, ci lenses and cases. Excellent dealer, 4135 W.
Henrietta ED 4-3480. Dnnni PC mininturft. also toVS OS 1-1367. $9,000 to 00.000. Hours AKC; Western New York's largest SULLIVAN Furriers: Fine new furs.
Also repair. Remodeling. 50 Moulson. SILVER blue mink stole, $200. Canadian wild mink locket, $200.
Ex- cellent condition. CH 4-9530. GIRLS' dresses, suits, lumpers, coal, etc. $1 up. Ages 12-16.
Like new. BR 1-0036, LETOUT muskrat lacket, size 14) practically new, $250. 2244 East condition, siio. uu LARGE selection used cameras, 9-5; eves by 17 Clinton "HOMELITE" chain saws: Large selection used saws, parts, service. CHEVROLET, 1954, 1'A-ton dump, motor, rubber good.
Power roller. oreeders. see tnese ana see ins best studs at service. Green's Farms, Rochester, n.y. 546-2470.
BOOKKEEPER-Office Manager. Complete set subsidiaries, general ledger through triol balance. Also pay roll and related costs. 10 years Knapp 8. Trou, FQirpon, fr mys Tools.
325-464. 392 txenange. Leica KOlieicora in, II Exokta IIA, Retina MIC. Rowe, Batavia, Koute rinmore j-juu TRAINEES: Management, Drafting, Open 9-9. Terms.
Adiuster, Office, Sales, Factory, 203 w. wain. IMMEDIATE SALES OPPORTUNITY POODLE puppies, AKC, pedigreed, varied experience. References, res ELECTRIC rebound shuffle board. Sell or Install in restaurant, tavern, etc.
Originally $400. Sacrifice $300. Excellent condition. ED 4-5379. Mechanical, stock, etc.
Fast service! CHILD'S dresser, record cabinet, maple stained; Webcor record changer; 2 food mixers; 2 wood screen doors, unfitted; aluminum HAHN Comera Exchange will trade nn. trnde down, or exchange. 308 ume. Write 444 MH, This Newspaper. snots; reasonable; aiso groomnm.
Perkins Agency, 17 Clinton Ave, Lfi 4-sozu, iz-z weenaoyi. FA 8-6319. nrlvlna Pk near Dewey; CL 4-5705. mechanical aptitude -shower sta smantied; evenings. 93 onr-iKi iinnll: niso aroomlna.
Wanted To Buy earn varous trades. Potential 361 Westchester Avenue. GRAVELY garden tractor With equipment. UN $-1859 or NO 3-9770. LE BEAU Photo Shops: 475 Lyell turn nH 1117 Tiilver Rd.
Complete all other breeds. Poodle Parlor Krupka Agency, 625 Sibley Tower. DISTRIBUTION Center Manager with Inventory control, buying and sales management background seeks opportunity with rated aggressive firm. Write 448SD, This Newspaper ALUMINUM, lunk batteries, furnoces, co*kE machine. Like new.
First $40. Radio, T.V. Company sponsored. A high prestige and profitable baby merchandise business of your own in becoming a distributor member of this fine old line established organization, you will secure your future for life. I WILL PROVE IT TO YOU.
Only $4,650.00 merchandise Investment will earn you an excellent monthly Income supervising and manging direct delivery program. No experience required. Complete factory training. Investment fully secured. For appointment write Mr.
Glenn, 323 W. 5th Street, Erie, Pennsylvania or call 814-LA. 7-52)4. NO DOOR TO DOOR SELLING Pet Shop. Dewey-Latta piaza, ma stock of Photo supplies for amateur TRAINEES: Drafting, adiuster, of metals, rags; pickup, puoitsky, 4199 Culver Rd.
fice. 5a es, mecnanicoi, stock. and professional, 232-3673. 1 -307O; pnnni FS: Brown miniatures. AKC BUILDING coming down: Selling Smith-Corona electric office ma chine $125 latest model, Underwood Krupka Agency, 625 Sibley Tower.
FN. till 9 GARDENER. Also cement work. Call 454-7333 after 5 p.nv See to appreciate. Reasonable.
DOLLS, 4 old Boudoir tvoe. Excellent condition. Reasonable. 275 Beach Ave. After Monday PART time, student, mochlne repair APARTMENT ranges, refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, dressers, chests; comolet household; Want: Cameras, Supplies 84A electric adder ana suotractor BU 8-5665.
trainee, noon-5 p.m. Krupka ot Army 51 Mom St. E. DROP cloths, taroaullns, truck cov KODAK: Old model 14 mm movie POODLE, brown, miniature. Regis Agency, 625 Sibley Tower.
full value paid. 325-9488. ers: new selections: stock size made camera, bu eoo. tered. Stud service, tsu -tou TWO double modern Fold Doors, $20.
Royal Portable sewing machine, like GARDENING, raking, complete lown care. Dependable worker. Call CL 4-4317. MAINTENANCE: Lawns at Its best. Seeding, fertilizing, shrubs.
325-7128. ARBOR Vlffle lunTper, white birch RETIREES: Otfice, Posting, Tvelng. $70. Krupka Agcv, 625 Sibley Tow, to order. Also moving pads.
Have after 5 Wanted Hobbies 8SA trees wanted. Evenings, HU 2-9880. new, $20. bu a-u i. lust received new shipment, eacn.
L. Atkins Sons. 478 Oak SL Large national company seeking man over 22 for direct sales position In Rochestr area. Applicant should be neat appearing, ambitious ond Interested in advancing Into management. This Is a vear round business.
(Nursery Products with no off seasons. Existing established accounts In area. Man selected will be given thorough product and field training. Salary plus commissions. For a confidential Interview please call Mr.
Turner, CH 4-3230. Monday and Tuesday. POODLES: Black, also silver litter. Wormed, Innoculated. 2101 Manltou CLOTHING; appliances, furniture.
MARKUS Coin Shop. Open dally. POLAROID Land Comera, 95-A color ond flash attachment, refrigerator 6 cu. one 760x15 tire and Coins pouont-soia. boo ji.
PAINTING: Available May 15 thru June 15. Reasonable. BR 1-0713. Rd TV's, stoves, refrigerators. Bargain Center, 232-5005.
8b MAIL us your resume If you cannot phone or come In for on appointment. We'll take It from there and start action on your behalf, bosed on your guide lines. Men witr top executive background will work for and with you. Tosco Associates, Diamonds wheel for Bulck, 15 wheels for POODLES: 7 weeks old. Miniature.
Registered. TRUCK Driver: Class 1 license. Wlll- DIAMONDS, watches, gold silver, U.S. coins. Too B'lce.
Fe'rare Chevrolet, 232-5493, ELECTRIC supplies and 1001 lighting fixtures on display; closeouts on air-conditioners, de-humldlfiers, ond summer fans. Cash ond carry saves you money. Empire Electric Supply, cornel Lyell and Dewey. Open Tuesday 'til 9. CL 4-9381.
CASH for diamonds, gold. P. ingand able. 232-5U0. onnnl ct Drnfcinnnl arOOmlnQ, iri Tttm A rlne J.
hn nhri far. Watch shop, Me sioiey iowr. Soeclol 'miniatures, toys, $4. MA JflV I 'I' tlpff word; reverse. Starts easily.
Jewelers, appraisers, 12 Main St. W. JUNK: Clean attics, cellars. Ftirnu r-ASU far vour diamonds, eld gold, WINDOWS washed. Storms removed, screens put up.
Reasonable. ID 6-1531. 1-3343. Agency. 203 Tnangie Bunainn Rochester 4, New York, 716-325-2190 NEW to this area: Mobile soft nanam nign arms, cxlchwh ijihji-tion.
Moving to Calif. $250. Spencer- ture, accumulations. Carting. Call onnnl Tnu AAnle.
White. pretzel units, lull or part time antique lewelrv, gold coins. See Irv Weisbuch at Burke's Jewelers, it nintan Ave (Manaaer Hotel, 454-3849. FLUORESCENT Industrial on ntt. 17 S10: also roto UPGRADE your Income! There has months." Shots.
Williamson, IT STEADY Dosltlon: Experienced young Financing. Lease Plan. Associated port, 3V4-YUIJ mon. Art pasteup, mechanicals, Industries, P.O. Box 7412.
Westridge 9-2336. tiller, electric stove. GL H669. main entrance). Phone 325-5240.
Eitate Articles For Rent 7SA PIANO wanted: Will nay full value. Goldman, CO 6-8219. never been a better time to investigate the many opportunities now available, both locally and na Station, Rochester design. Silk Screen printing, darkroom, screen making. Clerical.
HO 7-2722. POODLE puppies, toys, miniatures, some older, stud service. CO 4- FORMICA sheet stock, odd pieces. nnH ti.i I chwttt Metnl mouldlna and EXPERIENCED man for work on dolry farm. Must be able to milk nnet rtin mnrhlrrv Good POWER tillers for sale or tionally.
We try harder to serve PORCH Glider wonted, three-cushion, In good shape. CH 4-1057 eves. Machinery and Tools 87 rent. Bucknor Miller, 171 Philips 3040. glue.
daily; 9-12 Saturdays. you. Try us ana seet AvaimDi'itv. HILTON area: Completely equipped 3 year old meat market, grocery plus 6 room apartment on busy hlohwav. 20 minutes from Rochester waoes.
free rent, milk, meat ond Rd Webster. OS 1-2775, products, 440 at. raui at. Agency, 1000 sioiey rower, 4M-joto POODLE: Black miniature, male, 10 months. Excellent, papers, good AIR compressors for sole.
Various sizes. Reasonable prices. George CONTRACTORS' equipment: Air TELEVISIONS bought, ony condition. Rochestter Television, 1502 Clifford, Fl 2-7330. SCOTT Associate (Agency) local and ATTORNEY, retired.
Seeks full or part-time position. Specialized In finance, including Installment sales, credit management, corporate prac-i tlces ond meetings. Phone MA 1-2532. egos. Insuronce, paid vocation.
References required, Phone Richard Wyffels, Conondoigua 394-2107, with children. Inexpensive. LI 4-2086 Tenny iu r-uyi, im. GARDEN troctor, good working condition with attachments, 1 hand mower, Jacobsen Lawn Queen, 21- 455' frontage, 3 acres land. $80, Off yearly gross business.
Illness forces compressors, pumps, tuoular steel scaffolding, mixers, etc. For sale or rent Kevttone Builders Supply national opportunities exist now! Call 546-5595 for a confidential Inter POODLE: Beautiful bnwn vear old ASPHALT Trucks: Roller, trailer, USED adding machine, typewriter) manual or electric. CH 4-9167, TOOLMAKER apprentice for mold view to discuss your future. 607 Inch power mower. 157 Averni Ave.
sale, open to otters, sam imourgia Model House Realty, EX 2-9434. mole, fflimature. am. uu very reosonapie. oj vermom 31 GL 8-5442.
work, Mohawk Tool ana oie MAN, 26, non-drinker, reliable. $250 starting saiory. Full time only. Temple Bldg. daaKi nnnni: Anrlcot.
cream ASPHALT Rollers: Any size, rent or HEATING oil tank, 275 gal. Good WANTED: Good used furniture, ap ESTABLISH vour own business. FuM 25 utter St. miniatures. Inoculated.
AKC. DU EXECUTIVE Placement Corporation Write BI55E This Newspaper. condition, sio. us pliances, household items casn, 4M 1783. ALL types electric power tools.
Schoenheit, 405 Norton HO 7-0837. sell. Rental purcnase pian avail, nhi Wnrren asnhalt spreaders, alu or port time. Buy direct one of the finest soft drinks and sell direct 1-7819. TOOL and die makers, first class, excellent hourly rate, fringe bene HOSPITAL beds, wheel chairs.
Rent Agency, since 1925. Aaministra-tlve, technical ond sales. 715 Sibley IMMEDIATELY available: Engineers-designers, electrical mechanical pnnr.i minoies. tovs. miniatures mlnum campers, rakes, shovels, nr nther tvses Of ck room fits.
Permanent. Yawmon 8, Erbe Tower 454-1424. Books and Periodicals 76 to consumers. Exclusive territory HU 2-7313. registered.
Whites, blacks, silvers. eniiinmant. rental only pennies a WANTED: Wire wheels to fit Trl-umph TR-3. Healev, MGA will fit. Also need hardtop for TR-3.
Call BE 5-8750. wheel barrels, Rochester Road Equip, ment, 139 Central Park ADELE M. Holmes Selective Per Bargains! Stud service, khivm model makers, tool ond die makers, electrical motor winders. Willing fo relocate In Florida. Write 822SE, day.
Monroe surgical, momw, NEW 1965 edition of Encvclonaedlo Manufacturing use Campbell St. entrance off Glide St. Eoual opportunity employer, MUST sell. Soft drink business. In sonnel Service (Agency), 42 East NO 3-8094.
546-8595. Parking lot rear ot store. mil 1 nr7FR. TD-14 onale blade. Britannic, information on our new eludes active accounts, automatic Ave, Engineering, tinonce, executive.
tnis newspaper. book-a-montn Plan. 546-3U84 KITCHEN Exhaust Hoods: Clearance CASH for china, furniture, antiques, glass, silver, accumulations. Henri- POODLES puppies: AKC. Lovable pets.
Inoculated. $75. 156 Dalkeith TRAINEE for porter work In house Good under-carrlaoe. $2,500. Francisco Construction, Canandaigua, 394- bottling equipment, trucks, stoinies' iteel svruo tanks, etc.
Down Pay VI FINANCIAL Bulldlnq Materials 77 etto Trading Post, ED 4-5078. Help Wanted Male, Female Rd. ment $5,000. Balance terms. Call 6388 Sale, sizes ju-in.
to solid stainless steel; complete wl lan, 50 off list. Movnard's Electric 50 ai HAAiKIIIM rnrruaated sheet, dia HU 2-7313 Sunday, weekdays. Business Opportunities 54. hri7FP I nnder International T-6, keeping ona dietary oepanmenu. Only reliable persons desiring full time permanent positions need apply.
References required. Apply Highland Hoso.toi, Monday through mond embossed, 4 xl0'xl2'. Roch OLD attic accumulation: Frames, curios, china, etc Lennon, CL 4-8341. POODLE Shop, original, 1770 Ridge Rd E. Poodle show clips.
Toy, minmtiir stud service. Professional COOK wanted, live In, Ontario Cen Supply, state mq-qu "PROFIT For a real boost $1,500. Heavy duty Touralde trailer BANK: Insuronce location: 19.000 ester iron Metal, 309 St. Paul. ter Hotel, Ontario Center Rd.
Call hitch, $25. MA 1-3008. grooming, all breeds. F. DiSano, LAWN Mowers: Early Bird special on new and used gas, electric, rotary ond reels.
Fully guaranteed. LA 4-9624. in. Thu'sdOY In profits, discover the growing demand for soft Ice cream, using Taylor Machine. Information call or write: National Restaurant Supply, rags, metals.
Carl service. HI) BARN: Demolish or move. Plenty of good lumber for any use. Located In North Chill area. For complete RACK truck.
Good condition. To carry 0-4 dozer. $1,200. UN H830 CO 4-8560. FOOD Preparation and Steam Table: dally traffic count, center ot west-side Industries, opposite Rllter's, two family house, parking, additional property available.
425 West ID 4-4650. 2-4752, POODLE: Sfud service, toy 6 lbs 40 hours no Sundays. Kramer's TRUCK Driver. Experienced In handling furniture. Apply Flonigan's, 13 Conai St.
See Mr. Welnsteln. Trades accented. Fred Mower sery Ice, 252 Cypress BR 1-3690. days.
UN 3-ovyi, information pnone ly e-ysu. White champion lines. ik j-jtdo. Restaurant pmstord Ploid. 72 E.
2nd Oswego, n.y. Move up to better living. Find the right home today in classified HSI milium iluiu.